Don't most people try to garner attention or something when doing things? I didn't see the vid but if she was ugly would it be different? Sometimes some of yall do sound like woman haters can't be that defensive you ain't no D cordinator lol.
nah, what u just said makes no sense.
there are different types of attention. many people put up videos for business related reasons, to make money, etc. but in the case of this chick, i'm pretty sure her reasons (a major part of her motivation) have a lot to do with the inevitable endless comments she'll be getting from lames who will be complimenting her on her looks, and trying to start an "argument" as a way to mack it to her.
im far from a woman hater. but i see that b1tch and i can tell her type right from the getgo. i've met many women like her who talk all righteous and u'd think wow she really makes sense and doesn't sound like a airhead, then come to find out, she likes to smoke weed, is willing to try drugs, is open to threesomes, has a tattoo right above her ass, n1gga please. b1tches like this aint fooling nobody...well, maybe just you.