Essential Quick Lil Gems on Dealing with Women


Jun 19, 2012
The 215
I just dropped this science on FB and I got the women heated. But these chicks need to know and do better for the 2013. Men will always win. The funny thing is the more arrogant and obnoxious I am about it, the more attracted women are to me. It's crazy.

These broads can never win.
Nah I think they can win or at least have the illusion of doing so when certain segments of guys go sooooo far out of their way to show them how wrong they are. If you don't really care about something most people don't spend much time on it. These chicks doing something right if it makes some guys spend they lives being so upset about chicks you claim not to care about. I also feel if men will always win there would be no need for "manosphere" and stuff like that. I always feel both genders (maybe cause its human nature) want to pin their troubles all on the other party instead of looking in the mirror.


R.I.P. Kobe and Nip, that’s off the rip
May 14, 2012
I just dropped this science on FB and I got the women heated. But these chicks need to know and do better for the 2013. Men will always win. The funny thing is the more arrogant and obnoxious I am about it, the more attracted women are to me. It's crazy.

These broads can never win.


what did they say?
May 4, 2012
Just posted this in higher learning, wanted to post it here to see what peoples thoughts are.

I think you(and other men's right opponents) are conflating two issues here. Yes, middle aged white conservative men, do play the "oppressed white male meme" way too much, and it is usually uninformed and misdirected. I will also concede that a lot of these same men have attached themselves to the MRA and are bringing that issue to the table. However, the MRA is nonpartisan and is for reducing cultural misandry that affects all men.

With that being said, it is easy for critics to laugh, and patronise the issue of the "oppressed white male" because it is politically correct to view heterosexual white males as the uber class. However, that is not what is happening to working class white males. This is a classism issue. If we look at working class white males under 35 - they have been raised in multicultural society that values people from all backgrounds, race, gender, etc. They went to schools that preached the values of feminism and multiculturalism, and they completely bought into those values.

They were also told that white males are racist, privileged, contributed to rape culture, and are the cause of all of the earths problems, and they bought that too. So, you have a demographic of young, working class white men who are, sensitive, creative, non racist and gender inclusive. Then they go out into the real world. And they're lived experiences are completely different from what gynocentric culture tells them.

Higher education is hostile towards them. They can't find decent and well paying jobs. Health care is not inclusive towards them. They are more likely to kill themselves. They are most likely to suffer from depression. They are more likely to be homeless. And what does feminism tell them to do when they live these experiences?

Man up. Check your privilege.

I want to make it clear that this is not a issue affecting upper middle class and rich white males. But working class and poor white males are suffering. They are suffering and also being told that they are racist, potential rapist, contribute to rape culture and are privileged, which goes against everything that they have lived. It is the opposite of their lived experiences. We need to address this issue and address it quickly because working class Y generation white males are becoming increasingly frustrated in a society that throws them in the trash.

The education system used to mostly fail black men, now, it is failing both black men and working class white males. That is why you see these two demographics becoming MRA's more than anyone else.

College campuses will burn in the next decade if this issue is ignored.

Feminism has, and always will do a horrible job of addressing classism. I am getting sick of Ivy Leauge educated white women trying to direct and monopolize the lives of black and working class white men.


Free Sheist
May 1, 2012

Every man should listen to this song
The 2nd part is just :ohlawd: and shows you that real about the game.

If its hard to undertand the second part:

You're just a masachistic fool
Because you knew my love was cruel
You never listened when they said

Don't let that girl go to your head
But like a play boy you said no
or*di*nary pain
This little girl mind you will blow
or*di*nary pain
But then I blew you out the box
or*di*nary pain
When I put my stuff on key and lock
or*di*nary pain
It makes me feel kind of sick
or*di*nary pain
To know love put you in a trick
or*di*nary pain
I knew our love would have to end
or*di*nary pain
The day I made it with your friend
or*di*nary pain
Giving your love to one unreal

or*di*nary pain
Like a big fool I know you feel
or*di*nary pain
But in this lovie-dovie game
or*di*nary pain
With all its joy there must be pain
or*di*nary pain
But now the time has surely come
or*di*nary pain
This game don't seem like so much fun
or*di*nary pain
You're cryin big corcodile tears
or*di*nary pain
Don't match the ones I've cried for years
or*di*nary pain
When I was home wainting for you
or*di*nary pain
You were out somewhere doing the do
or*di*nary pain
You know I'd really like to stay
or*di*nary pain
But like you did I've go to play
or*di*nary pain
You're dumb to think I'd let you be
or*di*nary pain
Scott free without some pain from me
or*di*nary pain
I heard your song and took a chance
or*di*nary pain
But to your music I can't dance
or*di*nary pain
Go tell your story 'sob-sad'
or*di*nary pain
About you blowin what you had
or*di*nary pain
Since one ain't good enough for you
or*di*nary pain
Then do yourself see how you do
or*di*nary pain


So often people think that they have the slickest game, or that they have their girl weak only to be the one who is truly getting played.shyt if anything this kinda describes how brother @NerdNash felt about his situation. His girl could be the same thing the female singer is talking about. Think with your head, not your dikk...and keep your head above water brehs. Don't get paranoid, but always know that at any given time you could get got. Dont do any dirt either because then you only have yourself to blame.
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Nov 29, 2012
Real talk... Your 30s is almost like your golden age. You would think that the late 20s, early 30s is when you start 'getting old', but really, if you kept up with yourself, you got your education, your money in hand, your physique is proper and your conversation skills and life experiences have improved dramatically.

You are really at the mid-section of female attention. You got all the women hitting their 30s rushing to find someone and all the girls in their 20s seeing that you got it going on and want to see what you're about. It's really crazy the attention you'll start receiving when you start putting the pieces together.

If you've been focused on getting it together, your opportunities will definitely be there.

who the fck is this guy?

stays droppin knowledge in here. :salute:


Dec 3, 2012
Is it always the fault of the guy if the girl cheats?

A lot of homies will say shyt like, "you ain't hold it down in the bedroom, bruh".

What if you held your own in the bedroom (and you know this for a fact), but she still cheated...and with a girl no less. :huhldup:

Had me feeling a combination of :noah: and :ohhh:


Jul 3, 2012
Paraphrasing but I believe @Turbulent said it best: it will always be made to be the man's fault no matter what. I got fam going through a situation like this right now. The man provided for his fiance, help raised her seed from another relationship, and was rewarded with disloyalty and the sullying of a good name he built over the years.

What's so scary about it was how well his girl played the good girl role. The typical shy, laid back introvert type. Had almost the whole family fool aside from me(the inner cynic inside always have me like :beli: just didn't fully buy it ) and a few others. This girl even had my grandma and aunt head twisted with her act. They sitting up here questioning whether it was really my cousin's fault for their split, suggesting he did something foul despite the overwhelming proof in front of them that he was on the up and up :dwillhuh:

But I must admit, looking back all the signs pointing to trouble were there. She was raised around nothing but women, with no strong father figure, male mentor, etc in sight. Almost all of her friends had kids, again with no man in their life. The friends would often try to make little snide remarks in the beginning, but dropped that shyt once they realize he was the type that was going to check them :birdman: Also the girl in question went out her way to prove that "she wasn't like that" but looking on things from the outside it felt kinda forced instead of natural femininity. Can't really explain it :ld:

To wrap it up, this situation along with some of the gems dropped in this thread has really made me take notice that a lot of women(and people in general for that matter) will rationalize bad behavior on their part, to make themselves feel better about whatever dirt they have, or are about to commit. Even in the cases where no clear rationale exist for their actions, some have no qualms about creating their very own :duck: to push forward the agenda they have. I'm getting a firsthand crash course on that, just hate that it had to involve a member of the fam :to:

I really could have used this thread a few years ago. Would have possibly saved me from a couple of small L's, but hey you live and you learn :manny:
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May 2, 2012
Is it always the fault of the guy if the girl cheats?

A lot of homies will say shyt like, "you ain't hold it down in the bedroom, bruh".

What if you held your own in the bedroom (and you know this for a fact), but she still cheated...and with a girl no less. :huhldup:

Had me feeling a combination of :noah: and :ohhh:

Females cheat because they want to & because they have low impulse control..

Has nothing to do with how "good or bad" your dikk game is, in her mind there's always someone/something "better" anyway so don't let your ego get bruised because of their slutty behavior..