I want to keep it 100 with you. The odds aren't looking to good for you as far as salvaging the situation. once you've type-casted yourself in a certain role, it's hard to all of a sudden switch it up on her and for her to actually take you serious...
what exactly happens when you try to initiate sex? what's the exact status of the relationship right now as far as titles are concerned?
the first thing you need to do is get your mind right. stop thinking she's so great and so amazing and blablabla. this is actually fukking up your state of mind because then you start thinking "no one wins the lotto twice, i'm never gonna be lucky enough to get another chick as amazing, i better do everything i can to appease her and hope she still wants me" and she can smell it on you like cheap cologne...start getting at other chicks, socializing with other chicks, desiring and spending time with other chicks. startt spending time with yourself, occupy yourself with stuff that's important to you. stop thinking about her.
also, NEVER be ashamed of your manhood or your desires. if a chick tells you she feels like you care too much about sex, if you do care about sex never act like you don't care or deny your desires (especially if she already gave up the ass). The chick isn't dumb. She can feel you're horny as fukk. by lying to her, you just proved to her you'd do anything (including lying to her if under pressure) in order to have sex.
You should have told her something like "Listen babe, i won't lie to you. I do care about sex and it's something i enjoy, i'm not ashamed of it. When i'm alone with you I do get this desire for you and at this point i don't feel like i should have to pretend with you. Now i hope my honesty doesn't make you uncomfortable, but if it does, i'll understand if you want us to take a little distance/break from eachother..."
same idea but in your own words and way of talking. also at this point, you have to be ready for her to completely dissapear out of your life. Most likely she'll try to shame you once more for valuing sex with her more than her friendship/her or whatever. DO NOT back down stand your ground. Tell her that it's not that you don't care how she feels but at the same time that's just what's in your gut and you felt like she deserved sincerity out of respect. now the ball is in her court, she has the options of either accepting how you feel and appeasing you OR take her distance from you. again be ready for the latter. To pull this off you really have to believe it and it has to be sincere. and it also has to be at the right time, not out of nowhere. Plus it could still sound goofy if you're already that deep in simpville in her eyes. that's why i said the odds are kind of against you. not impossible though...
thing is, some girls are not used to a guy boldly challenging their opinion on sex and openly risking not getting p*ssy from them ever again even if you're obviously attracted. It's hard to compute for some of them (except if she feels like it's a bluff on your part, that's why it can't be a bluff). It's almost like she was holding her p*ssy for hostage and instead of letting her leave with the money and arranging a plane for her, you tell her "i don't want you to shoot it but if you must, go ahead..." her robbery plan didn't include that part, now she has to improvise in a panic. all of a sudden now the robber tells you "wait hold up, we don't have to act drastic, let's talk..." and now you've flipped the script on her and can establish your terms
EDIT: if you leave things as they are, it's robbery in broad daylight...
This has only happened one time, but it's just made everything all awkward and frustrating the last couple of days. That night I told her I wanted her, I was horny, yadda yadda before she even came over and she played along with it. We chilled for hours, it got late and I went for it. Once it started really getting hot she denied and I expressed my disappointment.. that's when she started saying she was disappointed I would act this way. I didn't apologize, i frankly said sex is important to me, I'm not having a relationship without sex and a lot of the same things you said in your post.. and we talked about it. Basically she didn't want to do it because she wants to take it slow and really get to know me before things get too deep yadda yadda because she's been hurt before. I understand her viewpoint, but I still stood by mine. I havent backed down from that....
her problem is she is a busy body who doesn't know how to treat a man, because of such few relationships, and by being "the princess" her whole life. I give her credit for being motivated on her career, and focusing on her and her future, but something's gotta give...and we're both really stubborn
and I think you've painted some kind of picture of me breh lol...I'm not hopeless or depressed, nor do I think I will never find better, and I have women I can hit up to fukk every day of the week if i wanted to...I'm not an every day simp, I'm just slippin

as I've said earlier, I've walked away before...twice already lol (and if you thought this was extreme simpville... the first time we dated...