Paraphrasing but I believe @
Turbulent said it best: it will always be made to be the man's fault no matter what. I got fam going through a situation like this right now. The man provided for his fiance, help raised her seed from another relationship, and was rewarded with disloyalty and the sullying of a good name he built over the years.
What's so scary about it was how well his girl played the good girl role. The typical shy, laid back introvert type. Had almost the whole family fool aside from me(the inner cynic inside always have me like

just didn't fully buy it ) and a few others. This girl even had my grandma and aunt head twisted with her act. They sitting up here questioning whether it was really my cousin's fault for their split, suggesting he did something foul despite the overwhelming proof in front of them that he was on the up and up
But I must admit, looking back all the signs pointing to trouble were there. She was raised around nothing but women, with no strong father figure, male mentor, etc in sight. Almost all of her friends had kids, again with no man in their life. The friends would often try to make little snide remarks in the beginning, but dropped that shyt once they realize he was the type that was going to check them

Also the girl in question went out her way to prove that "she wasn't like that" but looking on things from the outside it felt kinda forced instead of natural femininity. Can't really explain it
To wrap it up, this situation along with some of the gems dropped in this thread has really made me take notice that a lot of women(and people in general for that matter) will rationalize bad behavior on their part, to make themselves feel better about whatever dirt they have, or are about to commit. Even in the cases where no clear rationale exist for their actions, some have no qualms about creating their very own

to push forward the agenda they have. I'm getting a firsthand crash course on that, just hate that it had to involve a member of the fam
I really could have used this thread a few years ago. Would have possibly saved me from a couple of small L's, but hey you live and you learn