Essential Quick Lil Gems on Dealing with Women


Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
Top 4
We have all come across women like this but it seems i can never just take it easy and let it go because they really irk me. These "type" of women i am referring to is those immature young girls who are shallow as hell and who spend time basically ripping into a guy who maybe could not get the picture and spoke to them when they did not want to speak to them .

We all know the type of women and the conversations they are referring to. :shaq2:

I am talking about this because when i was on campus today waiting for class i came across some girls in another class across the hall sitting down going into this high school nonsense. Like seriously grow up. This one girl was talking about how this guy from a previous class is so annoying because he has called her before and she blocked him. And how some time ago she ran into him on the bus and he made some small talk about something to do with applebees and hiring. And how she said okay.

Her shallow ass friend started laughing and talking about how "when i am around people like that i think you should just say "Oh......." just like that....just say oh and they should get the hint lol" ....Those were her exact words.

9/10 the guy is not even asking them out. You can be open to your mentally challenged girlfriend about the problem, but you cannot speak the fukk up to the guy who is supposedly "bothering you" or "creepy".

I notice alot of young girls are immature like this. One thing I cannot stand is two faced people. I would guarantee any amount of money that this guy who had her number in the first place at some points(or possibly multiple times) he helped her alot with classwork and after the semester was done, when she got what she wanted from him, she wanted to throw him aside like a used tissue and then basically rip into him to her friends and be two faced.

And these are probably the type of broads if something were to happen to the guy and he died or something, we would get the cliche ass "Awww he was so nice" .

Broads like this deserve to get smacked in the face because seriously I have always been bothered by those who talk like that about guys. I mean if the guy did something mentally or physically to you when you did NOTHING to him at al, then i could understand.

But because someone is talking too much, he is being creepy to you or annoying and you block him. I guess maybe whoever that guy was was not shallow enough for girls like that and the topics he spoke about were too deep for them.

And as expected right after, their next conversation went into talking about fake boobs, silicone, if fake breasts can be broken, how your boobs better be on point if your paying $10,000,etc.

This whole condescending shyt that alot of them do really needs to stop.

the sad thing women think you are interested in them just because you talk to them


follower of Jesus
May 2, 2012
instead of me focusing on catching one particular woman, i just focus on sharpening myself up... that's something i can control for sure and definitely get better results, plus I ain't down to be chasing some woman around.

Real talk, the sharper you are, the higher caliber of women you just have interested in you. It ain't about chasing. it's about putting yourself in a position to be chased...
May 6, 2012

Men's rights is a hate group? What is wrong with these birdbrain hoes?

There were a lot of simps in the crowd as well:scusthov:

A dude was going to see the speaker to try to find some answers in dealing with his friends suicides but feminists could care less cause it didnt fit their agenda. Disgusting

I did like the one male cop who was standing next to the female cop while they were chanting "This is what mens right look like" with the :smugbiden:

Wild self

The Black Man will prosper!
Jun 20, 2012
There were a lot of simps in the crowd as well:scusthov:

A dude was going to see the speaker to try to find some answers in dealing with his friends suicides but feminists could care less cause it didnt fit their agenda. Disgusting

Feminism is a cancer. Hell, modern feminists are some of the most selfish people you will ever meet.


No nikkas!
May 2, 2012
I had to get real firm with my girl last night, she dragged on an arguement we were having all day even after I told her I was in the wrong within 30 minutes of the crap going down. So finally last night I told her that she was 37 (she is 9 yrs older than me-she has no kids and never been married) and told her that if she wanted to throw this 18 month relationship, and start from scratch and deal w/ the majority of men wanting her for sex that it was up to her. I pointed out the fact that majority of her friends are having man problems, because there are so many dogs out there and that she needs to be grateful that she has a man who is dedicated to her and does right by her, but I wasnt going to tolerate this crap anymore I told her that Im still in my prime and have a lot less to lose. We obviously love each other so lets stop the BS and move on. She got real quiet, but I know I made my point.

i be trying to tell dudes... guarentee your relationship will run a bit smoother... alot of dudes think that cause they know certain things, theyre girls know as well and while they should know shyt like this, they dont and they wont until you point it out...
Aug 6, 2012
Dale Carnegie said in his book that "you can measure the size of a person by what makes him or her angry."
When I read that it hit me like a brick in the head. Of course!!! It's what separates adults from children. Children are supposed to be the ones that stomp their feet every time one of their little caprices aren't being met, not fukking women.

How am I supposed to take most of these broads seriously when they get upset or cry their eyes out over the smallest, pettiest of reasons? They aren't aware or won't spare a thought to the many social injustices being perpetrated daily against people and all the other fukked up shyt in this world, yet they go out of their mind over a supposedly 'offensive' comment or perceived slight?

How can I trust my significant other to stay strong and support me during painful times when she gets upset because Sally made a comment about her makeup at work or that I asked her to be quiet while I'm watching the game? How can my s/o stay strong and support me during financial troubles, illness, losing a parent, a child being seriously sick(god forbid) or all the other fukked up shyt that happens in life when she goes psychotic if I don't get her a gift on Valentine's day?
it sounds crazy but i feel like in its own way its a good thing that women are immature, hot tempered, or petty at times because its really these things that make her have to depend on and need a man. in a way its almost like god had designed it that way, on purpose. if not for the imperfections of women, i feel that they would not even need to have a man in the first place. a man is a more righteous version of herself, and this could not work if she wasnt at least somewhat flawed to begin with ie eve. and its cute in a way to see women acting like that at least to an extent . a lot of times they will do it because they actually want you to play that man role and put her in her place as illogical as that sounds. thats why at times you cant be afraid to demonstrate some aggression or be passionate at times. not too much but you might have to yell or be stern with a women at times you cant just be cold and logical at all times because on a very basic level she craves that ability for a man to put her in her place but also in a way that she knows its coming from a place of love for her at the end of the day. alot of times she will just want that drama as a way to feel wanted. thats just her being a woman and honestly you cant really blame her for that, if that was always the nature of women in general since the beginning. thats why she will be petty, or immature, to try to get you to play that game with her. it might not be right but i feel like its the way we are when men and women are in a relationship


Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
Top 4
instead of me focusing on catching one particular woman, i just focus on sharpening myself up... that's something i can control for sure and definitely get better results, plus I ain't down to be chasing some woman around.

Real talk, the sharper you are, the higher caliber of women you just have interested in you. It ain't about chasing. it's about putting yourself in a position to be chased...

truth, im no tyson beckford but just sitting at the bus stop, or out at the mall, or in line at the store ive had women come up to me and talk, work on yourself


follower of Jesus
May 2, 2012
truth, im no tyson beckford but just sitting at the bus stop, or out at the mall, or in line at the store ive had women come up to me and talk, work on yourself

It's just a great feeling looking in the mirror and seeing workouts pay off, seeing your wardrobe sharpen... just seeing yourself sharpen up a little more every day... women that you thought you couldn't pull in the past giving you a smile. i just love that process of self improvement man. the women are a nice side benefit.


May 6, 2012
when it comes to getting women there seems to be 2 schools of thoughts.

on one side you got the "PUA" style of basically approaching women and playing the numbers game.

on the other side there's the "pimp" style where you more or less let the girls "choose"

lately i've been wondering which style is better or maybe it depends on your personality/temperament?


follower of Jesus
May 2, 2012
In actuality, pimps do a lot of approaching of women, so if you want more women, you have to approach. On the other hand, they also lay back and shine on females to make them want to approach them. I would say it's great to have the ability to do both. Certain females you just have to get up and go get, while other ones just like how you look and the presence around you and make their way to you.

The one thing you have to be careful about when you are doing a lot of approaching is you have to avoid looking like a thirst-bucket, aka one of those guys who gets rejected by female after female and keeps on bouncing around.

Wild self

The Black Man will prosper!
Jun 20, 2012
In actuality, pimps do a lot of approaching of women, so if you want more women, you have to approach. On the other hand, they also lay back and shine on females to make them want to approach them. I would say it's great to have the ability to do both. Certain females you just have to get up and go get, while other ones just like how you look and the presence around you and make their way to you.

The one thing you have to be careful about when you are doing a lot of approaching is you have to avoid looking like a thirst-bucket, aka one of those guys who gets rejected by female after female and keeps on bouncing around.

you gotta be funny and you gotta be original.