Old Member
Late Merry Christmas to the brethren.
A lesson I've learned is to avoid speaking words in a state of passion or deep emotion. it's very easy to get into a zone, feel a woman in the moment and start telling her all kinds of things based off the feeling you are currently feeling. Then, when you sit back and think about it while you have a clearer head and you simply regret a lot of what you've said.
Sometimes when I'm really vibing with a woman, I start painting all kinds of pictures for her and then just think, "I shouldn't have said that." As men we must be careful not to give women promises we cannot fulfill... and these sorts of promises are made or pictures are painted... and when that bout of emotion passes, we realize we cannot or do not have the desire to go through with it, which will lead to disappointment on the part of the woman. Guard your words and, doubly do so when your emotions are heightened.
if only i had read this like last week