We have all come across women like this but it seems i can never just take it easy and let it go because they really irk me. These "type" of women i am referring to is those immature young girls who are shallow as hell and who spend time basically ripping into a guy who maybe could not get the picture and spoke to them when they did not want to speak to them .
We all know the type of women and the conversations they are referring to.
I am talking about this because when i was on campus today waiting for class i came across some girls in another class across the hall sitting down going into this high school nonsense. Like seriously grow up. This one girl was talking about how this guy from a previous class is so annoying because he has called her before and she blocked him. And how some time ago she ran into him on the bus and he made some small talk about something to do with applebees and hiring. And how she said okay.
Her shallow ass friend started laughing and talking about how "when i am around people like that i think you should just say "Oh......." just like that....just say oh and they should get the hint lol" ....Those were her exact words.
9/10 the guy is not even asking them out. You can be open to your mentally challenged girlfriend about the problem, but you cannot speak the fukk up to the guy who is supposedly "bothering you" or "creepy".
I notice alot of young girls are immature like this. One thing I cannot stand is two faced people. I would guarantee any amount of money that this guy who had her number in the first place at some points(or possibly multiple times) he helped her alot with classwork and after the semester was done, when she got what she wanted from him, she wanted to throw him aside like a used tissue and then basically rip into him to her friends and be two faced.
And these are probably the type of broads if something were to happen to the guy and he died or something, we would get the cliche ass "Awww he was so nice" .
Broads like this deserve to get smacked in the face because seriously I have always been bothered by those who talk like that about guys. I mean if the guy did something mentally or physically to you when you did NOTHING to him at al, then i could understand.
But because someone is talking too much, he is being creepy to you or annoying and you block him. I guess maybe whoever that guy was was not shallow enough for girls like that and the topics he spoke about were too deep for them.
And as expected right after, their next conversation went into talking about fake boobs, silicone, if fake breasts can be broken, how your boobs better be on point if your paying $10,000,etc.
This whole condescending shyt that alot of them do really needs to stop.
the sad thing women think you are interested in them just because you talk to them