Essential Quick Lil Gems on Dealing with Women


follower of Jesus
May 2, 2012
I mentioned this in the other thread but I'll elborate further here

nikkas on here and in general look at p*ssy as the end all be all in every situation and an indicator of their worth as a man :aicmon: A dude could have the cure to cancer, a cure to AIDS and a solution to world hunger and these nikkas wouldn't listen to him if he didn't get p*ssy:stopitslime:

If you say something a dude or a female doesn't like on here notice how the first thing he or she says is the ad-hominem "You just mad u can't p*ssy":umad: as if it is something that is impossible to obtain in today's society :rudy:

The only reason people even say this ad hominem is in the attempt to emasculate a man into feeling like he is not a man because he doesn't have sex when it's really quite the opposite because I see a whole alot of nikkas who act like immature little "boys" walking around who get all the sex in the world. If sex made you a man then we wouldn't have 80% of black children growing up without fathers in the home because those certainly aren't men in my book.

Another thing thing it does artifically is inflate the value of p*ssy as if it is a scarce resource when every women has one and when most give it up easily nowadays :heh:

But then again I'm not surprised tho :manny: most of these nikkas on here are simps that jump to :cape: for women everytime they're criticized because they've become slaves to p*ssy so it doesn't surprise me that they go out of their way to protect it :yeshrug:

Honestly man, I limit the length of time I spend debating those cats. If they're happy with the way they're operating, that's on them. I prefer to operate in the fashion we've discussed in this thread. You hit the nail right on the head. There's much, much more in life to 'getting coochie'.


follower of Jesus
May 2, 2012
one of the things I truly is kicking back with my brethren in this thread and sharing as well as reading knowledge all in an argumentative free fashion. we can disagree without disrespect while finding ways to improve ourselves via the knowledge shared here. To me, it is a truly beautiful thing. let's keep it up.


Jun 19, 2012
The 215
I mentioned this in the other thread but I'll elaborate further here

nikkas on here and in general look at p*ssy as the end all be all in every situation and an indicator of their worth as a man :aicmon: A dude could have the cure to cancer, a cure to AIDS and a solution to world hunger and these nikkas wouldn't listen to him if he didn't get p*ssy:stopitslime:

If you say something a dude or a female doesn't like on here notice how the first thing he or she says is the ad-hominem "You just mad u can't p*ssy":umad: as if it is something that is impossible to obtain in today's society :rudy:

The only reason people even say this ad hominem is in the attempt to emasculate a man into feeling like he is not a man because he doesn't have sex when it's really quite the opposite because I see a whole alot of nikkas who act like immature little "boys" walking around who get all the sex in the world. If sex made you a man then we wouldn't have 80% of black children growing up without fathers in the home because those certainly aren't men in my book.

Another thing thing it does artifically is inflate the value of p*ssy as if it is a scarce resource when every women has one and when most give it up easily nowadays :heh:

But then again I'm not surprised tho :manny: most of these nikkas on here are simps that jump to :cape: for women everytime they're criticized because they've become slaves to p*ssy so it doesn't surprise me that they go out of their way to protect it :yeshrug:
I honestly can see both sides of what was going on in that other thread. I feel you, Kev, and others make good points just like the other cats on the other side did too. I do feel them dudes are "lames" if they had to do that just to get respect from women. You couldn't hack it here so you put the game on easy you don't get no props for doing that. I don't really crap on them dudes for doing it either just not me. I do feel what some were saying in that thread if you make yourself the best you most chicks will get down with your program. Enough that you don't have to leave the country.

I also haven't saw a dude yet that has the majority of his life in order with health, financial, looks and basically all the things yall mention in this thread really having a problem with women irl. I think at times people male/female need to be honest with themselves and stop worrying about dating and get your self in order. I really thinks that hinders people cause if your straight in all phases of your life this thread isn't probably necessary honestly. You would be so confident you wouldn't have time nor put up with the bs that some women bring on the daily and/or leave the country to find love (though if it works for you do you)


Old Member
Sep 15, 2012
guala guala island
I was just dicussin this with my boy yesterday:

Im sure most of yall have been in a situation where after a girl let you hit it, she got all emotional and felt like a whore and shi*.. :beli: ive never been a real assho1e about it and try make the chick feel better.. but my boy brought an interesting point, he said that you shouldnt really say anything because no matter what you say, you'll make yourself look bad.. so just write it off as somethin women do. :manny: its a real awkward sitch to be in tho.. when i was young i gave this girl the bidness the day i met her; she started crying afterwards and come to find out, the only other time she had sex she was raped :whew: so she was ashamed to have given up the goods so soon and that we werent even in a relationship.. to make her feel better i became her bf :snoop:


follower of Jesus
May 2, 2012
I honestly can see both sides of what was going on in that other thread. I feel you, Kev, and others make good points just like the other cats on the other side did too. I do feel them dudes are "lames" if they had to do that just to get respect from women. You couldn't hack it here so you put the game on easy you don't get no props for doing that. I don't really crap on them dudes for doing it either just not me. I do feel what some were saying in that thread if you make yourself the best you most chicks will get down with your program. Enough that you don't have to leave the country.

I also haven't saw a dude yet that has the majority of his life in order with health, financial, looks and basically all the things yall mention in this thread really having a problem with women irl. I think at times people male/female need to be honest with themselves and stop worrying about dating and get your self in order. I really thinks that hinders people cause if your straight in all phases of your life this thread isn't probably necessary honestly. You would be so confident you wouldn't have time nor put up with the bs that some women bring on the daily and/or leave the country to find love (though if it works for you do you)

I'm going to agree with you to an extent but also disagree. If you have your tools together, it makes it easier to procure the attention of a woman and to get better behavior up front, but when the woman gets comfortable, the problems still come out no matter how much you give her or what you do.

We can look at the case of several athletes/famous people for example, whether it be Deion Sanders or Mike Tyson. Deion Sanders was arguably the best player at his position, had a ton of money, tons of women on him, but in the end, Pilar still tried to do this negro shady, going as far as faking tears and trying to fabricate an attack so she could break him for more money. Deion was smart enough to get a prenup to keep himself covered. Mike Tyson is one of the best boxers, ton of money, etc., but women constantly broke Tyson down. Hulk Hogan is another example. One of the most reknowned, if not the most reknowned wrestler, tons of money, provided for his wife, and yet she ends up sleeping with the pool boy. Even Ice T, famous rapper and who actually dabbled with pimping, wifed up Coco and you see her kissing up on some other younger rapper. T/O is another example. Knocked up a couple of females and now they want that negro in jail for not coming off child support and he is forced to beg his way into a job so he can handie his financial responsibilities. Antonio Cromartie with all his baby mommas? Financial slave for a very long time and one misstep and one of those baby mommas can get him locked right on up. That negro Usher wifed himself up an OLD broad and gave her that life of luxury and she should have been appreciative, but even she tried to play him. What else could these men have done? They are at the height of being able to provide and took many of these women from nothing to a life of unparalleled wealth... but then all of a sudden the excuse becomes, "Well they didn't spend enough time!"

Bottom line is that you simply cannot 'earn' or game your way into loyalty with a woman. Either she is or she isn't.

I'm under no impression that Brazil or anywhere else in this world is some mystical paradise where the women are perfect, but I do realize that the values a culture holds has a very large effect on how people act over there.
I don't personally know what those older dudes are doing in Brazil, and it's really not my business... but as long as they aren't doing anything illegal or sick like messing with the children, I can't be mad at them. Plus, they are way too old to be worried about game. However, if they find a competitive advantage over there that they simply do not have over here and are prospering well on it and they aren't doing anything sinister or illegal, I can't be mad at it.

Wild self

The Black Man will prosper!
Jun 20, 2012
I mentioned this in the other thread but I'll elaborate further here

nikkas on here and in general look at p*ssy as the end all be all in every situation and an indicator of their worth as a man :aicmon: A dude could have the cure to cancer, a cure to AIDS and a solution to world hunger and these nikkas wouldn't listen to him if he didn't get p*ssy:stopitslime:

If you say something a dude or a female doesn't like on here notice how the first thing he or she says is the ad-hominem "You just mad u can't p*ssy":umad: as if it is something that is impossible to obtain in today's society :rudy:

The only reason people even say this ad hominem is in the attempt to emasculate a man into feeling like he is not a man because he doesn't have sex when it's really quite the opposite because I see a whole alot of nikkas who act like immature little "boys" walking around who get all the sex in the world. If sex made you a man then we wouldn't have 80% of black children growing up without fathers in the home because those certainly aren't men in my book.

Another thing thing it does artifically is inflate the value of p*ssy as if it is a scarce resource when every women has one and when most give it up easily nowadays :heh:

But then again I'm not surprised tho :manny: most of these nikkas on here are simps that jump to :cape: for women everytime they're criticized because they've become slaves to p*ssy so it doesn't surprise me that they go out of their way to protect it :yeshrug:

Powerful message.


Let That Hoe Go
May 30, 2012
I just went to a mixer last night with older professional women (30s to mid 40s)

There were some things I've noticed.

These women are more likely to settle. At one point in their lives they thought they were the sh*t because they had good jobs, nice cars, pretty faces, banging bodies, etc.

However, with all of that, none of these women were able to get a man to marry them. Wanna know why?

Because they felt that they needed to have these super high standards... but they failed to realized that they are in abundance, while good men are scarce. They learn as they get older that it's our rules that they have to play by, or they will grow old lonely. And that is a woman's biggest fear.

So when you see that girl in the club that gets all that attention from the dudes, keep in mind that everybody wants to f*ck her, but there's a select few that will wife her. Women don't start to realize the difference until they are in their early 30s and there are less and less men coming after them, and even less that want more from them than casual sex.

This is were simping comes in. Simping is a problem because it allows these women to have their cake and eat it too. Simping allows a woman to feel secure in the fact that there's always gonna be a dude there that's going to wife her because he loves her, while she continues to f*ck with dudes who want nothing more than some good p*ssy.

We will always win at the end. Never forget this. This is why it makes no sense to simp. Take care of yourself, enjoy life, do the things that make you happy. These chicks will come. I'm in my mid 30s now, and to be honest, I don't even have to rap to chicks in my age bracket like that anymore. They actually come for me because of how I carry myself. I get invited out to dinner, drinks, and dates on a consistent basis. And it's very rare that I get turned down when I initiate.

You will always be a commodity as long as you are a good man that carries himself with confidence, integrity, and decisiveness.

Don't believe the hype and the images you see on TV. These video chicks and models are not winning. These women overall are not winning. All woman covet a man that's gonna genuinely love them and put them above every other woman. And as they get older and their window of opportunity closes, they get more brazen on trying to get a man. And yes, they will offer the p*ssy early on if it will seal the deal.

Wild self

The Black Man will prosper!
Jun 20, 2012
I just went to a mixer last night with older professional women (30s to mid 40s)

There were some things I've noticed.

These women are more likely to settle. At one point in their lives they thought they were the sh*t because they had good jobs, nice cars, pretty faces, banging bodies, etc.

However, with all of that, none of these women were able to get a man to marry them. Wanna know why?

Because they felt that they needed to have these super high standards... but they failed to realized that they are in abundance, while good men are scarce. They learn as they get older that it's our rules that they have to play by, or they will grow old lonely. And that is a woman's biggest fear.

So when you see that girl in the club that gets all that attention from the dudes, keep in mind that everybody wants to f*ck her, but there's a select few that will wife her. Women don't start to realize the difference until they are in their early 30s and there are less and less men coming after them, and even less that want more from them than casual sex.

This is were simping comes in. Simping is a problem because it allows these women to have their cake and eat it too. Simping allows a woman to feel secure in the fact that there's always gonna be a dude there that's going to wife her because he loves her, while she continues to f*ck with dudes who want nothing more than some good p*ssy.

We will always win at the end. Never forget this. This is why it makes no sense to simp. Take care of yourself, enjoy life, do the things that make you happy. These chicks will come. I'm in my mid 30s now, and to be honest, I don't even have to rap to chicks in my age bracket like that anymore. They actually come for me because of how I carry myself. I get invited out to dinner, drinks, and dates on a consistent basis. And it's very rare that I get turned down when I initiate.

You will always be a commodity as long as you are a good man that carries himself with confidence, integrity, and decisiveness.

Don't believe the hype and the images you see on TV. These video chicks and models are not winning. These women overall are not winning. All woman covet a man that's gonna genuinely love them and put them above every other woman. And as they get older and their window of opportunity closes, they get more brazen on trying to get a man. And yes, they will offer the p*ssy early on if it will seal the deal.

Yup. I blame the new age simps of generation Y for this shyt. That is why you never wife a chick that is extroverted or use their bodies/ faces to get what they want. You especially on the money on these chicks that are video hoes and are shaking their asses and titties thinking that they can build a career off of it. :bryan: Most of them have bad credit and are broke as fukk.


52 Years Young
May 28, 2012
everybody wants to f*ck her, but there's a select few that will wife her.
this is pretty much the case for the majority of women out here.

we live in a society that doesn't ask much more from women than to look half decent and have a vagina. they don't have to develop or improve themselves because nobody really ask that of them and there's no reward for doing it anyway. what reason does the average 25 year old woman have for developing herself into a wife type when she's swimming in male attention without doing any of that.

her problem is the only reason she's getting that attention is because she looks half decent and has a vagina. the attention says nothing about her value as a person or the quality of her character.

chicks hit 30 and the only thing that made them desirable is fading away. by now they're probably stuck with shyt jobs, a couple kids, massive debt, and the all round results of leading an irresponsible life. not only is their only source of value fading but its virtually impossible for them to now develop a life that's in shambles into something that makes them desirable.

those are the type of women that the nice guys that finish last end up picking up on the back end.

Wild self

The Black Man will prosper!
Jun 20, 2012
this is pretty much the case for the majority of women out here.

we live in a society that doesn't ask much more from women than to look half decent and have a vagina. they don't have to develop or improve themselves because nobody really ask that of them and there's no reward for doing it anyway. what reason does the average 25 year old woman have for developing herself into a wife type when she's swimming in male attention without doing any of that.

her problem is the only reason she's getting that attention is because she looks half decent and has a vagina. the attention says nothing about her value as a person or the quality of her character.

chicks hit 30 and the only thing that made them desirable is fading away. by now they're probably stuck with shyt jobs, a couple kids, massive debt, and the all round results of leading an irresponsible life. not only is their only source of value fading but its virtually impossible for them to now develop a life that's in shambles into something that makes them desirable.

those are the type of women that the nice guys that finish last end up picking up on the back end.

That is why men are traveling around the world. There are attractive women that have personalities and are actually interesting people. Problem is that you not gonna find it in America cause, like you said, women are just objects that want to be objects for the spotlight. Good for nothing ass hoes.


52 Years Young
May 28, 2012
Think about the prototypical male in society deemed a loser. probably never finished college. mid to late 20s. still lives in his parent's basement. works a dead end job that doesn't pay enough to support himself. can't get a date or sex. likely doesn't have kids or has very few and if he does he doesn't have custody of them.

the female equivalent of that is actually very deceptive. she too probably still lives with her parents in her mid 20s. she too probably didn't finish school and works a dead end job. she likely has a few kids. she can easily get a date and easily get sex.

that female loser she leads a deceptively comfortable life. she's still in demand to an extent and doesn't live a life that's too far off from a female doing decent at life. in fact she doesn't find out her "loser" status or at least confront it until much later in life.

the male "loser" he can already see his standing. he still has the opportunity to develop himself so that he can become desirable. so when these two people hit their early to mid 30s she's just finding out where she stands and he's already addressed his problems and fixed himself. he's no longer a loser later in life while she's doomed to finish out life with that status more than likely.


I think very deeply
May 4, 2012
Yup. I blame the new age simps of generation Y for this shyt. That is why you never wife a chick that is extroverted or use their bodies/ faces to get what they want. You especially on the money on these chicks that are video hoes and are shaking their asses and titties thinking that they can build a career off of it. :bryan: Most of them have bad credit and are broke as fukk.

I remember reading an interview a few years back of some really pretty model saying she was in the club once and this fool gave her $1000 and wrote his number on each of the hundred dollar bills. :huh: She said she and her girls laughed about it and she just went clothes shopping the following day.

This is why, for the life of me, I can never understand people simping these chicks like Maliah Michel or Kardashian. It's one thing to send these chicks tweets and tell them they look good, but it's totally another to be taking them out for expensive meals, flying them all over the place and stuffing huge notes in their clothes and having them on your arm for the whole world to see while she's thinking of the next dude. There's absolutely no way I'd even consider a stripper chick for a relationship.

Yeah we all like to view ass and titties, but I'd be gotdamned like a NY cockroach like Wesley Snipes would say in Demolition Man if I brought a chick like that to meet my family and sit around the dinner table like I will be tonight and for the whole day tomorrow. Sorry, but when you go down that stripper/video model route then you lose value in my eyes. If you have tattoos then the value drops another 40% which pretty much damn near brings you to zero. If that makes me sound high and mighty, then tough. Woman have their standards too. It ain't like many of these chicks don't have other options anyway. I don't care how pretty you are, if I discover you have a website or video where the whole world knows what your titties, p*ssy and ass looks like, we're done.