In this day and age, you pretty much have to have a hard to get in, but easy to get out policy... sort of like a hotel at night. You can't get in without a keycard, but you just have to push the doors to get out. It should be tougher for a woman to get in a relationship with you than it should be for her to leave.
NEVER hold a woman hostage.
If she wants to go, you have to graciously accept that and keep it pushing. The key behind all of this is to never get too attached and to come with the expectation that the woman can leave at any time. This is something you have to accept and believe and build your life around. This is why you never make a woman priority number 1. Just look at the situation with the rapper Freddie P, who killed himself after suffering heartbreak. It was a truly tragic situation. This is why knowledge like this is important, especially for you younger cats. With the way morals are in this day and age, you're likely to see and experience a lot with 'your girl' that you really don't want to. If you are prepared for it in advance, you can largely limit the extent that it affects you.
Focus on building yourself up, not trying to win some woman
You've heard the saying among those dating advice circles that 'you are the prize.' A lot of cats have no idea what in the world that means. They think it means falsely adapting some cocky attitude. What it really means is that you build yourself up to the extent that women want to win your attention. You are out there so fly that a woman would love to be yours. You have to put yourself in a position to where women want to win you, and that starts by sharpening yourself up in all aspects of your life and simply making sure that your time and affection are valued.
This is in stark contrast to the longly-promoted simp notions of 'winning a woman'. When you attempt to win a woman, it means you are attempting to impress her in order to garner her attention. A woman should want YOUR attention as opposed to you pining for hers. When you attempt to 'win a woman', it means you come into your dealings with her assuming that she is better than you and that you need to compensate by offering her dinner, jewels or whatever else goodies you want to stuff in her pocket. Men who fall in this latter category are NOT respected and get taken advantage more times than not. When dealing with a woman, you have to understand that women prefer to deal with a man that she looks UP to, not one that she is looking down on and that attempts to bring himself 'up to her level' by agreeing with her all the time, defending her nonsense, and giving her money and other physical compensation.