So coworker I mentioned a few pages back that gave me the I don’t get involved with coworkers “do u mean a date as friends” line last week...
me and her still cordial still being her same friendly self...but this is what y’all talk about with the mixed messages women send
so I was at my station and everyone was clocking out and I was getting ready to, she comes over to me and starts a convo about the sweats she got on and how she don’t like it
I just entertain the bullshyt slightly and say how what’s the difference u always the wear sweats and if she gonna keep wearing that when it gets too hot etc
And we talked about that briefly lol. But anyway I just clocked out after I got my things and just got asked out didn’t say bye
I knew this would happen she a nice girl like I was saying prior to the curve but she just one of those confusing chicks
I mean she clearly attention whoring cause I even said why u asking me that when she randomly started talking bout her sweats so either she loves the free attention or maybe she does want me to fukk but I ants me to keep chasing idk
In the meantime tho I still will focus on my purpose but inside my head I just wanna pound her I’ll keep being nonchalant what y’all think