I know I just wrote a little something on this, but why would a girl want to be friends with a man? Does she want something? ... is she looking for something? ..
Its a complicated logic, but seemingly a simple thing.
1. She wants the satisfaction of knowing you(not you but guys) like her. For her ego sake.
2. She wants prospect of keeping you around for attention. This goes back to #1 of her knowing you like her. Basically keeping you like a puppet on a string.
3. She likes little pieces of the men in her life. So selfishly, she'll use you bc you give her your time/conversation/positive advice and always making her feel good about herself (ego). She'll use another guy for a different purpose.
She uses the idea of you prob wanting more (relationship or sex) from her as a reason to know you'll always pay attention/respond to her when she hits you up (again ego). Plus women love conversation. Makes her ego feel good to look at her text app and see a bunch of guys texting her/have multiple conversations going
Obviously I'm generalizing, and this isnt all women, but you have an idea of the ones I'm referring to