Louder than words
Man, what's so sad about it is that she'll have a sort of reverential respect for her thug baby daddy. She might call him scum, but she won't be able to stop talking about him and won't stop spreading her legs for him unless the realities of life force her to... but for her provider dude, she will actually have a true disdain and disgust for. She will laugh at him behind his back while using up all of his resources.
Just think back to that story from reddit that was posted where dude got cheated on. He 'trusted his baby' and let her hang out with her chlidhood friend. He gets rewarded with wayback willie leaving a jar full of mayo inside his sweetheart. These females will actually laugh at sleeping with one man and coming home to their provider and bringing home diseases or whatever... give oral to mr. swag, and then come home and french kiss their provider right after. If you want to be a sucker and go for that, ain't nothing I can tell you.
These 'looking for mr. right' type women know how to play a great game, but like any game, they can only play for so long until they revert into the being that is driving all of these men away. They will be sweet, submissive, and tell you everything to make you feel like the man while they slowly but surely entangle and entrench themselves in your life. Once they start feeling comfortable, that's when you see the real them come out, and it's as disrespectful as can be. That's when the nagging starts, that's when the cheating starts, that's when she tries to offload her financial burdens onto you starts. NEVER judge a woman based off how she is when you first meet her. Wait until she starts getting comfortable around you before you start making any real assessment.
When I told ya'll ya'll can't be afraid to make a woman mad, I told ya'll that for a REAL reason. Straight up, if you meet a woman and she starts trying to weasel her way into your life such as that whole spending the night turning into turning into a permanent resident game or asking for help on her school loans or asking for money for her hair and nails, you better be able to say, "Nah baby, I ain't about that." If she gets mad, screw her. You ain't no sucker negro to be taken advantage of... have baby girl laughing and clowning you behind your back while she gets her hair-do messed up by another negro.
NEVER allow yourself to be a sucker for a woman, don't carry her burdens, and never play the upgrade game with a woman. Ya'll are seeing what is happening to those that do. Cats letting a woman drive their car and she is taking it to see her ex. Cats paying for her school and she dumps him as soon as she gets her degree. Simp is short hand for sympathizer... Cat's be feeling all this sympathy for some story a woman ran by them, feel all sorry for her and come in to rescue her... while she sits back with utter disdain in her heart for him and is smirking and ridiculing him when she is in the presence for a negro that does none of that.
It's funny how women just can't find a 'nice guy' when there's so many guys out there complaining that they were nice to a woman and got taken advantage of. With how thirsty so many men are, do ANY of ya'll seriously believe a woman cannot find a man to treat her nicely? What is REALLY happening is she is going through provider after provider, using and chucking them or getting chucked when she gets exposed while continually messing with her lil rude boys and thugs in the meanwhile. Do NOT allow a woman to shift her burdens onto you. Give her advice to fix her own situation, and she has to take that or leave it. If she needs more money for them kids, she needs to go search out the negro that made them with her and get it from them. If you get to feeling sorry for all these women who brought the situation they are in on themselves, you will continually be taken advantage of.
youre right, putting on a cape is asking for a parasite to take your shyt. its like robbery and you leave your wallet out there for her. these criminals got new methods!

these fast and loose women have spent so much of their youth and lives being that way, that they cant just turn it off and become that wholesome, dependable, loyal women that they sell themselves as. they can only dress up the lady part, and turn into a freak, but thats it. all that male friendship shyt, that "you shouldnt be insecure and should trust me" shyt is all talk. trust is earned, not given.

men need to know, women use that p*ssy for everything in a relationship. even if shes not using it, shes using it.