I randomly read articles arguing both ways in regards to the question: "Should DNA Testing Be Mandatory At Birth?"
Honestly, I never understood the "no, the man in the room should naturally be assumed to be the father no matter what" side. The true fear of absolute equality is the complete annihilation of all frauds, untrustworthy schemers looking to have their cake and eat it too. Choose the "best" genes or the "preferred" genes and then choose a man to raise the child. This concept of splitting reproduction and fatherhood is unacceptable. Mandatory testing would force the truth out into the open: The child is yours OR the child is not.
Besides the usual red flags of disrespect, horrible family structure, unhealthy/self-destructive habits - those women who even would consider "slipping" the truth past a guy are unworthy.
Morality matters. Make the true fathers accountable and end the idea of trapping men to illegitimate kids.