Essential Quick Lil Gems on Dealing with Women

Rocket Scientist

May 5, 2012
High IQ
Its all about focus and control...u basically let her know u in charge and u serious. If a chic is hovering over you she is asserting dominance over you, so this is why u either stand up and get on the same level as her or u sit her ass down and you stand when discussing serious matters or trying to get her mentally controlled.

When you enter any room, dont ever have your back to a wall when discussing shyt with a female. If she has your back facing a wall and her's is facing an open area then she is asserting her dominance over you. You have to flip it and put her back against a wall to assert dominance and blocking her path out which is in basically instilling the fact that the only way out is thru you.

Thanks bruh thats some deep stuff. If your back is against wall,the fact that she could strike you is a possibility.Its like a parent and child. Another example was what was said in the thread about positining when it comes to holding a woman's hand. If she leading you by the hand,it asserts her dominance over you.Good looking out on this info bruh :ohhh:

Rocket Scientist

May 5, 2012
High IQ
Fellas dont feel intimidated about a woman's education. If a woman asks you about your education background and she mentions how she was in a soriority or getting her doctorate, dont respond back "yea im gonna get my doctorate" too. This lets her know that your competing with her and you never compete with a woman. When she talks about education,say "oh thats nice" but dont start talking about degrees.Education is just that a piece of paper and her having a degree means nothing but she is book smart. Alot of women tend to throw around "im educated,sophiscated" dont fall for it. The real knowledge is out here...


I never see my nut
May 2, 2012
Thanks bruh thats some deep stuff. If your back is against wall,the fact that she could strike you is a possibility.Its like a parent and child. Another example was what was said in the thread about positining when it comes to holding a woman's hand. If she leading you by the hand,it asserts her dominance over you.Good looking out on this info bruh :ohhh:

Along with that I use body control, I suggest testing it out to see if your woman is susceptible to body control. Examples of body control can be the holding of the chin area, holding firmly behind her neck, gripping her waist or hips, when u hold her u pull her into u . Doing these things over and over will make her very submissive to you and mentally susceptible to your wills

Yayo Toure

Mighty Man City
May 23, 2012
I got a chick who can't cook.... Plus she has a few pets and I view women who invest alot in pets as the type who don't want to have kids because the pets satisfy that need.

Gonna smash n pass this weekend. Shame.... She had potential.

Sent from my EVO 4G LTE


May 6, 2012
Thanks bruh thats some deep stuff. If your back is against wall,the fact that she could strike you is a possibility.Its like a parent and child. Another example was what was said in the thread about positining when it comes to holding a woman's hand. If she leading you by the hand,it asserts her dominance over you.Good looking out on this info bruh :ohhh:
yup, whenever a chick grabs my hand while we're walking, sometimes for whatever reason (awkward positioning of my hand/arm/body) she'll grab it but her hand/arm ends up in front of mine while she's holding. I don't know if subconsciously they're testing me or trying to establish dominance cause the sense their might be weakness in me, who really knows. but anyway her hand and arm infront ALWAYS feels funny to me and whenever that happens i always let go of her hand and re-grab with my arm infront. funny thing is when that happens they get closer to me and sometimes grab my whole arm slightly like a shield while walking.

i don't even think they do it on purpose. heck i only started noticing it now.

The way i see it, it's like an RPG game and we all have a sort of gauge energy bar that measures conscious and subconscious perceptions for each person. a chick is not going to break up with me because i grabbed her hand the wrong way but it might take out of the energy bar slightly. this is all subconscious on her part. when i get a series of "positives" and i reach a certain threshold, then i get to the next level of trust and comfort in her mind. same thing with the opposite. but positive doesn't mean simping. checking her on something when she's clearly wrong will increase the energy bar.

any body language action won't really make or break your relationship or rapport with a girl. but line up too many bad ones at once and her "intuition" (subconscious mind) will tell her there's something off or unattractive about you. Micromanaging your every move is a bad idea though because it'll stress you out and make you fukk up even more. the trick is to focus on having the right mindset at all times and let your body language, speech and actions flow from it. You'll get a few "bad" moves here and there but you'll get more good ones and you'll be deemed attractive and they will feel like submitting to you...

Rocket Scientist

May 5, 2012
High IQ
I got a chick who can't cook.... Plus she has a few pets and I view women who invest alot in pets as the type who don't want to have kids because the pets satisfy that need.

Gonna smash n pass this weekend. Shame.... She had potential.

Sent from my EVO 4G LTE

CANT cook? :what: she is definetely not wifeable. However dont dismiss the pets part. The pets lets you know how responsible and how she would be if she had kids or maybe your kid if she was wifeable. On otherhand maybe she knows deep down she isnt wifey type.She may be a future cat woman :usure:


May 1, 2012
How To Know When You Found a Good Girl - YouTube

:ohlawd: I think we've found a winner here, guys. :bow: This is an example of how looks can be deceiving. She looks like just another pretty Cali chick, but not only does she drop some gems for guys in what to look for in a woman, but her spiritual knowledge is prime time!!

Obviously if you're a church going christian, then she wouldn't be for you on anything more than a friendship level. But she shares a lot of similar spiritual views I do so this is the kind of woman I'd make my wife. Nonetheless, (because I don't want to divert from the thread theme) it's always a breath of fresh air to come across this kind of honesty and level headedness from a female since nowadays it is more rare than seeing a penguin with a gumby haircut wearing a business suit while flying a helicopter upside down.

bytch looks like she got a penis....:leostare:

Rocket Scientist

May 5, 2012
High IQ
yup, whenever a chick grabs my hand while we're walking, sometimes for whatever reason (awkward positioning of my hand/arm/body) she'll grab it but her hand/arm ends up in front of mine while she's holding. I don't know if subconsciously they're testing me or trying to establish dominance cause the sense their might be weakness in me, who really knows. but anyway her hand and arm infront ALWAYS feels funny to me and whenever that happens i always let go of her hand and re-grab with my arm infront. funny thing is when that happens they get closer to me and sometimes grab my whole arm slightly like a shield while walking.

i don't even think they do it on purpose. heck i only started noticing it now.

The way i see it, it's like an RPG game and we all have a sort of gauge energy bar that measures conscious and subconscious perceptions for each person. a chick is not going to break up with me because i grabbed her hand the wrong way but it might take out of the energy bar slightly. this is all subconscious on her part. when i get a series of "positives" and i reach a certain threshold, then i get to the next level of trust and comfort in her mind. same thing with the opposite. but positive doesn't mean simping. checking her on something when she's clearly wrong will increase the energy bar.

any body language action won't really make or break your relationship or rapport with a girl. but line up too many bad ones at once and her "intuition" (subconscious mind) will tell her there's something off or unattractive about you. Micromanaging your every move is a bad idea though because it'll stress you out and make you fukk up even more. the trick is to focus on having the right mindset at all times and let your body language, speech and actions flow from it. You'll get a few "bad" moves here and there but you'll get more good ones and you'll be deemed attractive and they will feel like submitting to you...

One time my ex grabbed my hand and "playfully" lead me,but i somehow made me immeditaely let go of her hand.It was instand reaction,its like i subconciously knew she wanted power. Whats funny is months later we broke up. Maybe it was a sign or I was reaching or I knew deep inside relationship was changing. Over thinking is bad but there is a reason we have a subconcious.Also notice if her hand is under yours.Im sure when we were little boys our moms had their hand over ours when we crossed the street,or were in public. Notice how most women instantly put their hand under yours. Thats letting you know she respects you as leader or is submitting. But you right on money with that RPG example.....:obama:

Yayo Toure

Mighty Man City
May 23, 2012
CANT cook? :what: she is definetely not wifeable. However dont dismiss the pets part. The pets lets you know how responsible and how she would be if she had kids or maybe your kid if she was wifeable. On otherhand maybe she knows deep down she isnt wifey type.She may be a future cat woman :usure:

everything else checks out...but she's 29 and can't cook. Red flag. Imma have an intervention with her and a bunch of skinny ppl and let her know she needs to get to cooking.


I think very deeply
May 4, 2012
everything else checks out...but she's 29 and can't cook. Red flag. Imma have an intervention with her and a bunch of skinny ppl and let her know she needs to get to cooking.

I'm a dude and I know how to cook, so if a woman didn't then that's not a good look. Imagine how it would be if you're out somewhere and you get a flat tire and she knew how to change a tire but you didn't. :krs:


follower of Jesus
May 2, 2012
very nice to see the knowledge continuing to flow.

no matter what society tries to tell you, as a man you have to be dominant, and women are constantly testing for that. That's what all those tests are for. When you stop being dominant and become passive and weak is when her bad behavior starts. It's tough being a man and being dominant because society tries to shame you out of it, but we are how we are as a society because men refuse to be dominant and in front.

One key of dominance is knowing what you want and not backing down from it. I'm not talking sexually. If she says no, leave that alone. I'm talking about if you want a woman that cooks, don't back down from letting her know she needs to get it done. If you don't like women that yell and act a fool, let her know you don't tolerate that. If she pushes the issue, cut her out the picture and find another girl. YOU are the one establishing the rules and boundaries.


All Star
May 20, 2012

Don't date a woman that always has her girlfriend, sister, or other female by their side. (Rather a female than a guy friend IMO)

Don't date a woman who calls you more than twice a day (and twice is one too many), or at nutty hours of the day or night. (I like to know a woman is proving that shes into me)

. Don't date a woman whose car seems to always have a new dent or mechanical problem every week. AND DON'T LOAN HER YOUR CAR!

(That doesn't determine anything in a relationship to be honest....agree with the last part though)

Don't date a woman whose house is done in the leopard or tiger motif. (what does that have to do with anything?)

Don't have sex with a woman whose favorite sex act is "I don't know". (in some ways i almost prefer a chick like that)