Essential Quick Lil Gems on Dealing with Women


follower of Jesus
May 2, 2012
This is different, and he sings but I've been listening to Andrew Bird the last few weeks. I love when people can play multiple instruments like that, record the track and play over it while it's going in the background, all live.

Andrew Bird - Tenuousness live In The Basement - YouTube

That guy has a lot of talent. i'm definitely going to get back on my instrumental game. I need more of those tracks when I'm writing or thinking


Nov 29, 2012
the illusion of "success" is dictated by and entirely up to the individual person. we have envious men and women, who instead of overcoming their personal problems, use their time and energy to get over on the next person. nevermind getting their own, they always want whats yours. they use deception to find certain people with "something" more than them, con them and use them. just out right play them as a sucker.

on the other side, some people make much more than the common struggling man, and live in comfort. yet they cant find happiness in their own lives since they arent considered "rich." always trying to one up their friends or social circle. never happy with what theyve got. then we have multi millionaires who have to go out of their way spending larger amounts of money in order to show off their wealth, convincing others and themselves that theyre doing it big. and all while still never giving up the chase for more cash by any means, just so that they can do it over and over again. the greed never ends so theyre never happy with what they have.

we have playboy stars marrying, divorcing, marrying and divorcing again, over and over due to their own infedelity. as if theres never enough p*ssy for them. they cant control themselves from the lust.

we have world leaders, drunk with power and plagued by hate, that no matter what fortunes he gets or how many people are at his command, or how many lands conquered he desires to spread his power out to hurt even more. they use any excuse, from faith, money, or history to use their power to destory the next mans life.

so at what point is all this money, women, quest for stability, or power enough to make a person happy?

greed, jealousy/envy, lust, and hatred all distort our ideas of what "success" is supposed to be. these appetites when uncontrolled, can consume a person. lead them to self-sabotauge and an unfulfilled life. and its all from a fear that they cant get enough, or prove to themselves that there is a line where they can be satisfied. these are all traps that we should try to avoid. in fact, we do try to school ourselves from this. through experience, books, family, friends, our environment and even in this very thread. because ultimately, not knowing where, or at what point your personal "success" lies, will lead to never ending confusion. that evil makes us try to live off of the next mans script and find happiness in it. in reality, that never ending chase comes from deeper issues that people have within themselves. its what happens when we dont conquer our inner fears.

so as far as knowing that we can be influenced by harmful messages in music, or in life in general ... I cant really hate on people telling others to envision what success looks like for them. yeah, self help books tend to be remixed, rehashed beliefs from ancient times and older cultures, and then sometimes mixed with varying degrees of modern outlooks. I find that ultimately, knowledge and wisdom should be about teaching people to find salvation from living on a positive path. not one driven by hate or whatever. and to overcome it by looking for success instead of struggle. to live like youre at your desired level, and not below it

at its best, its reverse programming, a break from the four devils. at its worst, it sells people lies about chasing a life filled with more devils. all power does that. so its a weapon. only when its not rooted in evil can it bring forth a good outcome for the person.

I dont think that everyone needs to be filthy rich to have a happy life... and with a wife, kids and a small national army at their command. that can be overkill and harmfully intoxicating for many people. its not for everybody. so thats why dictating ones own success has to be a healthy, authentic, personal desire that follows its own road. :obama:



follower of Jesus
May 2, 2012
the illusion of "success" is dictated by and entirely up to the individual person. we have envious men and women, who instead of overcoming their personal problems, use their time and energy to get over on the next person. nevermind getting their own, they always want whats yours. they use deception to find certain people with "something" more than them, con them and use them. just out right play them as a sucker.

on the other side, some people make much more than the common struggling man, and live in comfort. yet they cant find happiness in their own lives since they arent considered "rich." always trying to one up their friends or social circle. never happy with what theyve got. then we have multi millionaires who have to go out of their way spending larger amounts of money in order to show off their wealth, convincing others and themselves that theyre doing it big. and all while still never giving up the chase for more cash by any means, just so that they can do it over and over again. the greed never ends so theyre never happy with what they have.

we have playboy stars marrying, divorcing, marrying and divorcing again, over and over due to their own infedelity. as if theres never enough p*ssy for them. they cant control themselves from the lust.

we have world leaders, drunk with power and plagued by hate, that no matter what fortunes he gets or how many people are at his command, or how many lands conquered he desires to spread his power out to hurt even more. they use any excuse, from faith, money, or history to use their power to destory the next mans life.

so at what point is all this money, women, quest for stability, or power enough to make a person happy?

greed, jealousy/envy, lust, and hatred all distort our ideas of what "success" is supposed to be. these appetites when uncontrolled, can consume a person. lead them to self-sabotauge and an unfulfilled life. and its all from a fear that they cant get enough, or prove to themselves that there is a line where they can be satisfied. these are all traps that we should try to avoid. in fact, we do try to school ourselves from this. through experience, books, family, friends, our environment and even in this very thread. because ultimately, not knowing where, or at what point your personal "success" lies, will lead to never ending confusion. that evil makes us try to live off of the next mans script and find happiness in it. in reality, that never ending chase comes from deeper issues that people have within themselves. its what happens when we dont conquer our inner fears.

so as far as knowing that we can be influenced by harmful messages in music, or in life in general ... I cant really hate on people telling others to envision what success looks like for them. yeah, self help books tend to be remixed, rehashed beliefs from ancient times and older cultures, and then sometimes mixed with varying degrees of modern outlooks. I find that ultimately, knowledge and wisdom should be about teaching people to find salvation from living on a positive path. not one driven by hate or whatever. and to overcome it by looking for success instead of struggle. to live like youre at your desired level, and not below it

at its best, its reverse programming, a break from the four devils. at its worst, it sells people lies about chasing a life filled with more devils. all power does that. so its a weapon. only when its not rooted in evil can it bring forth a good outcome for the person.

I dont think that everyone needs to be filthy rich to have a happy life... and with a wife, kids and a small national army at their command. that can be overkill and harmfully intoxicating for many people. its not for everybody. so thats why dictating ones own success has to be a healthy, authentic, personal desire that follows its own road. :obama:

The Bible actually tells us that contendedness is a learned behavior. People have to understand that. Instead, they believe contendedness is conditional. Some people have it all and are as unhappy as can be, and yet there are those who have little, want nothing and yet are very content.

Philippians 4:11-13
11 I am not saying this because I am in need, for I have learned to be content whatever the circumstances. 12 I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty. I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want. 13 I can do all this through him who gives me strength.

Just living in this society alone is a form of brainwashing. we are brainwashed with the capitalist system, which has admittedly produced a ton of material comforts... but with that being said, we are constantly being trained in a variety of ways to be consumers and to think that as the purpose of our being. I will be happy with more, more and more. Here, most people are trapped into a cycle of materiality. They were never taught that contendedness is a learned behavior. Instead, they think that by procuring material items or some achievement that they will be happy. They are happy for a little while, the feeling fades, and here they go chasing the next event or item that will bring them brief happiness. It is a boom and bust cycle between happiness and discontent for people do not realize that contentedness is a belief. When you say to yourself, "I won't be happy until I get this," your mind picks up on it and delivers that experience for you. On the other hand, if you say, "I don't have much, but I'm satisfied with what I have", then your mind picks up on that also.

This is why I try not to ascribe to this hyper competitive model that society teaches... It essentially teaches us that to find contendedness, we need to be better and have more than the next man. In essence then, your happiness is never stable. it will be contingent on what the next man is doing, which will make your levels of happiness unstable. I used to be hyper-competitive myself until I realized the amount of stress it was causing me and until I realized that they had societies where 'beating others' wasn't the core aim of living. That's when I started being more laid back and taking things at my own pace and my happiness increased many-fold. In fact, hyper-competitiveness is so intense in a culture like Japan that some students will take his or her own life if he/she doesn't get a particular grade. It's all a mind game out here and it's just amazing realizing how many forces are out here trying to influence your noggin. You need a mighty strong gatekeeper up there in order to maintain sanity.


follower of Jesus
May 2, 2012
been messing around on that timberland create a shoe site... might have to go through with it lol


Having a hard time choosing between minor color differences here


Tried out customizing nikes as well





Apr 30, 2012
Yeah I know what you mean. When you find a woman that can hold a conversation, it's a beautiful thing. I know exactly where you're coming from. A lot of women will talk about kids, some gossip, how their body is hurting at the moment, how they were done wrong, clothes or just something mind numbingly boring.

Man sometimes here, I almost feel like I have to brace myself to deal with a lot of these females... as in you had better carefully determine what you say or they will try to disqualify you... but I'm getting to the point where I'm like screw it, take your sorry butt on. I'm not going to carefully tailor my conversation so you can like it.


Yeah, I think alot of them talk just b/c they can talk.

And yeah, you do have to run thru ur mind of what to say alot of times, which automatically throws you off. The most success I've had meeting chicks is when it just happens in a natural flow.

These women out here that are waiting for you to say something unfunny or otherwise so they can disqualify you are the ones you dont want anyway.

Think about it....if I gotta say EVERYTHING that she wants to hear, what does that tell you about her? Chances are she's self-centered, spoiled, and not able to appreciate a man with a real personality, other than a robot.


May 2, 2012
Men have to be weary of women who use them for emotional support. She'll use her dude for her physical needs then come to yo' ass for emotional comfort or to feed off the attention her dude either never gives her or stopped giving her after he got bored of her ass. He's getting the ass & blowjobs, you get to talk to her for hours :jawalrus:

Now, this is about to delve into super simp territory but, it is what it is. I was a chump. Shorty was my most serious relationship. I know she loved me but, I loved her a whole lot more. I used to think she was the one that got away. We didn't work out and she chose another nikka over me and got married (we're both 24). Our history stretches way back to before high school, so it was kinda hard not to speak to each other, and with me being a real big simp for her, I entertained her even though she was married to another nikka, that she chose over me :smh: We'd go for months without speaking, then sporadically, we'd talk all day, facebook/chat/text/email, with calls every now & then, that she usually initiated. I liked talkin to her :ld: but, I should've knew what time she was on when she'd say shyt like....."I wonder what would've happened with us blah blah blah......." which always had me like....


It didn't dawn on me until I caught up with another ex of mine one day. Now, it was inverse with her. Shorty would wash my dirty drawers w/o hesitation but, at the time I was :manny: towards her because I kept comparing her to girl #1. Now, I could have her again tomorrow if I wanted but, I never abused that and its a reason why I didnt. I let her go cold turkey when I dumped her and never started communication again because I knew leaving communications open like that would just make it more difficult for her to move on and honestly, I want her to be happy. If I kept tabs on her like my ex kept tabs on me, the only reason I'd be doing that would be for selfish reasons, looking for attention or keeping her on reserve for later :pachaha:

I realized that what the other girl was to me, I was that for the first girl :ohhh: I knew my motivation for keeping tabs on her, I still loved her. But what was her motivation for staying in contact with me? Putting me on "emotional support/backup/break in case of fire" status and framing it under the long history (which began as a friendship) we had growin up together. Maybe her husband was on some bullshyt that day, then she hit me up knowing I still carried something for her, getting the attention that she needed or whatever. Now that I look back on it, a married woman should NOT be communication with old boyfriends, let alone saying half of the shyt she'd say :whoa: Cant even get mad at her cuz I allowed her to do that.

In short brehs, cut off all communication with these bytches after a breakup :ld: Even if you once had that p*ssy, you can still be placed in the friendzone :comeon:


follower of Jesus
May 2, 2012
Men have to be weary of women who use them for emotional support. She'll use her dude for her physical needs then come to yo' ass for emotional comfort or to feed off the attention her dude either never gives her or stopped giving her after he got bored of her ass. He's getting the ass & blowjobs, you get to talk to her for hours :jawalrus:

Now, this is about to delve into super simp territory but, it is what it is. I was a chump. Shorty was my most serious relationship. I know she loved me but, I loved her a whole lot more. I used to think she was the one that got away. We didn't work out and she chose another nikka over me and got married (we're both 24). Our history stretches way back to before high school, so it was kinda hard not to speak to each other, and with me being a real big simp for her, I entertained her even though she was married to another nikka, that she chose over me :smh: We'd go for months without speaking, then sporadically, we'd talk all day, facebook/chat/text/email, with calls every now & then, that she usually initiated. I liked talkin to her :ld: but, I should've knew what time she was on when she'd say shyt like....."I wonder what would've happened with us blah blah blah......." which always had me like....


It didn't dawn on me until I caught up with another ex of mine one day. Now, it was inverse with her. Shorty would wash my dirty drawers w/o hesitation but, at the time I was :manny: towards her because I kept comparing her to girl #1. Now, I could have her again tomorrow if I wanted but, I never abused that and its a reason why I didnt. I let her go cold turkey when I dumped her and never started communication again because I knew leaving communications open like that would just make it more difficult for her to move on and honestly, I want her to be happy. If I kept tabs on her like my ex kept tabs on me, the only reason I'd be doing that would be for selfish reasons, looking for attention or keeping her on reserve for later :pachaha:

I realized that what the other girl was to me, I was that for the first girl :ohhh: I knew my motivation for keeping tabs on her, I still loved her. But what was her motivation for staying in contact with me? Putting me on "emotional support/backup/break in case of fire" status and framing it under the long history (which began as a friendship) we had growin up together. Maybe her husband was on some bullshyt that day, then she hit me up knowing I still carried something for her, getting the attention that she needed or whatever. Now that I look back on it, a married woman should NOT be communication with old boyfriends, let alone saying half of the shyt she'd say :whoa: Cant even get mad at her cuz I allowed her to do that.

In short brehs, cut off all communication with these bytches after a breakup :ld: Even if you once had that p*ssy, you can still be placed in the friendzone :comeon:

Yeah everytime these women 'pop back up', they are in a rough patch with their man and want to use you as back-up emotional support/sex or whatever she is seeking. As soon as she gets her emotions back settled and she's back cool with her man, she disappears again. Best have them pop-up blockers on.


Louder than words
May 9, 2012
Vice City
The Bible actually tells us that contendedness is a learned behavior. People have to understand that. Instead, they believe contendedness is conditional. Some people have it all and are as unhappy as can be, and yet there are those who have little, want nothing and yet are very content.

Just living in this society alone is a form of brainwashing. we are brainwashed with the capitalist system, which has admittedly produced a ton of material comforts... but with that being said, we are constantly being trained in a variety of ways to be consumers and to think that as the purpose of our being. I will be happy with more, more and more. Here, most people are trapped into a cycle of materiality. They were never taught that contendedness is a learned behavior. Instead, they think that by procuring material items or some achievement that they will be happy. They are happy for a little while, the feeling fades, and here they go chasing the next event or item that will bring them brief happiness. It is a boom and bust cycle between happiness and discontent for people do not realize that contentedness is a belief. When you say to yourself, "I won't be happy until I get this," your mind picks up on it and delivers that experience for you. On the other hand, if you say, "I don't have much, but I'm satisfied with what I have", then your mind picks up on that also.

This is why I try not to ascribe to this hyper competitive model that society teaches... It essentially teaches us that to find contendedness, we need to be better and have more than the next man. In essence then, your happiness is never stable. it will be contingent on what the next man is doing, which will make your levels of happiness unstable. I used to be hyper-competitive myself until I realized the amount of stress it was causing me and until I realized that they had societies where 'beating others' wasn't the core aim of living. That's when I started being more laid back and taking things at my own pace and my happiness increased many-fold. In fact, hyper-competitiveness is so intense in a culture like Japan that some students will take his or her own life if he/she doesn't get a particular grade. It's all a mind game out here and it's just amazing realizing how many forces are out here trying to influence your noggin. You need a mighty strong gatekeeper up there in order to maintain sanity.

Gratitude is definitely a way to maintain humbleness in situations and to really be appreciative of what is had. Always maintaining a negative, or "half empty glass" mentality is not only a sign of stress which is self induced, its also a lack of faith in the ability to attain a change.

Its common for societies where people are seen as "subjects" to be hyper competitive, and generally fearful and distrustful of their fellow man. Instead of being a follower of discipline and teamwork, everybody is operating close to another just for comparisons sake and doing cutthroat activities. Following a personal code and a higher cause iis a good way to keep ones morals right and logic sharp.

As far as the game goes with women, teaching them to not only have a strict set of morals, but a code to live by best works if a man leads through example. And if she doesnt, a man just needs to find a woman who fits in, and not tries to change the entire dynamic by introducing insecurity, competitiveness, and backstabbing.

So yeah, building a high model version of self means that loss of a lesser partner shouldnt be painful. When you can not only lose a woman but replace her with another just as easy, you shouldnt feel bad about losing her, because you have a personal standard and code for self which is more important in maintaining.


Louder than words
May 9, 2012
Vice City
They say that sewing your wild oats is an important initiation in a mans life, and I see why. Those times when I was red hot with game and in hooking up with women came when I wasnt pressed to meet one. It was because I just fukked, or had a woman to go see already. Men, when the game comes more naturally, and fear wont make or break you, your choices make much more sense. When your mind is clear, and your confidence in yourself is constant, having a take it or leave it attitude is a plus.

So in the end, getting into the red hot zone is not dependant on your luck with women at all, but in how you carry yourself. Youre the star in your movie, so feel free to cast and recast when appropriate.


I think very deeply
May 4, 2012
Just another example of the trifling bytches you need to watch out for and the reason why broads have to pretty much get screened before you even think about getting halfway serious with them:

Daily Star: Simply The Best 7 Days A Week :: Just Jane :: Cheating pal in sun and sin plot

ONE of my friends reckons she’s dev*ised the best plan ever to leave her husband.

And he has absolutely no idea.

While he’s out collecting the Christmas tree and buying her presents she’s packing her bag and picking up her tickets for Marbella.

She’s leaving on December 18 with her rich and well hung lover.

Once in Spain she’s planning to divorce her husband and demand half of everything.

She’s bragged to several of us that she can’t wait for all that sun, sea and sex.

Her new guy is, she says, the best lover she’s ever had and can go on all night, every night.

Her hubby can only manage it once a week and that’s more than enough for her with him.

But while she’s slagging him off and boasting about her new man her poor husband is planning a party for Christmas Eve with her as guest of honour.

But she won’t even be here.

She knows nothing about the party but has warned us all not to say a word about her departure to the sun.

It’s really dreadful because her husband, who is my husband’s closest friend, has been round to us all asking for help with the party so it can be perfect for his not so lovely wife.

I’m finding the whole thing really hard as I hate lying and I really like the poor husband. He’s a decent guy and doesn’t deserve this dreadful treatment.

I’ve always been closer to him than to her so should I be the one to say something?



Aug 18, 2012
Fellas grow a beard if you can the attention you get with one is crazy.


Jun 9, 2012
Just another example of the trifling bytches you need to watch out for and the reason why broads have to pretty much get screened before you even think about getting halfway serious with them:

Daily Star: Simply The Best 7 Days A Week :: Just Jane :: Cheating pal in sun and sin plot

ONE of my friends reckons she’s dev*ised the best plan ever to leave her husband.

And he has absolutely no idea.

While he’s out collecting the Christmas tree and buying her presents she’s packing her bag and picking up her tickets for Marbella.

She’s leaving on December 18 with her rich and well hung lover.

Once in Spain she’s planning to divorce her husband and demand half of everything.

She’s bragged to several of us that she can’t wait for all that sun, sea and sex.

Her new guy is, she says, the best lover she’s ever had and can go on all night, every night.

Her hubby can only manage it once a week and that’s more than enough for her with him.

But while she’s slagging him off and boasting about her new man her poor husband is planning a party for Christmas Eve with her as guest of honour.

But she won’t even be here.

She knows nothing about the party but has warned us all not to say a word about her departure to the sun.

It’s really dreadful because her husband, who is my husband’s closest friend, has been round to us all asking for help with the party so it can be perfect for his not so lovely wife.

I’m finding the whole thing really hard as I hate lying and I really like the poor husband. He’s a decent guy and doesn’t deserve this dreadful treatment.

I’ve always been closer to him than to her so should I be the one to say something?




May 17, 2012
Fellas grow a beard if you can the attention you get with one is crazy.

it works for some people. others no. i get attention either way. but there are a few women who go crazy over it. its usally women that come from hairy cultures...arabic chicks or italians.

but the clean shaven boyish looks gets tons of attention. my only prob with the beard is it makes u look older lol.