Essential Quick Lil Gems on Dealing with Women


May 27, 2012
you gotta be funny and you gotta be original.

By some of the things Ive said to women, Im surprised im not considered a huge ass "creep" But I played it off cuz im always joking and not taking myself serious.


follower of Jesus
May 2, 2012
The feminized game out here is real. One of the reasons women can act the way they do is that they have 10,000 fall back, nurturing negroes on deck. There are very few to no repercussions for a woman's actions unless the dude she is dealing with has emotional locks on her because as soon as she loses one relationship or interactions with one dude, she has about 30 thirsty dudes in line waiting to swoop in and 'make her feel better'. Don't put yourself in that category.

The problem a lot of simps/'nice guys' have problems is that they are nurturers and they have 'homegirl' and butler game. They want to sit around and 'make babygirl smile' and to 'just make her laugh.' They be out here coddling females and letting them get away with anything. They think that by acting like a woman's homegirl, they will get some play... They will sit there and hold and console her when she's sad, listen to her talk about other dudes, gossip with her, go shopping with her, talk to her 8 hours on the phone, etc. This is homegirl game and is why a lot of men get stuffed in that friend category and she be thinking dude is half-way gay or charmin soft. These guys are afraid to tell women that they want to be with them and they are afraid to tell women anything in general, like when she gets out of pocket. They will do anything to please the woman. Is it any surprise a woman has no respect for this kind of man? A woman would much prefer a man she can look up to, that knows what he is doing and can lead.

Problem is, in society, men really are being brainwashed. They think that by being some cuddly negro that is 'always there' whenever his woman needs him, that he'll be successful. That by being a man of 'sensitivity' that 'understands her needs', he'll get far with a woman. That by being a host for a parasitical kind of woman, he's 'being a man'. Something men got to understand is that women don't really judge you on your character like that. The greater your masculinity levels and self-respect is, the better you will do with women. What women really like is your look, your persona, your inability to be manipulated by them, your strength, your charisma, your reputation, etc.

A lot of women will try to slide these tests to gauge your level of masculinity. If you are a sweetheart negro and okey dokes anything she does, you will be out here looking real stupid and wondering why this broad is going at you so hard. If a woman tries to get you to play a feminized role, you better tell her something... Some of these negroes out here are letting women paint their toenails and fingernails, gossiping and talking about other men with these females, etc. Man if you can't say no to a woman trying to emasculate you, you will always have problems with them... and the thing some of ya'll youngn's need to understand is that a woman will try to do it in a sweet way or playful way. "Let me paint your toenails!" "Tell me your secrets!" A lot of you young cats think that by going along with this woman that you will be getting her closer to you... nah mane, after she does it if you allow it, she will be clowning you. Do not ever sacrifice your masculinity or self-respect.

As a man, you have to make your time valuable. Never 'wait up' on a woman. If she isn't trying to deal with you and she is single, waiting for her to come around is a sucker game. If she ain't with giving you time, boot her out of your mind and move on to the next woman.

Imagine you as a dude dealing with a woman, and all the while you are dealing with her, you have 10 other pretty women vying for your attention. How many of those women will you really respect when you rebound with them after breaking up with your current woman? How well will you really treat a woman who will let herself be used as an easy outlet valve whenever you get out of relationship drama? More than likely you will treat her like 'she'll always be there' and you'll go explore other options.


follower of Jesus
May 2, 2012
Here goes some more for ya
Don't ever cheerlead your woman
- This goes out for those cats always talking about their 'bae' and how their woman is this and how their woman is that... just basically worshiping her in public. Most times when I see somebody cheerlead for their significant other, they end up looking suckerfied. Their significant other ends up cheating on them or some other such nonsense.

Carefully limit your intake of rnb music and television
- The more you listen to it, the more these concepts will slip into your subconscious mind. They are teaching you destructive behavior via false realities. The outcome that happens in those videos and television shows for engaging in the behavior encouraged in them is whay different than the outcome you will get in real life. Crying, bowing down and catering to females via rnb music will not win you the lady. It will have her clowning you and will end up with you getting abused. Television shows has men looking juvenile, stupid and incompetent. Enough said. Fill your mind with that trash if you don't have a lick of common sense.

3) If you got time to talk about another man's business, you really need to get some more business of your own
- Chattering about other men is gossip and gossip is not masculine. Sure, you can discuss events that happened here and there, but to really get into specifics about what another man is doing and whether or not you like it, is weak. Do not engage in pillow talk with your woman and don't gossip in general.

4) Stop spending all day with your woman
- What is common is underappreciated if not detested. If you see your woman all day, every day, soon the thrill of spending time with each other will start to wane and things will become way too predictable. This is when people really get that notion to wander.

5) Keep your woman in line
- You can't allow her to come through disrespecting you. When she gets the notion she can do it, she will continue to do it, and even escalate the disrespect You have to man up and be able to tell a woman something. If you ain't feeling what she's doing, let her know. If your request is reasonable and critical and she doesn't want to get down in the right way, you might have to consider punting her.

6) Learn to be single
- We've talked about this numerous times. If you can't learn to be single, you will have an air of desperation about you and your decision-making, which will lead you into bad consequences.

7) Stop begging these females to stay around and don't force her to stay around
- A woman will be where she wants to be regardless. If she wants to leave, let her. One of the most important things you can learn as a man is the ability to let a woman go. When you are willing to 'do anything' to keep her around, she knows she has a huge advantage over you and will exploit that. She will either lose respect for you and leave no matter what or she will start using this advantage against you to her huge benefit.

8) Stop upgrading these women
- Some cats got the notion that if they pay for a woman's school, her hair, nails, help her along her career and all that trash, that somehow she will be grateful and reward you with loyalty. Naw, you just making her a better catch for the next negro. You start upgrading a woman too much and she WILL peel off on you. Women like to look up to their men. That means there has to be a perceptive gulf between how she perceives you and how she perceives herself. When she starts thinking she is more fly than you, she is out the door.

9) Invest in flyness before you invest in her
- You will get 10,000 times a better return on your money if you buy yourself a cool new outfit as opposed to buying her one. Buy yourself a new cologne and spray it on instead of taking her to dinner. Women would rather cater to a fly, boss type dude than be pampered by a butler.

10) Your exclusivity is won. It is not given freely
Stop rushing to cuff these women. Just you 'being in a relationship with her' will NOT guarantee loyalty or any of that, but she will try to use that relationship status in order to make you get gifts for her and force you to live up to boyfriend responsibilities. A woman has to EARN your exclusivity. Giving it away is sucker business.


follower of Jesus
May 2, 2012
One thing I would advise my young brothers out here to keep in mind is to realize that most women are always seeking an upgrade. This is why you never make it too comfortable for a woman. The moment she feels she is on your level or above you, she will peel off. Unless you just have this unbelievably moral woman, she is constantly scanning for the 'next best thing' despite all the things you do for her. It is NOT "doing things for her" that really keeps a woman around. It is the perception that you are a rare catch. You will not win by paying for a woman's school, taking her to dinners and all of this behavior that signifies you elevate her value above yours. This is why everything seems backwards and you are left wondering why she left despite you always being there for her, you paying for her, you treated her well. You started becoming common, you started serving her, etc. You were no longer special or rare and thus she took your value for granted and peeled off.

I will get more into this when time permits.

Wild self

The Black Man will prosper!
Jun 20, 2012
By some of the things Ive said to women, Im surprised im not considered a huge ass "creep" But I played it off cuz im always joking and not taking myself serious.

And call her out on her bullshyt too, in a funny way. Once she sees that you are no joke, she has no choice but to leave you or love you.


Aug 12, 2012
And call her out on her bullshyt too, in a funny way. Once she sees that you are no joke, she has no choice but to leave you or love you.

Basically killacal is not considered a "creep" because according to female logic(this isn't anything against you btw killacal im just using you as an example) he is smiling and making them laugh.

If that same thing happened with the smiling and being persistent, but this time he was not able to make them laugh.......the most negative thing he would be called is "corny".

But if your being somewhat shy when talking to the girl....but persistent at the same time in trying to bag her.....that is when you are considered "creepy".

Yes both type of guys are techncially doing the same thing. But because of how shallow females are and the constant need to be entertained.......this is their logic.

Yes I know its strange.

But as I say when i think something is strange.....I say to myself hey its a female ....



May 6, 2012


Aug 12, 2012
at the end of the video...

Joy: what if he keeps calling you?
guest: just stop talking to him, i got one of those right now, just completely drop him and he'll get the message.

notice how she makes it a point to say she has a guy who keeps calling her on national television to seem more desirable.

She forgot to add "ill ignore him so he gets the message.........until I need a favor or he ends up making a lot of $ and becomes 10 times better while I wither away and eventually my future son in law is gonna be the only male in life who is still complimenting me"

I think that is what the condescending whore meant


Aug 12, 2012
Celebrity/Famous Examples Of The Day:

Hillary Rodham originally being very hesitant at taking Clinton as her last name and only decided to take it when she saw it would benefit her when things finally started getting better for them

Princess Diana refusing to follow the part of the "oath" when marrying Prince Charles about how she will "obey him"(check some monarchy rules to get an idea).Basically showing she did not respect him and had some insecurities.

Both examples are textbook cases of not being down for their man and at various points for both of them, disrespected them in some way.