Why can't these bytches EVER understand that if your a hoe.....then your to stay that way being SINGLE and not contaminate and ruin other guys and cause this cycle by sneaking around.
Why can't they understand that if you do not want to be treated that way........then don't start being a hoe in the first place. Its not that hard.
with the hoes, they want the money and dignity they never earned. they learned the game better due to legistlation. so to get a man, regardless of her history, if she can look good and act well enough for a bit, she can get a simp into taking care of her past mess. even shame men into thinking its the right thing to do (yet it benefits her so much more)
now Im not anti ho, Im just anti leech. fukk a slut who's trying to be a housewife, but still is an undercover ho. scam money and time out a man because she wants to pretend she isnt loose with it
Its like Superhead getting married twice(or whatever it was). You are forever a hoe and that will never change, so why get into a relationship when like 99.9 percent of "reformed hoes"(as Superhead's twitter page itself shows) they continue to stay ratchet and show they are unwifeable when they start shytting on that same simp they loved so much.
And then all of us in here end up being told by our mothers constantly to "look for a good girl" or asking us "why we aren't married" when we all come to forums like this and hear stories like this all the time and end up hesitant about marriage.
simps mess the whole thing up by giving these women power over men and our decisions. tell us whats right, even though its more about convenience to one over the other.
marriage is about finding the right one, and having the both of yall working just as hard to make it happen for the two of you. its not about just getting hitched because of your age, and how they want you to try and fit a square into a hole. its a whole different time. so many kids are born out of wedlock and so many marriages are ended in the first three years - you cant tell me that things are like they used to be. parents just dont understand
I mean like Malik said its like alot of these bytches do not THINK rationally, and we get fed this nonsense about women being the most intelligent creatures. No they have social intelligence in terms of manipulation and determining status, but horrible rational intelligence.
absolutely, they grow up quicker in those regards. they learn how to use their body and charm to get what they want from the established men, while a lot of lesser established men have to play catch up. soak up game and accumulate more money so they can spend it on these women later on. to quote nasir, its like a cycle
What other creature knows that they only have 12 to 18 years max of their physical prime and still end up wasting all of it away and try to find a "backup plan"(aka simp) when its towards the end, and blame everyone but HERSELF when that backup plan(the reformed simp from the past) laughs in her face and has a new life better than hers.
Wouldn't smart sense tell you to be loyal and stick with the other guy struggling as long as he is ambitious? Ambition is the key word. Its a shame loyalty is not the keyword for many of these women.
in a more perfect world, women and men would act like theyre on the same level (in regards of what each brings to the table), in order to compliment each others skills.
men and women are genetically built to compliment each other in their own ways, and not compete with each other. but todays women want that instant gratification from their men. feminism has led women to believe that they must do everything in that short window of time in their lives, so they arent looking to find a potential mover to grow with, they only want the finished product.
and since men can postpone, and altogether disregard having kids for a much longer time than women can, he can also use that time to get wiser, learn more game, see the world, and add on to the cash flow. all of that will give these woman more direction and faith in the man shes looking at. its what they want, and in order for them to cram all this extra shyt in their lives, its what they will need. thats why hypergamy is so powerful and out there today.
see, without a woman submitting to her man, the result is that theyre like a chicken with their head cut off, looking for a sponsor while still acting a ho. the woman whos unrealistic and doing too much, is looking for too much.
ideally, todays woman wants to do man shyt, get a degree, accel in their career, and then they want to have kids while theyre still young enough. getting a family together in the midst of all that is a tall order.
so as I see it, a lot of them dont understand or even have the time to be shooting it out in the gym or supporting his goals, and believing in them anymore. women dont stand by their men like that. they need the money, the success, and status in the man to prove his value to her. and its a mess since that doesnt necessarily mean that he wants to be tied down to her, or that hes a good man, but all the chickens see the money and status and start racing for that "eligible bachelor."
sure they could go to the younger side, and invest in a man thats just starting up, but so many fukk boys and players out there got them fukked up early in the game. you know, while they were experimenting and hoing out there. and then theyre playing catch up on their own with a baby or whatever.

it just is what it is.
as you can see women trying to play this "I can do what they can do since we're equals" bullshyt is just a mess. it puts a lot of unrealistic expectations on them, and they cant handle that.
so then they turn to men and use these simps as a crutch for their shortcummings. if they cant have a man they believe in, she'll settle for his cash.
and thats why the older man and younger woman dynamic works so much better than the opposite. and it gets more cooperation from women instead of her settling for a man on her level or age. a womans lack of cooperation and submission is everything. without that, shes not even worth your time. smh. and we see what it is today