Essential Quick Lil Gems on Dealing with Women

Feb 5, 2016
Good advice dap and rep. To be honest I see all the red flags, but she's attractive, so I let the bullshyt fly for a little.

We all did that when we was younger. Looked over her flaws because of her beauty.

But the older u get u find out that a loss in the long run
Her chracter does matter
Feb 5, 2016
For me, it means I’m not that interested. I’ll put it this way, when I’m feeling a dude, I just can’t help it, if he goes a few days without contact, I’m going to throw some bait to make sure he’s still interested. The goal is to stay on his mind, like he is on mind. Dating rules get modified and then later abandoned. When I’m lukewarm or not interested, I won’t ever initiate first. The caveat is that this depends on communication frequency. For example if you text every couple of days, there’s never a need for me to initiate first because I know based on how often you text me, that your going to reach out soon at some point anyway. In that case, if I like you, but don’t want to show my hand, i can hold off because I know your going to hit me up. But if 4 days have gone by and I haven’t sent you any contact, there’s no date planned, etc., and you have contacted me either? Chances are that I’m not really interested and your someone I’m talking to out of boredom, or when I run out of options. If I never try to see what your schedule is like, I’m slow to respond when you ask me out on dates, I never initiate contact, even when several days have passed without communication, and you have a feeling that somethings not right with it. Trust that feeling. If you feel like your doing too much, and not getting anything back, that’s your conscious letting you know—pay attention to that feeling and move on.

In general, of course it’s expected for the men to initiate first, but pay attention to how often y’all talk, how quick she responds, especially to dates, and throw tests in there every now and then. Let a few days pass without communicating. See if she hits you up. :yeshrug: Fall back every now and then, and act like your not interested, almost scaring her into thinking that you not feeling her like she thought and see how she responds. If she hits you up with a silly text days later but doesn’t inquire about kicking it or plays a game when you try to set something up, your probably being used for ego boost. But if she’s hitting you up and trying to see what your schedule is like, and whatnot... I mean you have a feeling breh, trust it.

She dropping jewels
Nov 18, 2016
i need advice from men..

i met this guy off of Bumble, he was pursuing and putting kinda pressure on me to meet up and hang out, even though I was hesitant also because i’m financially strapped. he insisted anyways and offered to pay. and realized i probably shouldn’t be on a dating app since i’m trying to heal from my ex and our abusive relationship that was traumatizing to me. We made plans to hang out then i explained my situation to him and he appreciated my honesty but still encouraged me to at least give it a chance and told me not to over complicate things.

So we met up at a local bar, had a few drinks. We hit it off really well in my opinion, he was kind, a gentleman, funny, easy to talk to. He worked in finance on wallstreet and left that to become a golf pro. Were kinda opposites in terms of upbringing. But still had a lot in common. Anyways, about 12 he asked me if i was up for learning black jack because he mentioned he’d teach me prior to meeting up.

We ended up playing black jack until like 3:30-4 am, after we sat in his car and talked for awhile.

We flirted, kissed. etc he wanted to take it further and go back to his place and “watch a movie” but i stopped that and knew what it was he wanted. And i wasn’t trynna to sleep with him as casual sex isn’t my thing and i hold myself to higher standards now. Anyways, so i had him bring me to my car, thanked him for taking me out and we split ways..


and texted him a couple hours ago, wishing him a nice day at work. no response, before we hung out, he was the one texting me, getting no responses, kinda not taken seriously given my ex situation etc..

am i overthinking this? or over complicating it?

i was really into him. someone who had to convince me to even go out, but i really ended up enjoying my time with so if he dubs me i’ll be disappointed

i’ll let him pursue me. if he’s interested in seeing me again he’ll show it but it’s hard to not wonder what i did wrong or maybe i’m just being insecure or anxious

Yeah, i mean.. he probably figured since he paid for drinks and dropped 300 teaching me how to play black jack he’d get some. he seems like a calculated man that’s a charmer and knows how to get into a women’s pants just with his mouth. probably annoyed it didn’t work on me since it usually does for him.

i know the games men play and wasn’t gonna put myself in a position to be fukked and thrown to the bushes. rather not give it up and not feel regret then give it up and feel used. ‍♀️

Wait what??? He spent 300 DOLLARS?

he doesn’t seem like that type of guy tbh. more into seeing the real thing. doesn’t like to be played with or games.

for example, before we met up, we were talking here and there for a few days. we started talking Sunday night? he asked me to hang out that night. i declined because of work. then again tuesday. then last night, which i finally did because i don’t work friday’s.

in our conversations which just came natural to us, he voiced he’d rather do the real thing as opposed to over text soo

nah, if i get bushed over that it is what it is.

i explicitly let him know my standards, that i’m not interested in jsut hooking up and that’s not my thing. if he’s annoyed cause he didn’t get some p*ssy cause HE thought dropping a few bills to teach me black jack was gonna get him laid that was his mistake. not gonna lower my standards or become low hanging fruit to get fukked and dumped.

He probably seeing you as an attention whore, you bout to get the :camby:

i am very interested, just don’t want to come off as desperate or needy, or indirectly beg someone to talk to me. not gonna double text looking for a response when he is at work and come off crazy and scare him away lol

@Marzupial and what does dropping dough like that to teach me black jack say? that he’s actual interested? a simp? or doesn’t care about spending money to show a women a good time?

i’m interested in how that changes everything. i’m genuinely curious to know the inner workings of men lol hence why i stay lurking this thread

I thought you were in that open relationship with the young religious breh? What happened?!

:mjlol::mjlol::dead::dead:This white bytch :deadrose:
He doesn’t want your no having ass, Look at you - you probably smelled of meth and loosies dipped in Jack Daniel

@biscuitsnbangers weren't you just posting about your boyfriend being such a masculine, strong leader who's strength as a black man showed you how weak white men were? He had you acting like Common when he was with Erykah Badu. That's over already???:mindblown:

These relationships dont last in 2019

Dont be surprised fam

@biscuitsnbangers i though you were Hebrew ho-tep happy in religious cac cuckqueen bliss with your child?? Hold up - you mean to tell me that in your open relationshyt - you gave him permission to fuk, other women and go out in dates and he still dumped you ?? I know your self esteem must be shot as fukkkkk. Now you’re back for the coli ego boost. You had him loud and proud up in here too.
I bet his new girlfriend is a black woman that looks 100x better than you, who doesn’t cheat on her bc he has no reason to :coffee: but I’ll let you tell it .

She sure was .. lmaoffff
Wtf did she expect - aged mayonnaise face with a love jones on a 14 yr old . He got bored rubbing up on that matchstick, boring try hard personality at that. Been told y’all how this would end.

Gahdamn, They giving ol girl the Cersei Lannister up in here :picard:



This bytch was willing to put up with that religious breh and his multiple women but can't drop the draws
for a dude that dropped 300 on her and taught her black jack.:picard:

Dude lost dropping 300 on her though.


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Free Sheist
May 1, 2012
You bout to get bushed. :ufdup: find a way to send that man some pics. Don't have to be today.
at the same time, if he a wall street dude he might just have it like that and $300 is nothing to make him feel like a sucka

if he does feel like a sucka, the sunk cost will have him feeling invested and less likely to bush her...unless he has a deep roster
Nov 18, 2016
at the same time, if he a wall street dude he might just have it like that and $300 is nothing to make him feel like a sucka

if he does feel like a sucka, the sunk cost will have him feeling invested and less likely to bush her...unless he has a deep roster
I would pump and dump honestly.
I can't imagine wasting that much time and money with someone who is not dropping them draws:stopitslime:
Especially if I somehow found out the shyt she was willing to put up with the last dude.


Free Sheist
May 1, 2012
For me, it means I’m not that interested. I’ll put it this way, when I’m feeling a dude, I just can’t help it, if he goes a few days without contact, I’m going to throw some bait to make sure he’s still interested. The goal is to stay on his mind, like he is on mind. Dating rules get modified and then later abandoned. When I’m lukewarm or not interested, I won’t ever initiate first. The caveat is that this depends on communication frequency. For example if you text every couple of days, there’s never a need for me to initiate first because I know based on how often you text me, that your going to reach out soon at some point anyway. In that case, if I like you, but don’t want to show my hand, i can hold off because I know your going to hit me up. But if 4 days have gone by and I haven’t sent you any contact, there’s no date planned, etc., and you have contacted me either? Chances are that I’m not really interested and your someone I’m talking to out of boredom, or when I run out of options. If I never try to see what your schedule is like, I’m slow to respond when you ask me out on dates, I never initiate contact, even when several days have passed without communication, and you have a feeling that somethings not right with it. Trust that feeling. If you feel like your doing too much, and not getting anything back, that’s your conscious letting you know—pay attention to that feeling and move on.

In general, of course it’s expected for the men to initiate first, but pay attention to how often y’all talk, how quick she responds, especially to dates, and throw tests in there every now and then. Let a few days pass without communicating. See if she hits you up. :yeshrug: Fall back every now and then, and act like your not interested, almost scaring her into thinking that you not feeling her like she thought and see how she responds. If she hits you up with a silly text days later but doesn’t inquire about kicking it or plays a game when you try to set something up, your probably being used for ego boost. But if she’s hitting you up and trying to see what your schedule is like, and whatnot... I mean you have a feeling breh, trust it.
i was in a situation like this. i called the girl out for her lack of initiation and it turned out there was lukewarm/hesitant...but she told me WHY she was
also, it turned out she was just used to the guy being the aggressor

6 months later and its serious/we dating

@Atlrocafella ...go with what @CarmelBarbie said. However, before you give up just call the chick out and see how she reacts. If she reacts like a bird, keep it moving. If she fixes up, she could be a real one.


Free Sheist
May 1, 2012
I would pump and dump honestly.
I can't imagine wasting that much time and money with someone who is not dropping them draws:stopitslime:
Especially if I somehow found out the shyt she was willing to put up with the last dude.
yea. homie aint an idiot. He probably knows that shorty is feeling him and that HE is the catch in the situation.
He will play it cool hoping the girl panics and gives him more play as a result. Then he will probably dump


Aug 3, 2013
The same single women you'll meet offline are online, its 2019.The only difference is good women won't be on dating apps for to long, while some women are on there for years and years.
Not true. I know plenty of women that don’t fukk with dating apps. (They don’t need to).


Apr 25, 2018
i was in a situation like this. i called the girl out for her lack of initiation and it turned out there was lukewarm/hesitant...but she told me WHY she was
also, it turned out she was just used to the guy being the aggressor

6 months later and its serious/we dating

@Atlrocafella ...go with what @CarmelBarbie said. However, before you give up just call the chick out and see how she reacts. If she reacts like a bird, keep it moving. If she fixes up, she could be a real one.

I'd be wary of a relationship that started with such aggressive negotiating. Women are open to dating simps for the comfort/money. Be careful that that's not how she sees you.


Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
Top 4
Not true. I know plenty of women that don’t fukk with dating apps. (They don’t need to).

most women i know have dabbled in old at one point whether pof, match, okcupid, dating apps etc., hell past 4 weddings I've shot (i do wedding photography on the side) the couple met their spouse online


Free Sheist
May 1, 2012
I'd be wary of a relationship that started with such aggressive negotiating. Women are open to dating simps for the comfort/money. Be careful that that's not how she sees you.
i'm happy you said that. When i said six months later...what i meant was six months later and we are still dating and it has gotten more serious.

i'm versed in psychology and i was able to deduce that one of the main reasons she wasnt feelingpressed to push things fwd despite really liking me was because she hadnt done much investing in the relationship and was comfortable being courted (with me and in her past). by investing i meant,

- spending money
- planning dates
- doing thoughtful gestures
- putting herself out there in terms of how she felt
- and most importantly, fukking (she was bsically a virgin when i started dating)

so i told her she's gonna something about that and she slowly started doing all of the above and her taking that leap was what caused us to really become serious. my girl is slightly different than most though. Despite being sensitive and all that, the lines are very open when it comes to communication. As long as the delivery/tone is good, i can tell her whenever I have a problem with some shyt she is or isnt doing. (at least for now lol)


Free Sheist
May 1, 2012
Give women your number brehs, it's a great upfront filter. The interested ones will reach out, trust me.
I agree. But some are forgetful lol.
And i know youll say if she forgot...then she probably wasnt interested enough in the first place. I get it, but meh.
Girls dont know what to do with these situations.

I think getting a girls number is just as fine. If she is interested, she will respond, and agree to a date


Aug 3, 2013
most women i know have dabbled in old at one point whether pof, match, okcupid, dating apps etc., hell past 4 weddings I've shot (i do wedding photography on the side) the couple met their spouse online
I agree with you that good women don’t last on their very long. (Everyone has tried it at one point so I’m not speaking in absolutes).