True in a lot of these young ass women. Any chick from 26-33 is extremely hard to crack.
i got a question. No chick is perfect and they all have their flaws. say you catch your girl looking through your phone fishing for some dirt. If you tell her not to do it again, she'll probably still do it and just not get caught. how do you deal with a situation like that? is the only solution to let her go? i'm talking about situations in general where girl made a mistake but where there's no sure way to make sure you'll catch her if she does it again...
Look how these women act and conduct themselves. People actually think that these chicks are wifey![]()
Look how these women act and conduct themselves. People actually think that these chicks are wifey![]()
exactly man, it's like you're not sure anymore if you're thinking about this objectively or if you're letting your attachement distort your perception of what's right and wrong and if she's done what needed to be done to rebuild trust or is it just that you want to trust her again so bad.its true brother, and I see what youre saying. and I look at what both of us is saying, and the crazy part about the whole thing is that the existence of a long term relationship adds a lot more to this decision than maybe some of us want to admit.
the same thing we would axe a regular girl for, its possible that we'd allow our lady to do to us?
and I know that its true, because its what I said too. granted, this woman may have proven herself to you in some way before, but how far does that go, really? and how much is not acceptable?
thats why it gets deeper, when the consequences that are around the both of you play a factor in you making your choices. its something to think about.
youre right, it would be possible to just assume that shes made it up to you and earned the trust back, because after being with her for so long you start believing in her, and what you two have been through. and its true people do fukk up. other times, its just their insecurities coming out to stay out. but how can you know? then you start saying that maybe what she did was not so bad. but that kind of emotion can lead to weakness and a misjudgment of character.
I think it comes down to: how bad was this break of trust, and how often does it happen?
I read an article here posted by 662letgo, and the article spoke about knowing the difference between "game 1 and game 2." game 1 was being out there, being a player, looking a certain way to get attention, and not being tied down to anything. game 2, which was more difficult, was about maintaining a long term relationship.
our mindframe changes when we're on game 2. it actually has to in many ways. its important to be able to distinguish one game from the other when we're making decisions, we always need to be able to take a step back and see where we are at mentally when judging a relationship. take a look at what might be affecting our rationality.
is it our past, our emotions, or what exactly is leaning us towards one way or another? and is it honest? yup, we got to take all that into account especially in game 2.
your full integrity and rational thinking mind has to be present and counted for. so the trust and stability has to be there. if a relationship cant have that, then its time to hit the road.
the thing about trust is you don't know its well place until its violated. i would never expect a woman to trust me. if she wants to see my phone i'll hand it to her and if she sees something she doesn't like in it bye bye don't let the door hit you on the way out.
these are interesting approaches and i'll definitely give it some thought. I'm just a very private person by nature. Hate when people look into my stuff even if there's nothing in there. Hate when people ask me what i did yesterday and insist eventhough they clearly see i answered vaguely on purpose. it's not the question itself that bothers me, it's when i feel like it's a control thing that i fight back.my take
would be, im a person who has installed keyloggers, snooped cell phones and you knwo what? I'd do it again, yeah i trust you but you know what? i trust my financial advisor as well but best believe im making appointments to see how my portfolio is doing, there is nothing worse to me than wasting time dating a chick and then you find out she was playing you or cant be trusted, as a man i dig deep early i find out anything, so if she was going through my phone go right ahead, check on your investment
lets be real as winb said trust is a joke , females dont trust you, try having a close female friend and see what your girl thinks
did your behaviour with her change? did you start being more lovey dovey with her or be more open with her? more thirsty or sweating her a little more? keep it real.a chick just pulled a Houdini on me brehs after a month of seeing each other
how you go from flooding my text message inbox and all of sudden just disappear
no reply to text or call..
thank god i didnt put my heart involved or else i would of been fukked emotionally
or well not my loss..on to the next one..
I'll never give a women my emotions again![]()
Man I'm gonna fukk these women and destroy their minds in the process with no remorse![]()
Thank you Coli![]()
You should never fall too head over heels for a woman breh...That's fool's play, you should cherish the people who cherish you for who you are and not what you can do for them, and that's rarely ever your girl. If she ain't your mama then she's replaceable in my eyes. I seen too much to ever got back into the "Matrix" of "Love". Use these chicks the way they use you... She act up... Bushes! You should write down a list of rules you live by, a "man code" if you will and obide by it like people do the bible. Everytime you let a chick play you you're disrespecting your own manhood breh...