Real talk man, don't even bother explaining your arguing with women. They will take your argument and twist it into whatever they want to no matter how many times you protest.
If you know you're not bitter, no need to explain yourself. No matter how much you try, they'll be like, "Well you've been hurt. Well you're afraid to experience love," yada yada. If bitter is not feeling angry, but rather relaxed about not having to raise another man's child, pay alimony so another man can reap the benefits off of what I"m paying for, or just being swindled for favors by unappreciative women, then shoot, I'm bitter all day.
lol I've actually had a woman tell me i was possessed when she asked me where I'd take a woman I just met and I said Popeyes. The sense of entitlement these women have in this day and age is unbelievable, and the vast majority of it stems from simps gassing them up and hitting them with the TI, talking about, "Shawty you can have whatever you like."
These females actually think their presence or their company is worthy of receiving free meals at high class restaurants without even knowing or having the exclusivity with the dude. Nah, that's a no-go. If you've been down with me, loyal to me and all of that, sure, I'll take MY woman who is proven to be about me, to a fancy restaurant... but some girl I just met who has the audacity to demand me tricking out on her? She's out her mind.
What's a trip is that these females don't appreciate receiving free things. They actually believe they DESERVE it and will act indignant if they feel it's not up to their standards... as if they are really bringing something to the table to justify that. Most men, if a woman bought them a McDonalds meal, would be mad appreciative, like whoa, babygirl actually had enough generosity to pay for my meal. But you do that for some woman and she'll act like you offended her... that is if she's one of those women that like what you do for her instead of liking you. But if a negro want to fall into that sucker business of buying a woman $80 dinners and have her disappear on him to really deal with a dude she likes for free, be my guest.
That is why going out to dinner and paying for anything predictable: a no go for a successful date or relationship.