A thread like this with men are sharing knowledge with other men to avoid pitfalls and better themselves? Very few women do this and could care less about it because their whole life revolves around bullshyt (deception/dishonesty in multiple ways) and female projection.
I'm preaching to the choir here but you fellas already know about females talking about the male ego being "fragile" and all that nonsense, right? That's bullshyt and female projection.
Below is a video of a single mother who, despite admitting that dating sucks as a single mother, still wants to hold out hope that she's "worth it" with lines such as "single moms rock"...
Dating Sucks for Single Mothers! - YouTube
Watching the video, you can see that she wants to cry about it and that it hurts. Sadly, the modern woman is all about saving face for herself. She's attractive but she's still on that bullshyt (I'm worth it/single moms rock) and female projection (Real men date single moms). Instead of posting a video giving other women a heads up on what could happen...she tries miserably to make her life choices seem acceptable. Pitiful.
didnt watch video but she looks attractive and dating sucks for her
ah well, poindexter in the it department prob hollared but he was a lame enjoy the fruits of your harvest