My name should be the elephant in the room. A woman's best chance of getting married is between the ages of 21 and 26. But this is where a woman is at her peak in terms of attention, so many might have a boyfriend, but she isn't trying to settle down, especially if a lot of dudes are checking for her. Most women in their 20s vy for the attention and are always trying to upgrade. On the opposite, men in their 20s have the hardest time attracting good women because we aren't established, and the only thing we could really rely on is our looks or our mouth piece, which eliminates 80% of us. As we get older, we accomplish more, which boosts our confidence, which makes us seem more appealing to the opposite sex. Now that we're in our 30s, these same women want us to wife them after they've been ran thru and had a string of bad relationships and children. After that other dude or dudes you stayed fukking with in your 20s used up your looks and took away your market value. Most women in their 30s are ready to settle down and have kids if they don't already. Most men in their 30s realize that women are lining up to be with them, so they don't feel the need to settle. So now you have professional players who will bed you but never wife you. Now here's the kicker. If you would have given this man the time of day in his 20s, he would have respected your loyalty, wifed you, and you would have had him. The problem is that too many women want the finished product as well. A man respects the women who grinds with him to the top. The one who tries to meet him there simply gets invited to his bedroom. This is the game, and us as men will always win at the end because the older we get, the more options we have (especially if we're successful), while for every year older a woman gets past 30, her window of opportunity closes. So if you get or got a good man, you better stick with him, because the longer a man remains single when he's older, the less likely he's gonna wanna commit or see the need to.