Essential Quick Lil Gems on Dealing with Women

Drew Wonder

May 10, 2012
So I've been dating the 30-year-old for about a month now. Still haven't made it official. But dang, ol' girl is putting in some serious work.

I have to work on Christmas and I can't go home to see my fam. She lives about an hour away from me but she still offered to come over because she doesn't want me to be alone on Christmas :wow: :noah: :to:

Things like that go a long way for me.

I aint sprung though :birdman:



follower of Jesus
May 2, 2012
women that really get down how they are supposed to get down and go that extra mile for their man are quite lovely... quite lovely indeed ain't nothing wrong with showing a woman that knows how to get it done in the right way for her man a little love
Aug 6, 2012

Mickey Kane

All Star
May 31, 2012
London, England
This is some ish fellas. I've always maintained that even with all this great advice we share amongst each other, we must use this wisdom to help us find that one true woman & not avoid commitment.

Cynics are Deluded Too
by FROST on AUGUST 24, 2011
I’ve written about how men afflicted with chronic and counterproductive niceness can overcome their smiling, ingratiating demon. See here, for example.

But most of my readers are already familiar with Game and pick-up artistry. They’ve learned that nice guys finish last, and if they haven’t started to work on becoming the sort of man that women are attracted to, they at least know they should.

Today’s post is for the men who’ve already taken that first step. It is for men who have achieved at least moderate success in meeting and dating women.

Lots of these men, especially those whose rise to suaveness began from the ashes of celibacy or heartbreak, have a tendency to develop a cynical attitude towards dating, relationships, and women in general. They claim to reject commitment, while unflinchingly committing themselves to a life of detachment and isolation. But they’re missing out on one of the greatest rewards that the ability to attract women offers: Close, intimate relationships with incredible women. Learning game and then refusing to let yourself fall in love is like getting rich, and then eating Kraft Dinner for dinner every night.

One reason for this is that ex-chumps who’ve only recently gotten their shyt together only understand relationships as they’ve experienced them in the past. They think back to the mediocre, nagging girlfriends of years past, and compare them to their current lifestyle of independence and one-night stands. But that’s an apples-to-oranges comparison.

For men with no game, relationships blow. The only reason they tolerate them is that being single is even worse. What man could possibly accept being taunted and ordered around by a chubby, dim-witted, mediocre woman? Only one who knows deep down that his inability to approach and seduce new girls dictates that his only alternative is celibacy.

But for a man with the confidence and understanding of female psychology that Game provides, relationships can be awesome. A woman in love is a joy to be around. She is pleasant, giving, sweet, fun, and a source of energy and inspiration in your life. She works hard to bring happiness and value to your life, takes pride in her appearance, and looks at you with wide, admiring eyes. A happy relationship takes zero effort on your part, and allows you to spend your energy pursuing other goals, while returning to your woman to recharge, vent your daily victories and setbacks, and bask in the energizing presence of someone who genuinely believes in you, your mission, and your ability to achieve it. A weak, unskilled man will never inspire this sort of love, and so will never reap these rewards.

A man with options also has the benefit of choosing a woman to fall in love with. He can produce a long list of desirable qualities, and shop around until he finds a woman who possesses them. Men without such options are chosen, and must accept what falls in their laps.

Most importantly, a man with options can enter and leave relationships at will, since he knows he is capable of finding new women to replace any that become demanding and unpleasant. Not only does his ability to walk away inspire better behaviour from the woman he is dating, it is crucial to his happiness as well. He knows that he is in the relationship because he wants to be, not because he is terrified of the unfamiliar world outside of it.

I’ve fallen in love twice in my life, each time with women who are among the smartest, kindest, sweetest, and most beautiful that I’ve ever met. Being a single man with a bit of game in the 21st century is great, and I will always choose it over a relationship I’m not 100% invested in. But I’ve never been more satisfied in my life than when I’ve been in love, and I’m always quietly looking for the next girl who makes me consider giving up all the rest. For a while, anyways.


Jun 19, 2012
The 215


follower of Jesus
May 2, 2012
Late Merry Christmas to the brethren.

A lesson I've learned is to avoid speaking words in a state of passion or deep emotion. it's very easy to get into a zone, feel a woman in the moment and start telling her all kinds of things based off the feeling you are currently feeling. Then, when you sit back and think about it while you have a clearer head and you simply regret a lot of what you've said.

Sometimes when I'm really vibing with a woman, I start painting all kinds of pictures for her and then just think, "I shouldn't have said that." As men we must be careful not to give women promises we cannot fulfill... and these sorts of promises are made or pictures are painted... and when that bout of emotion passes, we realize we cannot or do not have the desire to go through with it, which will lead to disappointment on the part of the woman. Guard your words and, doubly do so when your emotions are heightened.


Dec 3, 2012
The key bruh is not to worry about projecting weakness or anything else for that matter. The key is to simply exist and to enjoy your interaction. It comes down to pretty much screw what babygirl thinks. I'm going to be me. Never micromanage your vibe, worrying about how every little thing you do comes off. Now, if you start seeing yourself doing something real suckerish, that's when you need to pull back and rearrange your trajectory.

In terms of weakness, you deal with them on your own as something you do for yourself and not for women. The time to really crack down on your weaknesses is when you are alone and have time to ponder your strengths and pitfalls. Are you happy with this or that element in your life? What are you going to do about it? You don't go about thinking about that when you're out on the prowl and just in the midst of women.

Really man, don't worry about catching females. Just sit back, talk to them, chop it up with them and enjoy having a conversation with them. If you pull them cool, if you don't cool, but you're enjoying yourself all the while. When you're simply able to enjoy yourself amongst them and not take them that serious is when you see them become much easier to deal with.

I wanted to expound on something you said in this post, and put a more positive spin on something I said earlier in the thread.

Earlier in the thread I said this:

I used to feel guilty about my non-action, but no so much anymore.

I didn't mean for it to sound bitter and angry, it was more like a boxer realizing that he's not ready to step in the ring yet and needs more time in the gym.

The first part of what you said in bold is 100% spot on and it was part of what made me look in the mirror a long time ago. I knew there were things that I was unhappy about, and I had two choices:

1) I could either take my frustrations out on the rest of the world and females (and add to the "mad black man" stereotype whether I meant to or not...yall know how it is).

2) I could man up and do something about what was making me unhappy.

The first step for me was getting in the gym (cause I was :flabbynsick: status being overweight (fat) and clinically depressed). I know brehs on here are going to get at me for saying/thinking this but fukk it. I've seen too many of my boys hit the gym, become swole and then all of the sudden have a whole new confidence, swagger and outlook on how they deal with females.

shyt was night and day.

It's not just about the gym though and having a better body (it helps though...let's keep it one hunnid :yeshrug:), it's about doing what makes me happy. Hitting the gym and getting bigger (which I've done...I'm not cut yet though, but I'll be on my Reggie Bush status soon :obama: ) and being "the big guy" and "the fitness guy" is :boss: for me. I like that. :smugbiden:

It's better than what I used to be known for. :huhldup:

I know I'm doing something right when random strangers stop and ask me for advice or give me compliments. I notice that a lot of them are either older men, older women or even guys my age asking for advice.

Girls my age don't do that for whatever reason, maybe you brehs can fill me in (not that I need their approval, I'm just curious :birdman:).

The point is, this is only part of what it will take to make me happy and I will keep walking this path to my growth as an individual, and if I'm happy and enjoying myself in life, it'll show everywhere else, including here.


Like I said, it's not just fitness, it's everything.

Hobbies. Interests...etc. I just picked this one cause it's easier to relate to.


Dec 3, 2012
Also, don't take the above post as bragging.

My game is still pitiful. I'm proof positive that you can be built decently but still not do a damn thang. :sadcam:


follower of Jesus
May 2, 2012
I wanted to expound on something you said in this post, and put a more positive spin on something I said earlier in the thread.

Earlier in the thread I said this:

I didn't mean for it to sound bitter and angry, it was more like a boxer realizing that he's not ready to step in the ring yet and needs more time in the gym.

The first part of what you said in bold is 100% spot on and it was part of what made me look in the mirror a long time ago. I knew there were things that I was unhappy about, and I had two choices:

1) I could either take my frustrations out on the rest of the world and females (and add to the "mad black man" stereotype whether I meant to or not...yall know how it is).

2) I could man up and do something about what was making me unhappy.

The first step for me was getting in the gym (cause I was :flabbynsick: status being overweight (fat) and clinically depressed). I know brehs on here are going to get at me for saying/thinking this but fukk it. I've seen too many of my boys hit the gym, become swole and then all of the sudden have a whole new confidence, swagger and outlook on how they deal with females.

shyt was night and day.

It's not just about the gym though and having a better body (it helps though...let's keep it one hunnid :yeshrug:), it's about doing what makes me happy. Hitting the gym and getting bigger (which I've done...I'm not cut yet though, but I'll be on my Reggie Bush status soon :obama: ) and being "the big guy" and "the fitness guy" is :boss: for me. I like that. :smugbiden:

It's better than what I used to be known for. :huhldup:

I know I'm doing something right when random strangers stop and ask me for advice or give me compliments. I notice that a lot of them are either older men, older women or even guys my age asking for advice.

Girls my age don't do that for whatever reason, maybe you brehs can fill me in (not that I need their approval, I'm just curious :birdman:).

The point is, this is only part of what it will take to make me happy and I will keep walking this path to my growth as an individual, and if I'm happy and enjoying myself in life, it'll show everywhere else, including here.


Like I said, it's not just fitness, it's everything.

Hobbies. Interests...etc. I just picked this one cause it's easier to relate to.

You're definitely taking the right approach to it all. The more you improve yourself, the more real confidence you start to have... and this will put you into a position where you don't have to settle for someone who is not treating you decently.