Essential Quick Lil Gems on Dealing with Women


May 27, 2012
Basically killacal is not considered a "creep" because according to female logic(this isn't anything against you btw killacal im just using you as an example) he is smiling and making them laugh.

If that same thing happened with the smiling and being persistent, but this time he was not able to make them laugh.......the most negative thing he would be called is "corny".

But if your being somewhat shy when talking to the girl....but persistent at the same time in trying to bag her.....that is when you are considered "creepy".

Yes both type of guys are techncially doing the same thing. But because of how shallow females are and the constant need to be entertained.......this is their logic.

Yes I know its strange.

But as I say when i think something is strange.....I say to myself hey its a female ....


Its just crazy how they confuse being entertained with liking someone. Its like the old tale where the king doesnt kill the last woman because she tells him a story every night :laff: And they wont realize you just wanted to hook up theyll still "want to hear the rest of the story" :snoop:


May 2, 2012
Questions to ponder:

“why am I knocking myself out for degrees and jobs and money, when I can work a third as hard for half the money because I don’t have a wife or children?”

or “why am I working this hard for good money, when it hasn’t helped me attract any worthy women (or even any UNworthy women, for that matter? What’s the point?”

or “why am I working this hard for a 1 in 2 chance that I could marry (or am married to) a wife who’s just going to divorce me and take half of everything?”

“Is it the measure of a man to get a degree, a job, a wife, a mortgage and kids?”

“Is it the measure of a man to work myself into an early grave?”

“Is it the measure of a man to earn money, spend, purchase, and consume?”

“Why should I improve myself for a woman? What, because SHE needs/wants a BF/husband? What about what I want/need?"


Aug 18, 2012
Skyped with the Brazilian girl :ohlawd: her accent and broken English is adorable. No catfish here.


Aug 12, 2012
Celebrity/Famous Examples Of The Day:

Hillary Rodham originally being very hesitant at taking Clinton as her last name and only decided to take it when she saw it would benefit her when things finally started getting better for them

Princess Diana refusing to follow the part of the "oath" when marrying Prince Charles about how she will "obey him"(check some monarchy rules to get an idea).Basically showing she did not respect him and had some insecurities.

Both examples are textbook cases of not being down for their man and at various points for both of them, disrespected them in some way.

Never can be 100% sure with these females, but Kate Middleton seems like the opposite of her late mother in law. That seems like a good thing for him, and he may end up having a better marriage.

I saw her demeanor in some interviews with him and it seems like she is old school and isn't shooting off at the mouth and compromising their husband's manhood.

I still cannot believe that pic of Hillary purposely ignoring her husband about to kiss her and turn around to do it to Barack instead..........




follower of Jesus
May 2, 2012
This thread is a perfect example of what women think of the tricks that they lavish with attention and affection in front of their faces
The replica looks the same as the authentic - Baller

they look at them as hosts to be clowned.

Men out here are thinking they are being generous and nice by buying females things like drinks or spending time with them. On the other hand, the woman is looking at you as a funnystyle sucker to be manipulated and taken for all you have.

Keep buying these females clothes, perfumes, dinners, paying their rent, while they laugh at your sorry butt behind your back.

That's why I divided the 'likes' into three categories. A woman that genuinely likes your personality and what you are about won't try to charge you at all. I can also show love to the woman who doesn't feel me but lets me know up front. If I try to escalate the interaction by buying her things or trying to 'win her affection', then that is 100% MY fault. On the other hand, you got these women that don't like you but like what you do for them. They will be VERY convincing in seeming like they like you, but sooner or later they will start asking for different favors of sorts. When you deny them, they will get all emotional and act like YOU did something wrong... as if you owe them something. This is called emotional manipulation. Women are masters at this game.

One thing you need to learn as a man is to say, "Screw her feelings" and always have standards of rightness. IF she is in the wrong and you turn her down and she throws a hissy fit, don't be that simp negro that gives in when she starts crying or yelling. Stand tall and tell her to get it right or get out. Don't nobody got time to play these manipulation games.


Louder than words
May 9, 2012
Vice City
yo brehs, why is it that it appears that bytches are spending their child support money on themselves? on shoes, fur coats, and nice cars? shouldnt the women be bringing their reciepts into the court house, or to the man paying, to show that shes really spending her given money on the child? isnt that what the law is meant to do? is it even possible today to be able to show that she is spending money in an unfit way? how is this not a legal point or matter to take serious?


Louder than words
May 9, 2012
Vice City
Celebrity/Famous Examples Of The Day:

Hillary Rodham originally being very hesitant at taking Clinton as her last name and only decided to take it when she saw it would benefit her when things finally started getting better for them

Princess Diana refusing to follow the part of the "oath" when marrying Prince Charles about how she will "obey him"(check some monarchy rules to get an idea).Basically showing she did not respect him and had some insecurities.

Both examples are textbook cases of not being down for their man and at various points for both of them, disrespected them in some way.

yup, bill clinton managed to step out on her routinely and embarass her ass in front of the entire world. looks like she wasnt keeping her man happy. :lolbron:

and princess di lost her royal privalages and died. :dwillhuh:



Apr 30, 2012
Atlanta, Georgia
I see my young guys making this mistake all the time...Something I had to learn myself back in the day.
After establishing communication with a woman for the first time that you see on the regular,(School, work, etc), do not make it your business to always seek her acknowledgement.

Meaning, If she clearly sees you, but doesn't say a word, basically not acknowledging you, that is not your cue to say something.. Keep it moving.. A real woman worth your time is a woman who will not play those silly games.

I used to go out of my way to say Hello to women, but these women would never even return the favor, they would just walk right by me..

These days it just irks them when I ignore them the way ignore me..:yeshrug:..This chick who works in my building who I spoke to before tried to walk past me, I let her without saying a word, about half way she turns and yell out, "Oh Hey I didn't even see you, good to see you again" :stopitslime:

Learn how not to waste time with games brehs.


Louder than words
May 9, 2012
Vice City
I see my young guys making this mistake all the time...Something I had to learn myself back in the day.
After establishing communication with a woman for the first time that you see on the regular,(School, work, etc), do not make it your business to always seek her acknowledgement.

Meaning, If she clearly sees you, but doesn't say a word, basically not acknowledging you, that is not your cue to say something.. Keep it moving.. A real woman worth your time is a woman who will not play those silly games.

I used to go out of my way to say Hello to women, but these women would never even return the favor, they would just walk right by me..

These days it just irks them when I ignore them the way ignore me..:yeshrug:..This chick who works in my building who I spoke to before tried to walk past me, I let her without saying a word, about half way she turns and yell out, "Oh Hey I didn't even see you, good to see you again" :stopitslime:

Learn how not to waste time with games brehs.

that is true. once you put your bid in, and let her know youre interested, its up to her to maintain her end. so dont keep after her, chasing her. that whole shyt is immature (or disinterest) on her part

once you got with her and established whats up with you, its on the women to try to keep things cooperative. show that she is down for you. because no matter what, we keep it moving and do what we need to for ourselves. so you dont try to keep her interested or alter your life to keep her with the program. thats a mistake.


Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
Top 4
Questions to ponder:

“why am I knocking myself out for degrees and jobs and money, when I can work a third as hard for half the money because I don’t have a wife or children?”

or “why am I working this hard for good money, when it hasn’t helped me attract any worthy women (or even any UNworthy women, for that matter? What’s the point?”

or “why am I working this hard for a 1 in 2 chance that I could marry (or am married to) a wife who’s just going to divorce me and take half of everything?”

“Is it the measure of a man to get a degree, a job, a wife, a mortgage and kids?”

“Is it the measure of a man to work myself into an early grave?”

“Is it the measure of a man to earn money, spend, purchase, and consume?”

“Why should I improve myself for a woman? What, because SHE needs/wants a BF/husband? What about what I want/need?"

gotta kill the thirst only a few men can

everything is cuz of the female shaming culture, as a single man you can have even a easy job that just pays ok and have no wants or needs by just living your way.

insead you are shamed to get a job that pays alot to get even hotter women, to get married and have kids, to have your wife spend your hard earn money

Jason B

Dec 4, 2012
Great thread. Here the lesson I learned the hard way. It is better to be disrespectful/doggish towards ALL women than it is to be respectful. When you treat women with ANY decency, even if you are NOT tricking, cupcaking, nor ass-kissing(which are cardinal sins in dating), you are still viewed as a simp and women will attempt to come at you sideways with BS.

It is quite noticable that dudes who exhibit disrespectfulness are more likely to be treated with respect by women than the dudes who exhibit respectfulness, which is why is said that guys who conduct themselves in a respectful/decent manner are losers in the dating game.

The bottom line is ,unfortunately, otherwise respectful guys should take on a disrespectful disposition in their dealings with EVERY woman because you will be more successful with them by doing so. My mindset is "more often than not,women value disrespectful men and despise respectful men."


Louder than words
May 9, 2012
Vice City
Great thread. Here the lesson I learned the hard way. It is better to be disrespectful/doggish towards ALL women than it is to be respectful. When you treat women with ANY decency, even if you are NOT tricking, cupcaking, nor ass-kissing(which are cardinal sins in dating), you are still viewed as a simp and women will attempt to come at you sideways with BS.

It is quite noticable that dudes who exhibit disrespectfulness are more likely to be treated with respect by women than the dudes who exhibit respectfulness, which is why is said that guys who conduct themselves in a respectful/decent manner are losers in the dating game.

The bottom line is ,unfortunately, otherwise respectful guys should take on a disrespectful disposition in their dealings with EVERY woman because you will be more successful with them by doing so. My mindset is "more often than not,women value disrespectful men and despise respectful men."

women love a man who is in demand and can get p*ssy at any time. that level of confidence will show in his actions in how he treats her, and it tells her that hes not thirsty. that attitude, they see that as a reflection of market value in the man. they see his worth through the fact that other women already are getting with him. thats why women love it when they see you at a function with other girls. thats why women hunt after married men. theyll flirt with you, or parade around you when youre on a date. theyre followers and competitive like that.