Essential Quick Lil Gems on Dealing with Women

Jason B

Dec 4, 2012
nah, what u just said makes no sense.

there are different types of attention. many people put up videos for business related reasons, to make money, etc. but in the case of this chick, i'm pretty sure her reasons (a major part of her motivation) have a lot to do with the inevitable endless comments she'll be getting from lames who will be complimenting her on her looks, and trying to start an "argument" as a way to mack it to her.

im far from a woman hater. but i see that b1tch and i can tell her type right from the getgo. i've met many women like her who talk all righteous and u'd think wow she really makes sense and doesn't sound like a airhead, then come to find out, she likes to smoke weed, is willing to try drugs, is open to threesomes, has a tattoo right above her ass, n1gga please. b1tches like this aint fooling nobody...well, maybe just you.

Cosign. Tell the truth, shame the devil


Jun 19, 2012
The 215
nah, what u just said makes no sense.

there are different types of attention. many people put up videos for business related reasons, to make money, etc. but in the case of this chick, i'm pretty sure her reasons (a major part of her motivation) have a lot to do with the inevitable endless comments she'll be getting from lames who will be complimenting her on her looks, and trying to start an "argument" as a way to mack it to her.

im far from a woman hater. but i see that b1tch and i can tell her type right from the getgo. i've met many women like her who talk all righteous and u'd think wow she really makes sense and doesn't sound like a airhead, then come to find out, she likes to smoke weed, is willing to try drugs, is open to threesomes, has a tattoo right above her ass, n1gga please. b1tches like this aint fooling nobody...well, maybe just you.
What I said makes alot of sense you aren't trying to see it that way cause you disagree and thats cool. We aren't talking about business cause no shyt they doing it for a reason. I'm talking about all the cats on YT like this chick. Imo they all doing it for the same reason you can disagree but I look at it all the same way. They may all be dropping gems but that isn't the only reason they doing it most of the time. The chick looks good and thirst dudes are going to try to crack on her so intentions aren't good? Just look how that sounds I know dudes in here arent going to agree but that shyt sounds crazy imo if I read that right.

Your so smart but you judge a person you've never even had no interaction with you got it fam she fooling me. You might be right but I won't say that about her you, anybody, until I see something from videos, in person, something that says they aren't who they are. I can't judge a person off of air I need something to go with if you can great for you.

@jasonb like I told ole boy holla at me when you can prove cats are liars but just saying well she/he like so and so off nothing I don't do that but if yall do cool.

Wild self

The Black Man will prosper!
Jun 20, 2012


3. Concerned about the spread unchecked hypergamy is having on the dating market? Worried that it could lead to unrestrained bad-boy worship? Want to see where all of this is going?

Once again, look no further than black America. There may be no female more hypergamous than the average black american girl and, interestingly, there is no female with a lower rate of marriage. The culture places a tremendous emphasis for men on the possession of traits matching those of urban masculine culture (read: “swag”, aggression, edgy appearance, etc).

In no culture are decent guys and more academically inclined males more marginalized and insulted than they are in Black American culture.

You think the sexual market value of the average white or asian nerd is low? Try being their black equivalent and having your entire culture essentially disown you and claim that your intellect makes you an insult to the culture/race.


:sadcam: There is no hope for the future.


Absolute Sovereign
Nov 17, 2012
Liberia, Madagascar
The article was a killer.

1) Obesity

When I travel and see black people in other parts of the world, the rates of obesity tend to be much lower. Even worse, I see people eating some junk food (not as much junk food but not all vegetables and fruits either) but still remain thin. I asked some white friends of mine if they notice the same thing in Europe and they agree. They saw guys smoking, eating lots of read meat and many of which remain thin. Granted, people often exercise more in other parts of the world, including more walking and bike-riding. But I think in some places of the world, there is less additives/poisons/toxins in the food (not saying it is perfect but less processed than stuff here). As a result, folks are thinner. I traveled on a trip for over a month and a guy lost weight eating hamburgers and meat everyday. Nuts. Besides many black folks having bad eating habits, it seems like the food is more or less pig feed on top of it. No wonder health problems are off the charts.

2) Illegitimacy

I believe this is a killer. Strong individuals and the family that remains can hold it down and many strong folks still rise up. But a girl who never had a father in her life or had an incredibly crappy father if she had one, might be naturally more rebellious and disrespectful of men than a girl who had a strong, non-simp father who instilled values in her. Same thing holds true for whether sons have fathers or not. Besides some guys dating girls who are individually shady people, they overlook that because she has a nice body and fail to realize the girl might come from an entire family of drama: broken down/nonexistent family, little family culture (the media is raising those family members) and so forth. If somebody didn't get the best cards in life but works their tail off and is strong, you can tell. But if somebody has given up and the family around them is the same - watch out. The pattern is already laid out before you. That's what you'll get and you can't cry if it turns out the same for you.

3) Hypergamy

This reminds me of feminism. It tends to move in extremes and merely from talking to girls like that, I feel like I am talking to a Tea Party, right-wing Republican in politics and worldview (you know, the types that love to "glass parking lot" nations and kill far more children every year than lost in Sandy Hook but never shed any tears for "those kids"). I might as well be talking to an alien or some fantasy/fiction character from the novels and movies. I was never down for people people who burned themselves out and were used up while still in their teens (yes, already almost waving the white flag in life while still 17 or 18 or 19).

It's been a disaster and when you travel a bit doing a road trip in your country or an abroad trip, seeing a girl who is not completely drinking hypergamy or feminist Kool-Aid is a total breath of fresh air.

4) Matriarchy

I always felt the United States "experience" or "experiment" if you will, has done a number on Native Americans and blacks. If you take cultures that are more or less a patriarch, strip them down, oppress them and turn them into matriarch societies, I think that is a disaster. It reminds me of when countries that are more or less authoritarian or at least more unified, open the flood gates to democracy. If the transition occurs too quickly or is forced upon the people/nation, watch out. The country goes to shambles before you can blink.

5) Anti-Male attitudes

It is true many people were raised without fathers, some might feel "they don't need a man" or "need a father." That is a disaster. If I flip the statement around, listen to how ridiculous it sounds, "I don't need a mother." Yes, children need their mothers. And they need their dads just as much. It is bad enough this is happening. But when people internalize this kind of ignorance, it is already too late for the closed-minded. Plus being a perpetual widow that cannot keep relationships is generally looked down upon in many cultures. But I don't see it as much here.


Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
Top 4
as well no matter how "great" a chicks life seems for the most part its not.

example of two females i know

to people looking in

exhibit a)
has a job
has her own place
looks amazing
can cook/clean etc.
church going

youd see her in the mall and holla get that number and start talking to her and be like damn son i won


- has a kid
- baby father always over a few times a week even spending the night
- 30k in debt
- credit score in the 500s
- clubs
- has had abortions and stds
- dealt with suicidal thoughts

exhibit b

- has her own place
- church going girl
- has her own car
- has a good job
- looks amazing
- doesnt curse, drink, smoke


- has a kid
- baby father doesnt pay child support
- has slept with over 30 guys in the past
- cheated on the only good guy she ever dated becasue she was "scared"
- wont settle
- is in counselling

what im saying brehs, is dig deep, never commit off the bat, just like makeup hides imperfections and flaws, women hide theirs, you may look on the outside and in and be like damn i won, only to find out :youngsabo:


Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
Top 4
Ok I got a the tattoo on the chest is the new "iam a ratchet/white trash" sign

any tattoo is ratchet to me

heres a list i came across years ago

The Rules for Men - AS IT SHOULD BE!
(Or, a starting point for future dating. )

1. Don't date a woman that doesn't accept compliments.

2. When you first meet a woman, listen not only to what she says, but what she DOESN'T say!

3. If you get an odd feeling about a woman, don't have sex with her- NO MATTER HOW HOT SHE IS!

4. Don't get a woman that doesn't work, or is underemployed (e.g. 35 years old and flipping burgers at McDonalds).

5. Don't date a woman who has 4 kids by 5 different guys (hey, maybe she did a threesome once?)

6. Don't date a woman with kids at all if you can help it. (No exceptions! )

7. If you do date a woman with kids, don't buy the kids a damn thing. That's what the crumbsnatcher's daddy is for!

8. Don't date a woman that reads Harlequin Romance novels.

9. Don't date a woman that has no hobbies or interests. (Sorry honey, sleeping and watching TV are NOT pastimes!)

10. Don't date a woman who's favorite restaurant is "Wherever you want to eat is fine with me."

11. Don't date a woman who says "You don't know what I've been through!" (A consequence of her own irresponsibility, perhaps?)

12. Don't date a woman that hits you playfully or otherwise. (Signs of the future.)

13. Don't date a woman that has no sense of humor.

14. Don't date a woman who knows all the bars that have Ladies' Night.

15. Don't date a woman who calls you more than twice a day (and twice is one too many), or at nutty hours of the day or night.

16. Don't date a woman that always has her girlfriend, sister, or other female by their side.

17. Don't date a woman who has overt tattoos, if any at all.

18. Don't date a woman who thinks current events in the news is J.Lo. and Ben Affleck. (kim k n kanye)

19. Don't date a woman who can't cook, clean, or do laundry. She's not going to magically learn once the ring is on her hand.

20. If you're into older women (like me), don't date a woman who takes her of-age daughter with her to the night club.

21. Don't date a woman that always says she's a "real woman looking for a real man". (Danger Will Robinson! Danger! --) Real woman = Loudmouth, smart-ass, vulgar bytch, Real Man = sap who'll put up with her and her crap.

22. Don't date a woman who dresses nice, but can never seem to keep her phone bill paid for.

23. Sugar daddy = a man who finances a woman's irresponsible habits.

24. Don't date a woman whose car seems to always have a new dent or mechanical problem every week. AND DON'T LOAN HER YOUR CAR!

25. Don't date a woman whose house is done in the leopard or tiger motif.

26. Don't date a woman whose bathroom is filthy.

27. Don't have sex with a woman who just sits or lays there when you initiate it.

28. Don't have sex with a woman whose favorite sex act is "I don't know".

29. Don't move in with a woman, don't let her move in with you. It's hard enough for married couples to live with each other.

30. Don't date a woman who gets bent out of shape because you just want to have a quiet night at home by yourself, after a long day at work.

31.Find out what type of relationship a woman has with her father and brothers. On that note don't date a woman who calls you "daddy," even in jest.