Essential Quick Lil Gems on Dealing with Women

Wild self

The Black Man will prosper!
Jun 20, 2012
Real talk man, don't even bother explaining your arguing with women. They will take your argument and twist it into whatever they want to no matter how many times you protest.

If you know you're not bitter, no need to explain yourself. No matter how much you try, they'll be like, "Well you've been hurt. Well you're afraid to experience love," yada yada. If bitter is not feeling angry, but rather relaxed about not having to raise another man's child, pay alimony so another man can reap the benefits off of what I"m paying for, or just being swindled for favors by unappreciative women, then shoot, I'm bitter all day.

lol I've actually had a woman tell me i was possessed when she asked me where I'd take a woman I just met and I said Popeyes. The sense of entitlement these women have in this day and age is unbelievable, and the vast majority of it stems from simps gassing them up and hitting them with the TI, talking about, "Shawty you can have whatever you like."

These females actually think their presence or their company is worthy of receiving free meals at high class restaurants without even knowing or having the exclusivity with the dude. Nah, that's a no-go. If you've been down with me, loyal to me and all of that, sure, I'll take MY woman who is proven to be about me, to a fancy restaurant... but some girl I just met who has the audacity to demand me tricking out on her? She's out her mind.

What's a trip is that these females don't appreciate receiving free things. They actually believe they DESERVE it and will act indignant if they feel it's not up to their standards... as if they are really bringing something to the table to justify that. Most men, if a woman bought them a McDonalds meal, would be mad appreciative, like whoa, babygirl actually had enough generosity to pay for my meal. But you do that for some woman and she'll act like you offended her... that is if she's one of those women that like what you do for her instead of liking you. But if a negro want to fall into that sucker business of buying a woman $80 dinners and have her disappear on him to really deal with a dude she likes for free, be my guest.

That is why going out to dinner and paying for anything predictable: a no go for a successful date or relationship.

Rocket Scientist

May 5, 2012
High IQ
I remember I had this call center job some years back. There was this fine hood rat who worked there. She wasn't hood rat by appearance, but I got the scoop on her from other cats who worked there before me, plus she had a kid. Now this chick always had nice clothes, jewelry, and she drove a Benz. Now the job paid ok, but enough where you could afford a Benz, plus for those who work in call centers (specifically sales type), the job has a high turnover. I think I only worked with her a month before she was gone (don't know how long she worked there before I got hired). I just figured some simp/sugar daddy was buying her shyt.

She was using child support payments and had a simp buying stuff for her. Women will always be taken care of. No matter how broke or rich they are,they will always be provided for. If it aint a brotha,it will be an organization etc...
Jun 15, 2012
I've seen a lot of good advice in this thread and some I don't agree with. Wanted to add my two cents on a topic. Some of the same posters saying not to get attached to females are also saying they check their girl's phone, email, and other private information. There's a huge irony in that. Snooping to that level is obsessive behavior and if you weren't attached to the girl you wouldn't be doing it. And you should never be obsessed for a successful relationship to happen. What's worse, females can pick up on that obsessive, jealous vibe and it will destroy your chance to build trust. Would you respect a female for snooping through your personal things? I wouldn't, so don't expect the same in return.

Trust is important in a relationship, mostly coming from her side. You should be getting your girl to trust you as early as possible. The only way to do this is direct communication. I'll talk to a female in a relaxed, easy-going manner and learn everything about her to the point she feels she can say anything to me. I've found out tons of shady things about females just by making them feel comfortable around me. The thing about having to resort to spying on her is that you haven't built that level of trust with her and any shady shyt she does in the future she will be doing her best to hide it from you. She won't have any respect for you.


Jun 19, 2012
The 215
Real talk man, don't even bother explaining your arguing with women. They will take your argument and twist it into whatever they want to no matter how many times you protest.

If you know you're not bitter, no need to explain yourself. No matter how much you try, they'll be like, "Well you've been hurt. Well you're afraid to experience love," yada yada. If bitter is not feeling angry, but rather relaxed about not having to raise another man's child, pay alimony so another man can reap the benefits off of what I"m paying for, or just being swindled for favors by unappreciative women, then shoot, I'm bitter all day.

lol I've actually had a woman tell me i was possessed when she asked me where I'd take a woman I just met and I said Popeyes. The sense of entitlement these women have in this day and age is unbelievable, and the vast majority of it stems from simps gassing them up and hitting them with the TI, talking about, "Shawty you can have whatever you like."

These females actually think their presence or their company is worthy of receiving free meals at high class restaurants without even knowing or having the exclusivity with the dude. Nah, that's a no-go. If you've been down with me, loyal to me and all of that, sure, I'll take MY woman who is proven to be about me, to a fancy restaurant... but some girl I just met who has the audacity to demand me tricking out on her? She's out her mind.

What's a trip is that these females don't appreciate receiving free things. They actually believe they DESERVE it and will act indignant if they feel it's not up to their standards... as if they are really bringing something to the table to justify that. Most men, if a woman bought them a McDonalds meal, would be mad appreciative, like whoa, babygirl actually had enough generosity to pay for my meal. But you do that for some woman and she'll act like you offended her... that is if she's one of those women that like what you do for her instead of liking you. But if a negro want to fall into that sucker business of buying a woman $80 dinners and have her disappear on him to really deal with a dude she likes for free, be my guest.
I agree with the whole post but the bold I tell my friends all the time (instead it'll be ihop lol) and they say I'm tripping. Like you said once you shown you down for me just like my closest friends, fam, you can get all that extra treatment. Just like the avg chick like to say things like "just because you bought me dinner doesn't entitle you to sex" I'm like cool but "just because you went out with me doesn't entitle me to pay for it" Then thats when folks become "traditional again.


No nikkas!
May 2, 2012
I've seen a lot of good advice in this thread and some I don't agree with. Wanted to add my two cents on a topic. Some of the same posters saying not to get attached to females are also saying they check their girl's phone, email, and other private information. There's a huge irony in that. Snooping to that level is obsessive behavior and if you weren't attached to the girl you wouldn't be doing it. And you should never be obsessed for a successful relationship to happen. What's worse, females can pick up on that obsessive, jealous vibe and it will destroy your chance to build trust. Would you respect a female for snooping through your personal things? I wouldn't, so don't expect the same in return.

Trust is important in a relationship, mostly coming from her side. You should be getting your girl to trust you as early as possible. The only way to do this is direct communication. I'll talk to a female in a relaxed, easy-going manner and learn everything about her to the point she feels she can say anything to me. I've found out tons of shady things about females just by making them feel comfortable around me. The thing about having to resort to spying on her is that you haven't built that level of trust with her and any shady shyt she does in the future she will be doing her best to hide it from you. She won't have any respect for you.

i agree dude... im not down with the snooping shyt... won't lead to anything productive ever, and it won't make me trust her any more anyway cause who's to say she didnt already delete her shyt... I just follow my gut and pay attention... if i feel like something is foul i'll just dip out, fukk i need proof for?


I think very deeply
May 4, 2012
[ame=]Video: Why Men Are Azzholes [Vlog][/ame]


May 6, 2012
it's a spectrum of different opinions, values and goals on here. Doesn't mean that any of them are wrong or right as long as they are founded in principle and make sense within a code.

for some people, the goal, is to have a successful relationship with a woman and build with her exclusively (and reach happiness)

for some, happiness is fukking lots of girls and having different girls fill different roles.

and then there's everything in between with different spins and angles. none of it is necessarily wrong. Disagreeing is cool but let's keep in mind that we don't all have the same goals.


follower of Jesus
May 2, 2012
We're not saying to not get attached or to have no feelings for women. We're saying to not get TOO attached, meaning you're so emotionally caught up in her that you aren't able to boot her if she starts acting up. There's no point to a relationship if you don't have any feelings for the girl, but it gets very dangerous when you allow your emotions to grow to such an extent that you 'can't do without her'.

In regards to the whole 'snooping thing', nobody is suggesting to always be up in there running through her phone everyday, hyperanalyzing her every move. but you better verify what she is doing when you're not around. Several cats here found out women they were dealing with were lying to them by checking their twitters and seeing that the story she presented didn't exactly match up to what she was really doing. If you don't mind completely wasting years of your life and getting tore up in the court system, then sure, don't bother verifying whether your woman is really who she presents herself as. Trust isn't nearly as important in a relationship as trustworthiness. When both parties are trustworthy, trust develops as does a strong relationship...But you can easily have a trust, and get screwed over way more than you should. Trust needs to be verified before given. Just look at the story posted on reddit about the guy whose girl was seeing a childhood friend. Look at the women and simps telling him to 'trust his girl'... and look at what ended up really happening. If you want to get screwed over, go ahead and trust without verifying.


Louder than words
May 9, 2012
Vice City
it's a spectrum of different opinions, values and goals on here. Doesn't mean that any of them are wrong or right as long as they are founded in principle and make sense within a code.

for some people, the goal, is to have a successful relationship with a woman and build with her exclusively (and reach happiness)

for some, happiness is fukking lots of girls and having different girls fill different roles.

and then there's everything in between with different spins and angles. none of it is necessarily wrong. Disagreeing is cool but let's keep in mind that we don't all have the same goals.

thats on point. life is full of different people with different goals and beliefs. some things work for some people and some things dont.

as with anything, you have to take what works and makes sense for you, and apply it. the rest isnt your concern. :smugbiden:


May 6, 2012
We're not saying to not get attached or to have no feelings for women. We're saying to not get TOO attached, meaning you're so emotionally caught up in her that you aren't able to boot her if she starts acting up. There's no point to a relationship if you don't have any feelings for the girl, but it gets very dangerous when you allow your emotions to grow to such an extent that you 'can't do without her'.

In regards to the whole 'snooping thing', nobody is suggesting to always be up in there running through her phone everyday, hyperanalyzing her every move. but you better verify what she is doing when you're not around. Several cats here found out women they were dealing with were lying to them by checking their twitters and seeing that the story she presented didn't exactly match up to what she was really doing. If you don't mind completely wasting years of your life and getting tore up in the court system, then sure, don't bother verifying whether your woman is really who she presents herself as. Trust isn't nearly as important in a relationship as trustworthiness. When both parties are trustworthy, trust develops as does a strong relationship...But you can easily have a trust, and get screwed over way more than you should. Trust needs to be verified before given. Just look at the story posted on reddit about the guy whose girl was seeing a childhood friend. Look at the women and simps telling him to 'trust his girl'... and look at what ended up really happening. If you want to get screwed over, go ahead and trust without verifying.
I see what yall are saying and i definitely that trust should be earned. There seem to be two approaches here.

You could check on your investments if you have doubts or you could just sell right away and look for another investment opportunity. I kinda understand both sides and in the last few days reading this thread and other threads has started to make me wonder which is the best approach for me...

EDIT: but either way, which ever someone chooses, they shouldn't listen to the advice of women and simps who say "if you don't trust your girl, you're insecure" (especially if you have a gut feeling)


Louder than words
May 9, 2012
Vice City
people think we're in here throwing darts at pics of womens faces and calling them the devil. wth. its more about calling out the nonsense and double talk that goes on. men have the responsibility to get sharper and not take on more than they can chew. men playing themselves, by following after women who played themselves, is just not the business.


May 1, 2012
I feel one of the most important things to remember when dealing with women is to know how and when to keep your emotions in check.

When you're not fully analyzing a situation and act/react based off of emotions alone, you may do some things which you'll regret later.


Jun 19, 2012
The 215
people think we're in here throwing darts at pics of womens faces and calling them the devil. wth. its more about calling out the nonsense and double talk that goes on. men have the responsibility to get sharper and not take on more than they can chew. men playing themselves, by following after women who played themselves, is just not the business.
I hear you Bones and I agree for the most part but as always its always folks in every movement that fukk it up going to far left where it leaves me (at least) looking like nah fam you got some other issues going on.