Essential Quick Lil Gems on Dealing with Women

Wild self

The Black Man will prosper!
Jun 20, 2012
I remember reading an interview a few years back of some really pretty model saying she was in the club once and this fool gave her $1000 and wrote his number on each of the hundred dollar bills. :huh: She said she and her girls laughed about it and she just went clothes shopping the following day.

This is why, for the life of me, I can never understand people simping these chicks like Maliah Michel or Kardashian. It's one thing to send these chicks tweets and tell them they look good, but it's totally another to be taking them out for expensive meals, flying them all over the place and stuffing huge notes in their clothes and having them on your arm for the whole world to see while she's thinking of the next dude. There's absolutely no way I'd even consider a stripper chick for a relationship.

Yeah we all like to view ass and titties, but I'd be gotdamned like a NY cockroach like Wesley Snipes would say in Demolition Man if I brought a chick like that to meet my family and sit around the dinner table like I will be tonight and for the whole day tomorrow. Sorry, but when you go down that stripper/video model route then you lose value in my eyes. If you have tattoos then the value drops another 40% which pretty much damn near brings you to zero. If that makes me sound high and mighty, then tough. Woman have their standards too. It ain't like many of these chicks don't have other options anyway. I don't care how pretty you are, if I discover you have a website or video where the whole world knows what your titties, p*ssy and ass looks like, we're done.

I remember a joke that someone on here said about someone wifing up a stripper and their boys seen the dude's wife in the strip club. On some "I saw ya wife on the pole and she was in rare form." :wow:

How can a man respect another man's wife if she is shaking her ass and titties all around like that?

Think about the prototypical male in society deemed a loser. probably never finished college. mid to late 20s. still lives in his parent's basement. works a dead end job that doesn't pay enough to support himself. can't get a date or sex. likely doesn't have kids or has very few and if he does he doesn't have custody of them.

the female equivalent of that is actually very deceptive. she too probably still lives with her parents in her mid 20s. she too probably didn't finish school and works a dead end job. she likely has a few kids. she can easily get a date and easily get sex.

that female loser she leads a deceptively comfortable life. she's still in demand to an extent and doesn't live a life that's too far off from a female doing decent at life. in fact she doesn't find out her "loser" status or at least confront it until much later in life.

the male "loser" he can already see his standing. he still has the opportunity to develop himself so that he can become desirable. so when these two people hit their early to mid 30s she's just finding out where she stands and he's already addressed his problems and fixed himself. he's no longer a loser later in life while she's doomed to finish out life with that status more than likely.

So true. Especially in this different economy. Chicks and their illusions that they are living the life, but they broke as fukk. They most likely gonna grow old and depressed cause they spent their years just in the club and doing nothing.


I think very deeply
May 4, 2012
I see in that other thread people giving Kevm3 a hard time cause he refuses to put up with bullshyt on American women. Those other posters even go as far as saying that he gets no ass and his "game" is weak. The shaming tactics that these "players" use is something as wrong and degrading as any hate crime, just cause they don't put up with the shyt that these disrespectful women use. Like these same "players" somehow can "manage" them for the sake of the p*ssy.

if you notice, most of those cats getting mad are married or in a long-term relationship. They pretty much have to rationalize how they're getting much less here for more work because they can't escape. I ain't mad at them. I'm just blessed to be able to get it here or overseas if I so choose. I'm a free agent that's able to procure for myself the best deal possible.

I was reading that thread and noticed it too. I find it strange that those dudes and that chick marilynmonroe (who I think is some dude's alias anyway) would get so emotive and vitriolic against men who go abroad and find their wives, even to the point of labelling them paedophiles or looking for prostitutes. They have to go to the extreme and label every women in Brasil as some devious chick who just wants to fleece a 'gringo' and has no real interest them. That chick marilyn, if she's even real, was probably deserted by her man for a foreign chick and the rest of those dudes who are tied down probably envy the options that other men have. I haven't watched the documentary but I'd be surprised if any of the men said they "can't get" an American woman.


Jun 19, 2012
The 215
I'm going to agree with you to an extent but also disagree. If you have your tools together, it makes it easier to procure the attention of a woman and to get better behavior up front, but when the woman gets comfortable, the problems still come out no matter how much you give her or what you do.

We can look at the case of several athletes/famous people for example, whether it be Deion Sanders or Mike Tyson. Deion Sanders was arguably the best player at his position, had a ton of money, tons of women on him, but in the end, Pilar still tried to do this negro shady, going as far as faking tears and trying to fabricate an attack so she could break him for more money. Deion was smart enough to get a prenup to keep himself covered. Mike Tyson is one of the best boxers, ton of money, etc., but women constantly broke Tyson down. Hulk Hogan is another example. One of the most reknowned, if not the most reknowned wrestler, tons of money, provided for his wife, and yet she ends up sleeping with the pool boy. Even Ice T, famous rapper and who actually dabbled with pimping, wifed up Coco and you see her kissing up on some other younger rapper. T/O is another example. Knocked up a couple of females and now they want that negro in jail for not coming off child support and he is forced to beg his way into a job so he can handie his financial responsibilities. Antonio Cromartie with all his baby mommas? Financial slave for a very long time and one misstep and one of those baby mommas can get him locked right on up. That negro Usher wifed himself up an OLD broad and gave her that life of luxury and she should have been appreciative, but even she tried to play him. What else could these men have done? They are at the height of being able to provide and took many of these women from nothing to a life of unparalleled wealth... but then all of a sudden the excuse becomes, "Well they didn't spend enough time!"

Bottom line is that you simply cannot 'earn' or game your way into loyalty with a woman. Either she is or she isn't.

I'm under no impression that Brazil or anywhere else in this world is some mystical paradise where the women are perfect, but I do realize that the values a culture holds has a very large effect on how people act over there.
I don't personally know what those older dudes are doing in Brazil, and it's really not my business... but as long as they aren't doing anything illegal or sick like messing with the children, I can't be mad at them. Plus, they are way too old to be worried about game. However, if they find a competitive advantage over there that they simply do not have over here and are prospering well on it and they aren't doing anything sinister or illegal, I can't be mad at it.
Man all them dudes you brought up outside of possibly Hogan are fools anyway. Deion chick from the outside looking in looked/acted(from what I saw) like she would be into this type of foolishness but Deion wifed cause of her looks. When dudes just go by that they deserve whatever they get sorry. Mike and Cro them boys both idiots so if I was you wouldn't use them as no defense. How many of us are going to even do what they did? Them women got them for the sorry chumps they were and honestly men would do the same to an equivalent woman. TO only thing I can say about him is he should have kept it in his pants seriously. You know you can't go around having kids with every chick you sleeping with I'm pretty sure you or most that post in this thread aren't pulling TO baby mama numbers. Ice T he wifed up a hoe/booty model woman most of us wouldn't right? Well as yall have posted many times you know how that goes. Hogan I don't know what he did to make his wife do what she did but since I can't I'll put that one on the woman even though I thought she did that after they were divorced/seperated(not sure). If thats the case I don't care what you do on either side but thats just me.

All in all you see where each one violated rules that yall speak of in here all the time so like I said its hard for me to feel sorry for them or most men when they end up in trouble. I will give you that women are going to do them regardless but personally if your together I really feel having your stuff together will give you more than enough confidence to fly above their stuff. The reason being you will feel/know your in demand and you want hoard a relationship like you would if your not feeling as confident of getting a replacement. Its just human nature (from what I see) your not going to worry as much about something you know can be replaced easily as you would something that can't.

Them dudes in Brasil like I said do what you do but don't gloat (not saying they did never looked at the doc) like you putting up numbers when they are in rookie mode of Madden. I also feel that they went that far to get what they feel they couldn't get here which is chicks sweating them for being basic and to me thats an L right there. In a business since its a great move but in a dating sense I'm sorry I'm :laff: at that right there. They don't care that I'm doing so as they shouldn't but I'm still doing so. At the end of the day they are happy I'm happy for them but still have a chuckle about how they went about doing it. I would do the same if they were actual friends so you know I'm going to laugh at these dudes.

I like how we can have disagreements and it doesn't have to be any silly stuff just voicing our differences and that be that. I really wish it could have been more like that in the other thread also cause I felt both sides brought up some valid points.

Rocket Scientist

May 5, 2012
High IQ
This is for the poster who dealt with a Triniadian woman. I dealt with a woman who was from the Island of Dominica (Not Domican Republic),and it was the same situation.She couldnt decide what she wanted or not and she always wanted to be a rebel. At times she showed her good,reason we fell out she just wasnt mentally stable.


May 6, 2012
I made this post earlier today in a thread that talked about men getting groped at work.
a lot of y'all might disagree but this mostly happens to you if you have a certain type of demeanor about yourself. A guy could be considered super attractive to other females and just carry himself in a way that commands respect. The girls will still be choosing but they wouldn't even dare behave like this. When chicks do this to you, you're basically like a boy-toy to them a lot of times. you're just slightly above a male stripper in their mind.

Do not tolerate this type of shyt. it kinda makes you look like a hoe. Women should be humble and somewhat submissive around you when you are desirable.
some things i'd like to add:

I feel like a lot of men are actually proud of that and feel like it's a good sign from women. I think it's a sign that they like looking at you or touching you as a toy but be careful because if you accept that role then you,re working on their terms. that's NEVER a position you want to be in when dealing with women.


follower of Jesus
May 2, 2012
Man all them dudes you brought up outside of possibly Hogan are fools anyway. Deion chick from the outside looking in looked/acted(from what I saw) like she would be into this type of foolishness but Deion wifed cause of her looks. When dudes just go by that they deserve whatever they get sorry. Mike and Cro them boys both idiots so if I was you wouldn't use them as no defense. How many of us are going to even do what they did? Them women got them for the sorry chumps they were and honestly men would do the same to an equivalent woman. TO only thing I can say about him is he should have kept it in his pants seriously. You know you can't go around having kids with every chick you sleeping with I'm pretty sure you or most that post in this thread aren't pulling TO baby mama numbers. Ice T he wifed up a hoe/booty model woman most of us wouldn't right? Well as yall have posted many times you know how that goes. Hogan I don't know what he did to make his wife do what she did but since I can't I'll put that one on the woman even though I thought she did that after they were divorced/seperated(not sure). If thats the case I don't care what you do on either side but thats just me.

All in all you see where each one violated rules that yall speak of in here all the time so like I said its hard for me to feel sorry for them or most men when they end up in trouble. I will give you that women are going to do them regardless but personally if your together I really feel having your stuff together will give you more than enough confidence to fly above their stuff. The reason being you will feel/know your in demand and you want hoard a relationship like you would if your not feeling as confident of getting a replacement. Its just human nature (from what I see) your not going to worry as much about something you know can be replaced easily as you would something that can't.

Them dudes in Brasil like I said do what you do but don't gloat (not saying they did never looked at the doc) like you putting up numbers when they are in rookie mode of Madden. I also feel that they went that far to get what they feel they couldn't get here which is chicks sweating them for being basic and to me thats an L right there. In a business since its a great move but in a dating sense I'm sorry I'm :laff: at that right there. They don't care that I'm doing so as they shouldn't but I'm still doing so. At the end of the day they are happy I'm happy for them but still have a chuckle about how they went about doing it. I would do the same if they were actual friends so you know I'm going to laugh at these dudes.

I like how we can have disagreements and it doesn't have to be any silly stuff just voicing our differences and that be that. I really wish it could have been more like that in the other thread also cause I felt both sides brought up some valid points.

man to me, a diversity of viewpoints is definitely cool because it expands the knowledge... i ain't tripping when someone disagrees with me as long as it's done respectably. I don't spend too much time going back and forth with negroes who don't know how to hold a respectable conversation. I put them on ignore and keep it pushing. To me, one of the things about being a man is that we all have different ways of getting things done. We might end up handling things in different ways but I can give you respect if you handle situations in a different fashion than me.


Louder than words
May 9, 2012
Vice City
I brought up a point that wasn't addressed before: "It can be kinda problematic to over-analyze and downright micromanage the kind of vibe you're giving off to make sure you're not giving off any hint of weakness. One sign of weakness and it's over."

Do you all agree?

I believe that one of the best things that can come out of your time on earth is going to be how well you can adapt/acclimate yourself to situations, make the most out of your opportunities, and all the while remain true to who you are.

so instead of focusing on the negative (ie. what you should NOT do), always keep your head on straight and your swagger at a high. be you. find your lane, what you like, your responses to situations, your lingo, your style, and maintain a level of integrity wherever youre going to be. have genuine confidence in being yourself. be the best version of yourself. we cant be wasting energy and time trying to be something thats wrong for us, but you should be working at being YOUR full potential at all times. and worrying never does that. just the opposite. it takes your focus away from your strengths and improvement.

and to those who might lack the confidence or otherwise think that this is only for "certain people," you will get the best trainer of all: experience. so be out there, and do you to the fullest. :blessed:

Secondly, is it just me, or have these desperate, thirsty motherfukkers given your average woman a massive ego? I'm not even talking about the super hot ones, I mean all of them.

It's to the point where I've flat out refrained from approaching because the scales are so ridiculously tilted against me. Hell, even if I get a "sign" (not sure what the hell that is or what it's supposed to be) I usually just shrug it off or ignore it just to play it safe, because there's a good chance she could have been leading you on just to see how you respond, or for kicks.

You know, "Oh, that? I do that with everyone! I'm just friendly!"

A lot more to lose and nothing to gain when you really think about it.

I used to feel guilty about my non-action, but no so much anymore.


its going to work out better for you if you go out and hunt for the things you want. it might not even be a relationship right now, but if you come across something that you want, then I say you should go for it. think of it like a video game, if you play an rpg and you get no experience, you never build up to the next level. and you need to do that.

even if its to holla at a chick, and then dismiss her because her shyt is off point. BELIEVE me, its the difference between night and day when you can reject them because youre not caught up in the hype of trying to be The Perfect Man for each and every chick. look at her. what does she bring? so learn to toss them if theyre wack. you get good skills at reading people this way, too. step up your game like this.

but just get out, do your thing. dont overcommit to anything thats not right for you, but be active if you want something out there. practicing what you believe in will make the difference. so get on it and step at them a little more. its the best teacher you can get.


Louder than words
May 9, 2012
Vice City
It's truly a blessing from God when you've found your talent. I think I will pursue writing further. It's something that I enjoy doing and don't require any payment in order to do. I will have some more interesting things for ya'll later.

I will actually take up the recommendation I've been getting of writing a book and knocking it out.

thats a great idea and wish you well my brother. I know that shyt is gonna be on point.


follower of Jesus
May 2, 2012
I was reading that thread and noticed it too. I find it strange that those dudes and that chick marilynmonroe (who I think is some dude's alias anyway) would get so emotive and vitriolic against men who go abroad and find their wives, even to the point of labelling them paedophiles or looking for prostitutes. They have to go to the extreme and label every women in Brasil as some devious chick who just wants to fleece a 'gringo' and has no real interest them. That chick marilyn, if she's even real, was probably deserted by her man for a foreign chick and the rest of those dudes who are tied down probably envy the options that other men have. I haven't watched the documentary but I'd be surprised if any of the men said they "can't get" an American woman.

I feel this. I ain't even going to waste any time arguing with them about it anymore. Those circular arguments never get anywhere. People end up believing what they believe. I'm keeping my options open worldwide. If I find that fly girl here in America that carries herself well, that's what it is. If I find it overseas, that's what it is too. I really ain't mad at them old school negroes for going overseas. They're doing what females have been doing for the longest... attempting to get the most for what they're bringing to the table.

Captain Crunch

May 9, 2012
I feel this. I ain't even going to waste any time arguing with them about it anymore. Those circular arguments never get anywhere. People end up believing what they believe. I'm keeping my options open worldwide. If I find that fly girl here in America that carries herself well, that's what it is. If I find it overseas, that's what it is too. I really ain't mad at them old school negroes for going overseas. They're doing what females have been doing for the longest... attempting to get the most for what they're bringing to the table.

Hell, that's simple economics :heh:


Louder than words
May 9, 2012
Vice City
I find it funny how women come all out with a long checklist of things that they want in a man, but when a man wants something specific from a woman, hes too demanding or not "man enough" for simply taking her as she is.

always kissing up for women and letting them (or anyone) dictate what you should or shouldnt accept is a mistake. thats why I dont fukk with these birdbrains who tell you to take the sloppy left overs thats there and be happy about it.