Essential Quick Lil Gems on Dealing with Women

Jason B

Dec 4, 2012
Yeah, that's what's so crazy in this day and age. If you treat a lot of these women like whores, you will get further than if you treat them like ladies. It's almost like they expect you to rush into their pants. That 'waiting to get to know them' stuff will land you in the friend category or looked at like some simp to be used for affection and resources while she is getting banged out by some other dude. It's sad really... but I just think that attests to the level of quality we have nowadays, which isn't much.

Man it's a headache, but when it comes down to character, you have to choose to stand on it, even if it isn't immediately rewarding. I've pondered the same issues, knowing I could deal with a lot more women if I went out here and started playing these games and doing all kinds of nonsense. Ultimately, I know it won't be satisfying because I had to change my core character to do it, and I would have no respect for those women I was dealing with because I see them falling for some obvious nonsense I was presenting to them.
Yeah. In terms of sorting of through the BS that is prevalent in today's dating scene, it is comparable to dumpster diving and it is quite disgusting. Also, I believe in the saying "If you don't stay stand for something, you'll fall for anything".

Wild self

The Black Man will prosper!
Jun 20, 2012
yo brehs, why is it that it appears that bytches are spending their child support money on themselves? on shoes, fur coats, and nice cars? shouldnt the women be bringing their reciepts into the court house, or to the man paying, to show that shes really spending her given money on the child? isnt that what the law is meant to do? is it even possible today to be able to show that she is spending money in an unfit way? how is this not a legal point or matter to take serious?

Cause the law thinks that women are higher priority than children. Some of these women will go as far as to make their kid look bummy while they rock the latest expensive fashion. You can request the judge to demand receipts, but few actually think like that.


Louder than words
May 9, 2012
Vice City
To answer your question, it all stems from my upbringing to be a respectful guy in general. In regards to women,I was taught that I should get to know them as a person as opposed to getting sexual with women quickly because it was deemed as "disrespectful". The women who were initially attracted to me, I guess, expected me to push for sex even though I would not have known them for very long or just overall talk to them in a way that would be more sexually aggressive or rather assertive despite the fact I did not play the male-girlfriend role at ALL (ex.consoling them with their problems) . It seems they mistaken with my respectful behavior with being weak or soft. Even two of them questioned me as to whether I was gay or not but I shut that nonsense down and got on about my business.

you need to be true to yourself and true to the game. just find a chick that will match up with what youre looking for.

its the dudes out there faking it by acting one way, just to get something out of the girl while hes scheming. but getting p*ssy isnt hard. it shouldnt have to be all that. you can keep it real from the jump and say, "Im not looking to get in a relationship right now. Im just out here doing my thing." and you can find the right kind of woman for that. its guys trying to run up into pamela, tiffany, and marie when each of these women may got the wrong idea about him.

its players out here playing real greasy and dirty. and girls in turn do the same, but with running in pockets and favors from men. all in all people are tryin to use each other under false pretenses.

its the lying and fraudulent behaviors thats fukking everything up. being real with yourself and your partner is all it should be.

Im personally getting out of a long relationship. it was hard. but now, every shorty from jump that I talk to, is gonna know that now is not the time for me to be looking for a relationship. we can kick it, you and me can have good times and all that. but its not anything more right now. Ill keep it real. and thats all a man ever needs to do.


Louder than words
May 9, 2012
Vice City
Cause the law thinks that women are higher priority than children. Some of these women will go as far as to make their kid look bummy while they rock the latest expensive fashion. You can request the judge to demand receipts, but few actually think like that.

thats when we see how selfish and deluded these hoes are. first trying to keep a man with a baby, then trying to keep his money when he leaves her ass. straight parasite status. scandalous. thats why men need to play it extra safe and always get to know a woman and the family tree shes from before doing too much.

Wild self

The Black Man will prosper!
Jun 20, 2012
thats when we see how selfish and deluded these hoes are. first trying to keep a man with a baby, then trying to keep his money when he leaves her ass. straight parasite status. scandalous. thats why men need to play it extra safe and always get to know a woman and the family tree shes from before doing too much.

Just don't ever have a baby with them and go overseas when looking for a wife.


Louder than words
May 9, 2012
Vice City
Just don't ever have a baby with them and go overseas when looking for a wife.

right! well one thing for sure is Im definitely going out of my way to make sure theres no seeds planted in any soil, especially questionable ones :ufdup:


follower of Jesus
May 2, 2012
its true. influence is like the invisible hand. people dont realize how much it affects us

the more we accept any poor standard in our lives, engage in baseless arguments, and run around in a disordered environment, the more that enters our life. from the thinking, to our habits. and it will try to stay there. thats why people need to be listening and searching for what they really need to be do in life to make themselves happy.

that's one of the reasons i carefully filter the content I watch or listen to, the people I hang around, etc. As much as we think it doesn't, all of this subconsciously influences us, and while it may not directly control our behavior, it starts to influence it. Like if I listen to violent music all day, I start to picture me doing violent things. I may not act out on it, but it's something that starts permeating my thoughts. It's why I don't really listen to much rnb with the begging and whining, because then I'll start thinking about giving simp behavior another chance. it's just crazy how destructive media is overall these days though. I am even starting to back off of these modern video games because they are starting to become overly violent and unimaginative.


Louder than words
May 9, 2012
Vice City
that's one of the reasons i carefully filter the content I watch or listen to, the people I hang around, etc. As much as we think it doesn't, all of this subconsciously influences us, and while it may not directly control our behavior, it starts to influence it. Like if I listen to violent music all day, I start to picture me doing violent things. I may not act out on it, but it's something that starts permeating my thoughts. It's why I don't really listen to much rnb with the begging and whining, because then I'll start thinking about giving simp behavior another chance. it's just crazy how destructive media is overall these days though. I am even starting to back off of these modern video games because they are starting to become overly violent and unimaginative.

they say that just as the body needs to filter out all the waste from what we put into our bodies, we need to do the same with our thoughts and habits. we can have all types of clutter and static that isnt ours stuck, and repeating themselves in our day to day activities. all that noise, all that drama, and all that stuff thats not genuine, or true to ourselves can be detrimental. thats why unplugging, and generally finding healthy hobbies/interests are key to having a healthy mind. for some people thats detoxing from poisonous relationships. cuz finding out what their own interests are is an important task. and thats a discipline.

Jason B

Dec 4, 2012
Much of the last few generations have been indoctrinated to have some wayward morals. Nearly every form of media is polluted with garbage and the young people are feeding off of it,which is clearly seen with their mindset and behavior.


Aug 18, 2012
Yeah I know what you mean. When you find a woman that can hold a conversation, it's a beautiful thing. I know exactly where you're coming from. A lot of women will talk about kids, some gossip, how their body is hurting at the moment, how they were done wrong, clothes or just something mind numbingly boring.

Man sometimes here, I almost feel like I have to brace myself to deal with a lot of these females... as in you had better carefully determine what you say or they will try to disqualify you... but I'm getting to the point where I'm like screw it, take your sorry butt on. I'm not going to carefully tailor my conversation so you can like it.

When it comes down to it, I think most females are book smart, but feel little need to develop their intellect beyond what they are taught in school, which makes it difficult to converse about something meaningful with a lot of them. I've only met a handful that you can actually have conversations about art or just something other than the typical. To me, a woman's level of conversation is one of the most attractive things about her.

That's part of the reason I started tuning my ex out we just didn't have anything to talk about. All she did was read astrology books and never kept up with current events or world news but could tell you which celebrities are dating.

That and just general complaining about her day. I told her that she was depressing and she got upset :manny:

their family structure is different. theyre real particular a lot of times about how they raise their women and what a man in the household is supposed to stand for. they will beat a bytch if shes embarassing them or out of line. and a lot of them they do try to rebel, believe me. Ive seen it in a lot of traditional latin households. but if you want a submissive woman, she needs to have a mother that is the same. she needs to see how that looks and what it does for a relationship. see what the fruits of it bare. a lot of women today, didnt grow up like that. or they let our media tell them what they should be like. trying to be men.

now it comes off as preselective and maybe slightly close minded to judge a woman by her family, but at least its a good sign and it helps you choose. :whoo:

I agree my last girl was from a iffy family structure and while she was a good girl there were issues at play.


Louder than words
May 9, 2012
Vice City
I agree my last girl was from a iffy family structure and while she was a good girl there were issues at play.

it can be little things that affect us, but the home is where everything starts for a child.

like me, I didnt realize it, but I happened to cut people off while theyre talking. I did that sometimes. not even thinking about it. and the person who did that and indirectly taught it to me, was my dad. I didnt even realize the influence until I was already grown. Ive always been a good listener and that was my biggest flaw in conversations. in fact I had prided myself in how well I can talk to people from all walks of life and still get a good, healthy experience from it. but sometimes... I would just go in. cut someone off while they were about to tell me something. it threw the whole convo off on occassions lol.

someone mentioned it to me and I was thinking :ld: wait a minute. then I thought, shyt I did get that from my dad. didnt even notice it was happening :wow:

and with that, once I knew what was happening, I could prevent it. self awareness is important.

the habits we get from our home and environment is powerful. it really helps guide us in our future choices. and the less we acknowledge it, the stronger it will be :noah:


follower of Jesus
May 2, 2012
That's part of the reason I started tuning my ex out we just didn't have anything to talk about. All she did was read astrology books and never kept up with current events or world news but could tell you which celebrities are dating.

That and just general complaining about her day. I told her that she was depressing and she got upset :manny:

I agree my last girl was from a iffy family structure and while she was a good girl there were issues at play.

Yeah I know where you're coming from. With certain women you get to a point to where the steam runs out and you've pretty much heard all she has to say and she will never have anything new to talk about. It's just her complaining about the SAME things over and over. The same people at her job... or just what some worthless celebrity is doing. These women need to turn that reality tv trash off. Them characters don't care one iota about what she is doing, but she knows everything about them. That's why, although I enjoy sports discussion, I don't really get TOO involved unless it's discussing strategy, because i know them athletes don't have an iota of concern about me. Finding a woman that has a varied conversation ability is lovely.


Louder than words
May 9, 2012
Vice City
that's one of the reasons i carefully filter the content I watch or listen to, the people I hang around, etc. As much as we think it doesn't, all of this subconsciously influences us, and while it may not directly control our behavior, it starts to influence it. Like if I listen to violent music all day, I start to picture me doing violent things. I may not act out on it, but it's something that starts permeating my thoughts. It's why I don't really listen to much rnb with the begging and whining, because then I'll start thinking about giving simp behavior another chance. it's just crazy how destructive media is overall these days though. I am even starting to back off of these modern video games because they are starting to become overly violent and unimaginative.

you know, on another note, on those last statements youre right. I hate when Im listening to the isleys, the gap band, or something smooth, but in the song its all "I cant live without your love baby, please, please take me back. Im nothing without you. please let me show ya how much I care. take me back. Ill do anything for ya" just pretty much :sadbron: all on the track. begging and shyt.

Im like, ahhh I dont want to hear that! :scusthov: get that out.

and hip hop is the same. I dont want hear about how since I dont have heavy jewelry on my wrists and Im not in the trap now Im not real and shyt :umad:

and with every other song they like to talk about fukking other mens girls, its like he cant be happy unless hes with another mans chick. how hes spending home loan payment type of money on strippers. shyt is just ... no. its not even reality - for real.

I can listen in small doses, but a majority of its so fake and not reflective of where I aim to go, its actually not helping anything at all. and I dont want to hear how much I love the gun sounds in my head over and over while Im driving to a family get together. the fukk? and I seen and lived through enough of that.

and today I really like to play a lot more instrumental hip hop, or instrumental rnb/modern jazz for that reason. I want to enjoy the music, and not think about someone elses wack thoughts which are now stuck in my head all day. :rudy:


follower of Jesus
May 2, 2012
you know, on another note, on those last statements youre right. I hate when Im listening to the isleys, the gap band, or something smooth, but in the song its all "I cant live without your love baby, please, please take me back. Im nothing without you. please let me show ya how much I care. take me back. Ill do anything for ya" just pretty much :sadbron: all on the track. begging and shyt.

Im like, ahhh I dont want to hear that! :scusthov: get that out.

and hip hop is the same. I dont want hear about how since I dont have heavy jewelry on my wrists and Im not in the trap now Im not real and shyt :umad:

and with every other song they like to talk about fukking other mens girls, its like he cant be happy unless hes with another mans chick. how hes spending home loan payment type of money on strippers. shyt is just ... no. its not even reality - for real.

I can listen in small doses, but a majority of its so fake and not reflective of where I aim to go, its actually not helping anything at all. and I dont want to hear how much I love the gun sounds in my head over and over while Im driving to a family get together. the fukk? and I seen and lived through enough of that.

and today I really like to play a lot more instrumental hip hop, or instrumental rnb/modern jazz for that reason. I want to enjoy the music, and not think about someone elses wack thoughts which are now stuck in my head all day. :rudy:

People look at me strange when i say I don't really care for the lyrics of most songs. I'm more into how the song can groove or what emotions it can inspire. i focus more on the instrumental than anything. If I really wanted to think, I'd read or write. Most of these artists had very dysfunctional lives and what they're preaching on the song is often nothing like how they lived their real lives, and this is especially true of rap. They are kicking destructive fantasies to me while they do the complete opposite. How many rappers talk about, "Well i was just putting on a persona!"

Too Short is one of those guys. He talks about being a pimp and this and that, but in his interview he admits it's a persona. Same with a lot of these gangsta rappers. They preach the heroics of gangsterism and a lot of youth get killed trying to live out those fantasies, while those guys back up and say, "Hey, I was just reporting hood news/playing a role." Pretty pathetic.

I don't listen to much modern RnB at all, I can't stand the slow, sappy beats and the overly sexual lyrics. Old school soul/funk/fusion, which I listen to most out of all genres, I really try not to listen to the lyrics, but I just enjoy the groove and the mood the instrumental/singing sets. With modern RnB and even some old school soul, you will hear some flat out destructive things such as these guys telling you women come first, build your world around her, expressing your emotions and crying and just all kinds of sucker business. I love old school music more because of the instruments and the overall groove of the song.

What's even more disgusting is even decent books are hard to find now. Instead of people writing honestly, it's more about them doing some 'target marketed' trash where they are telling audiences what they want to hear or withholding information so they can get you to by the next book. A lot of these new age, success philosophy books pretty much got a lot of these people brainwashed, thinking the secret to success is chanting something in your head and visualizing success.... these guys will sell you the secret formula for success when their only success is the book they are selling. Pretty much hyping you up to go look for gold in the mountains while they sell you the shovels. If it was really gold up there in the mountains like that, they wouldn't be telling you, nor would they be selling you shovels. They'd be harvesting as much of it for themselves as possible. That's why I much prefer blogs and message boards where I can hear much more honest opinions than some target marketed nonsense which has been filtered and subdued by editors because they don't want to offend anyone or they need to sell ads.

It's like we're living in a society with nothing but dream peddlers and illusion sellers. I have to very carefully analyze what I'm doing or I'd be lost in the mix.


follower of Jesus
May 2, 2012
This is a fairly interesting passage I came across while reading this memoir of casanova

After our return to Padua, my good master for three or four months never ceased to speak of my mother, and Bettina, having found in the parcel five yards of black silk and twelve pairs of gloves, became singularly attached to me, and took such good care of my hair that in less than six months I was able to give up wearing the wig. She used to comb my hair every morning, often before I was out of bed, saying that she had not time to wait until I was dressed. She washed my face, my neck, my chest; lavished on me childish caresses which I thought innocent, but which caused me to, be angry with myself, because I felt that they excited me. Three years younger than she was, it seemed to me that she could not love me with any idea of mischief, and the consciousness of my own vicious excitement put me out of temper with myself. When, seated on my bed, she would say that I was getting stouter, and would have the proof of it with her own hands, she caused me the most intense emotion; but I said nothing, for fear she would remark my sensitiveness, and when she would go on saying that my skin was soft, the tickling sensation made me draw back, angry with myself that I did not dare to do the same to her, but delighted at her not guessing how I longed to do it. When I was dressed, she often gave me the sweetest kisses, calling me her darling child, but whatever wish I had to follow her example, I was not yet bold enough. After some time, however, Bettina laughing at my timidity, I became more daring and returned her kisses with interest, but I always gave way the moment I felt a wish to go further; I then would turn my head, pretending to look for something, and she would go away. She was scarcely out of the room before I was in despair at not having followed the inclination of my nature, and, astonished at the fact that Bettina could do to me all she was in the habit of doing without feeling any excitement from it, while I could hardly refrain from pushing my attacks further, I would every day determine to change my way of acting.

In the early part of autumn, the doctor received three new boarders; and one of them, who was fifteen years old, appeared to me in less than a month on very friendly terms with Bettina.

This circumstance caused me a feeling of which until then I had no idea, and which I only analyzed a few years afterwards. It was neither jealousy nor indignation, but a noble contempt which I thought ought not to be repressed, because Cordiani, an ignorant, coarse boy, without talent or polite education, the son of a simple farmer, and incapable of competing with me in anything, having over me but the advantage of dawning manhood, did not appear to me a fit person to be preferred to me; my young self-esteem whispered that I was above him. I began to nurse a feeling of pride mixed with contempt which told against Bettina, whom I loved unknown to myself. She soon guessed it from the way I would receive her caresses, when she came to comb my hair while I was in bed; I would repulse her hands, and no longer return her kisses. One day, vexed at my answering her question as to the reason of my change towards her by stating that I had no cause for it, she, told me in a tone of commiseration that I was jealous of Cordiani. This reproach sounded to me like a debasing slander. I answered that Cordiani was, in my estimation, as worthy of her as she was worthy of him. She went away smiling, but, revolving in her mind the only way by which she could be revenged, she thought herself bound to render me jealous. However, as she could not attain such an end without making me fall in love with her, this is the policy she adopted.