Rocket Scientist
Its all about focus and control...u basically let her know u in charge and u serious. If a chic is hovering over you she is asserting dominance over you, so this is why u either stand up and get on the same level as her or u sit her ass down and you stand when discussing serious matters or trying to get her mentally controlled.
When you enter any room, dont ever have your back to a wall when discussing shyt with a female. If she has your back facing a wall and her's is facing an open area then she is asserting her dominance over you. You have to flip it and put her back against a wall to assert dominance and blocking her path out which is in basically instilling the fact that the only way out is thru you.
Thanks bruh thats some deep stuff. If your back is against wall,the fact that she could strike you is a possibility.Its like a parent and child. Another example was what was said in the thread about positining when it comes to holding a woman's hand. If she leading you by the hand,it asserts her dominance over you.Good looking out on this info bruh