All Star
This is our interaction:
Met her last week, talked for like 3 mins and exchanged numbers. Called a few days later to set something up on Sat, she said she was out of town for weekend. No biggies.
Called today and got the quick (can I call you later?) text. I replied and said 'cool np'. That's been the extent of our interaction.
Me sending a "Hey, I'm planning to grabs drinks at XYZ on Saturday you wanna come" text tomorrow is light weight. If it's positive cool, I got a date for Saturday night, if not then at least I know I actually made an offer.
I don't really have much to lose IMO
go for it if you got your heart set on it but you might be making yourself come off like you're too available... if i were you i would see if she shows some sort of effort to call u later like she said and in the meantime u fall back and hit up another shorty