This is the premise of my previous post in which I emphasized that any level of decency/respectfulness exhibited by a man will be viewed in a negative light (basically a simp) by a woman, even if the said woman is initially attracted to him. And it is exactly the same reason I find it hirlarious when women complain on tv shows, in magazines, and online about men who display disrespectfulness when they are not being 100 about gravitating toward such men in the first place.women love a man who is in demand and can get p*ssy at any time. that level of confidence will show in his actions in how he treats her, and it tells her that hes not thirsty. that attitude, they see that as a reflection of market value in the man. they see his worth through the fact that other women already are getting with him. thats why women love it when they see you at a function with other girls. thats why women hunt after married men. theyll flirt with you, or parade around you when youre on a date. theyre followers and competitive like that.
This is the premise of my previous post in which I emphasized that any level of decency/respectfulness exhibited by a man will be viewed in a negative light (basically a simp) by a woman, even if the said woman is initially attracted to him. And it is exactly the same reason I find it hirlarious when women complain on tv shows, in magazines, and online about men who display disrespectfulness when they are not being 100 about gravitating toward such men in the first place.
I got the premise. tha attitude works too. to be disrespectful. but the women you get from that will be a mess. a man has to set the pace. a good attitude that works is one that shows you already have yours, and that youre not dependant to her being around you to make you happy. that says a lot. theres no desperation, no thirst.
and a lot of times thats due to a man already being happy with someone else, being very financially secure, or just plain having their life in order. it could be anything, but once you have it together its desirable to them![]()
I get what your saying women want men who are in demand by other women and are not thirsty. The thing with me has been I have always made a point of not coming across thirsty/desperate and exhibited being respectful in general for the most part unless I was given a legitimate reason to not be. Anyway, some of the women with whom I had dealings were intrigued, therefore attracted to me because I was not all up in their faces as opposed to many other guys but were quickly turn off by my overall respectful behavior.They would either give me the cold shoulder, or worse, they would attempt to play for a chump despite not doing anything,in my mind, that would warranted this (being the proverbial captain-save-a-hoe).
On the flipside, I noticed other guys,some of whom were in my family, would also not approach women with a thirsty vibe, but they would come at women in what I considered to be a direspectful manner. Calling them bytches and hoes, making sexual comments(not the "I wanna fukk" type of comments but the ones pertaining to their body). And the women would respond postively to these guys most of the time (not only hoodrats but also high class females). It was mind-blowning because I was often taught not to objectify women (value their minds, not their bodies) and approach woman with respect unless the said did woman not deserve it. It was so obvious to the point where I would ask my male relatives for advice on how
approach and be successful with women. Based on their responses, I concluded that the best way and only way to be successful with women is to be outright disrespectful because in their words, "They love it even though they claim otherwise".
I have had a difficult time applying this advise to my dating life because it goes against what I have been raised to genuinely value,which has been overall decency in terms of personal conduct. Also, this has made me quite cynical and feel like If I have
to alter my mindset and behavior in order to be a winner in the dating game, then maybe (just maybe) I should say "fukk IT" as a whole.
at me having a connection with someone 5000 miles away while the woman I'm talking to within 15 mins of me already annoys me. Life isn't faWhat'
sometimes it just takes stepping outside of the matrix to realize how messed up we have it here. I'm quite sure her attitude is refreshing compared to the average of what you get here in America with all those women brainwashed with feminist drivel.
The woman I'm talking to is pretty and intelligent its just that all she ever talks about is fashion, celebrities or some trendy movement. And she always wants to go out somewhere doesn't matter what the day is she wants to go to out for dinner or to a lounge. I haven't talked to her in a few days and I'm relieved. Meanwhile the Brazilian and I were talking about astronomy and views on life. Her last message on FB is "Be smart, be good, your beauty won't last forever"![]()
The woman I'm talking to is pretty and intelligent its just that all she ever talks about is fashion, celebrities or some trendy movement. And she always wants to go out somewhere doesn't matter what the day is she wants to go to out for dinner or to a lounge. I haven't talked to her in a few days and I'm relieved. Meanwhile the Brazilian and I were talking about astronomy and views on life. Her last message on FB is "Be smart, be good, your beauty won't last forever"![]()
It is definitely difficult to reconcile what we've been told and the reality of the situation. I'll be real in admitting that a lot of women DO respond to disrespectful treatment and game-playing... you might miss out on women by being the respectful guy, but then again, you might miss out on the woman who actually responds to decent treatment... that quality woman while you're playing these games.
What makes it so difficult is that we men are searching for gourmet meals in the trash heap. There is some quality out there, but man, it's difficult with the countless single mothers, women who've been hoing it up until they blow up and women who want their little thug delight. But ultimately, I feel if you change your personality to catch one of these women, you will be doing yourself a disservice in the end because you will lose respect for yourself and you will not ever have respect for the woman you are dealing with because in the back of your mind you will be thinking, "Man this girl is dumb. How in the world could she go for this treatment?"
Also, when you say respectful, what is some examples of respectful treatment you've found that have turned women off?
To answer your question, it all stems from my upbringing. I was taught to be respectful when I approach women and get to know them as a person as opposed to getting sexual with women quickly because it was "disrespectful". However,the women who were initially attracted to me, I guess, expected me to push for sex even though I would not have known them for very long or just overall talk to them in a way that would be more sexually aggressive or rather assertive despite the fact I did not play the male-girlfriend role at ALL. It seems they mistaken with my respectful behavior with being weak or soft. Even two of them questioned me as to whether I was gay or not but I shut that nonsense down and got on about my business.
Yeah having a proper household is critical for a woman so they can observe what is doing right. if you're around success, you're likely to pick up successful habits because that's what you learn and that's what you know. Likewise, if you are around disorder, you will start to pick up those habits unless you've just analyzed your situation and decide to go against the grain of what you've been taught your whole life, which is usually after hitting rock bottom. These women here in America are constantly taught selfishness by their mothers and by the media, and we have so many single parent households with 'independent-minded' mothers, so their daughters never really have a chance to learn traits that really attract a man.