Remaining calm in the storm
There will be several moments in life where you will be tried and things will go awry… In many of these situations, you will be overcome with emotion such as sadness, anger, bewilderment, and confusion. However, as a man, you cannot allow your emotions to conquer you. Allow the emotion to cycle through your body and accept that it must run its due course and then allow it to pass. By attempting to rush it passing, you will only prolong it staying. Upon allowing it to pass, you will then be presented with a calmness. This calmness is the zone that you want to remain in, for it is the one that allows you to make the best decisions since you think the clearest in this state of mind.
In the midst of these turbulent situations do not forget to say a prayer for we are not always able to handle things without help from our Father. Then, formulate a plan and execute. When the going gets gritty, we truly only have two choices. We can stand up or we can lay down. When you look back on your life, do you want to look at yourself as someone who weakly submitted or do you want to be someone who stood tall no matter what? If you have to go down, you need to go down fighting. That’s the only way.
Why should one remain calm in the midst of turbulence? Undue emotion will affect your decision-making process, thus causing you to make irrational choices and thus prolonging the length of time you are in turbulence. When you feel your emotions pushing you and you are compelled to act, sit back and train yourself to wait a minute and allow that emotion to pass and then reassess your objective. We often do and say things in moments of emotion that we soon regret. For example, in anger, we often say harsh words that we regret later. In a fit of greed, we often rush to buy something that we regret later. This is why it is highly important to formulate plans and have a clear picture painted of the direction we want to go In life and to outline the key principles that we will operate on. It will allow us to make proper decisions in the midst of chaotic situations. This is not to say to discard your emotions, but to simply come to the recognition that you should keep your emotions under control whenever possible to be able to accomplish the bigger objective at hand.
When the storm comes you must simply recognize your objective, and calmly and sure-footedly march towards it, facing it head-on. You will be met with pressure but you must continue to push and to chip away at it until this great boulder too is shattered and your path is once again clear.