Essential Quick Lil Gems on Dealing with Women

Mr. Pink

All Star
Jun 14, 2012
All women nag, it's just as a male how much can you take?

Women complain about the smallest things in life, yet they get mat leave, child benefits, flex hours etc.,
It's why western women are the worst, women in Africa getting their genitals multitated, gang raped, women in the Middle East not having their full rights to vote etc. yet try dont woe is me as much as these privileged western women.
Dale Carnegie said in his book that "you can measure the size of a person by what makes him or her angry."
When I read that it hit me like a brick in the head. Of course!!! It's what separates adults from children. Children are supposed to be the ones that stomp their feet every time one of their little caprices aren't being met, not fukking women.

How am I supposed to take most of these broads seriously when they get upset or cry their eyes out over the smallest, pettiest of reasons? They aren't aware or won't spare a thought to the many social injustices being perpetrated daily against people and all the other fukked up shyt in this world, yet they go out of their mind over a supposedly 'offensive' comment or perceived slight?

How can I trust my significant other to stay strong and support me during painful times when she gets upset because Sally made a comment about her makeup at work or that I asked her to be quiet while I'm watching the game? How can my s/o stay strong and support me during financial troubles, illness, losing a parent, a child being seriously sick(god forbid) or all the other fukked up shyt that happens in life when she goes psychotic if I don't get her a gift on Valentine's day?

Po pimp

May 1, 2012
i only see two categories there. those that like you and those that don't. all women like what you can do for them even the ones that don't like you.

What he's saying is the ones who truly don't like you won't take any gifts, won't have sex with you, won't lead you on because they aren't feeling you, period.

Those who like you for what you can do for them pretty much put a price on their affection.


Jun 2, 2012
I had to get real firm with my girl last night, she dragged on an arguement we were having all day even after I told her I was in the wrong within 30 minutes of the crap going down. So finally last night I told her that she was 37 (she is 9 yrs older than me-she has no kids and never been married) and told her that if she wanted to throw this 18 month relationship, and start from scratch and deal w/ the majority of men wanting her for sex that it was up to her. I pointed out the fact that majority of her friends are having man problems, because there are so many dogs out there and that she needs to be grateful that she has a man who is dedicated to her and does right by her, but I wasnt going to tolerate this crap anymore I told her that Im still in my prime and have a lot less to lose. We obviously love each other so lets stop the BS and move on. She got real quiet, but I know I made my point.


Jun 9, 2012
I had to get real firm with my girl last night, she dragged on an arguement we were having all day even after I told her I was in the wrong within 30 minutes of the crap going down. So finally last night I told her that she was 37 (she is 9 yrs older than me-she has no kids and never been married) and told her that if she wanted to throw this 18 month relationship, and start from scratch and deal w/ the majority of men wanting her for sex that it was up to her. I pointed out the fact that majority of her friends are having man problems, because there are so many dogs out there and that she needs to be grateful that she has a man who is dedicated to her and does right by her, but I wasnt going to tolerate this crap anymore I told her that Im still in my prime and have a lot less to lose. We obviously love each other so lets stop the BS and move on. She got real quiet, but I know I made my point.



Old Master
May 11, 2012
I had to get real firm with my girl last night, she dragged on an arguement we were having all day even after I told her I was in the wrong within 30 minutes of the crap going down. So finally last night I told her that she was 37 (she is 9 yrs older than me-she has no kids and never been married) and told her that if she wanted to throw this 18 month relationship, and start from scratch and deal w/ the majority of men wanting her for sex that it was up to her. I pointed out the fact that majority of her friends are having man problems, because there are so many dogs out there and that she needs to be grateful that she has a man who is dedicated to her and does right by her, but I wasnt going to tolerate this crap anymore I told her that Im still in my prime and have a lot less to lose. We obviously love each other so lets stop the BS and move on. She got real quiet, but I know I made my point.


Zapp Brannigan

Captain of the Nimbus
Sep 11, 2012
Approaching a new woman every day for a month, Day 30:

Sorry to be tardy to the party, I've been taken up with finals, but have decided that it was high time for me to take a break.

In case you're wondering, I did make a final closure my final night doing this experiment, but it was really, really not the way that I had expected. Isn't that kinda the point, though? Breaking new ground here?

Anyway, there's this place called Karaoke 101 that's in my town that would normally be kind of lame... but the staff there is cool about bringing booze and other party favors. They just ask that you share with them. No big deal. I'm well-connected and can get as many as Ill ever need.

I was hoping to try and smash on the girl who works at the front desk, but obviously I wasn't going to be able to pull her away from her desk for too long because she was working. No big deal. I was going with some people that I had met in Vegas from the week before that were looking for some fun going out and about, but didn't want to hit up the bar scene at the local beach clubs for the 9001st time. They called and asked me for an idea, and having been to the very spot the night before, I thought it'd be a good idea to have a second whack at it. The people that picked me up last minute from my house were pretty cool and they brought along a single friend that was apparently DTF.

Leaving a good impression on as many people as possible is like planting the seeds for future play down the line. The people that I had met in Las Vegas the week before were definitely fans of mine considering that I was good to them by showing them hot spots and selling them party favors on the cheap the week before. If you broadly establish a reputation for yourself who is fun, respectful, who's "in the know" about all of the latest local hot spots, and who can turn any night into something memorable, you're going to have an animal magnetism about you that'll translate really well into some play.

Anyway, I'm actually pretty good at Karaoke. Not that I'm a phenomenal singer, because that's not what being good at Karaoke is. Being good at karaoke means singing a silly song like "What a Wonderful World" or "Brick House" and having tons of obvious fun doing it. It sets the mood for the room and loosens everyone up.

Anyway, I ended up doing "American Boy" (Kanye's part) and the girl I hooked up with did Estelle's part. We then went out to the car to "grab some Mollys" but with the help of liquid courage, I put my arm around the small of her back and she started grabbing my ass.

"It's on." I thought to myself.

We got to my car, we started making out, I opened the back door, and we had a meaningful but very brief relationship with one another. Afterword she had told me how long it had been since she last fukked someone, that she wan't normally like that, that she was raised to be a total good girl, blah blah.

I like to let girls get that out. It makes them feel better about the experience and if you patronize them, they'll like you more for it.

So there you have it. A week in Vegas, little pickup tricks all over town in San Diego, and of all places, my first "same night" close happens on the last day of the month at a Karaoke bar.

I'll take it!

PS: I'll fill out what I've learned over the month in a new post later today.


May 24, 2012
Tha Land
I had to get real firm with my girl last night, she dragged on an arguement we were having all day even after I told her I was in the wrong within 30 minutes of the crap going down. So finally last night I told her that she was 37 (she is 9 yrs older than me-she has no kids and never been married) and told her that if she wanted to throw this 18 month relationship, and start from scratch and deal w/ the majority of men wanting her for sex that it was up to her. I pointed out the fact that majority of her friends are having man problems, because there are so many dogs out there and that she needs to be grateful that she has a man who is dedicated to her and does right by her, but I wasnt going to tolerate this crap anymore I told her that Im still in my prime and have a lot less to lose. We obviously love each other so lets stop the BS and move on. She got real quiet, but I know I made my point.

This is basically the stance i take with my wife. There is nothing wrong with talking out a disagreement. But once she begins to :deadhorse: I just tell her "either get a divorce or stfu" cause obviously we are in this together and continuing with the nagging wont help anyone.


May 6, 2012
Approaching a new woman every day for a month, Day 30:

Sorry to be tardy to the party, I've been taken up with finals, but have decided that it was high time for me to take a break.

In case you're wondering, I did make a final closure my final night doing this experiment, but it was really, really not the way that I had expected. Isn't that kinda the point, though? Breaking new ground here?

Anyway, there's this place called Karaoke 101 that's in my town that would normally be kind of lame... but the staff there is cool about bringing booze and other party favors. They just ask that you share with them. No big deal. I'm well-connected and can get as many as Ill ever need.

I was hoping to try and smash on the girl who works at the front desk, but obviously I wasn't going to be able to pull her away from her desk for too long because she was working. No big deal. I was going with some people that I had met in Vegas from the week before that were looking for some fun going out and about, but didn't want to hit up the bar scene at the local beach clubs for the 9001st time. They called and asked me for an idea, and having been to the very spot the night before, I thought it'd be a good idea to have a second whack at it. The people that picked me up last minute from my house were pretty cool and they brought along a single friend that was apparently DTF.

Leaving a good impression on as many people as possible is like planting the seeds for future play down the line. The people that I had met in Las Vegas the week before were definitely fans of mine considering that I was good to them by showing them hot spots and selling them party favors on the cheap the week before. If you broadly establish a reputation for yourself who is fun, respectful, who's "in the know" about all of the latest local hot spots, and who can turn any night into something memorable, you're going to have an animal magnetism about you that'll translate really well into some play.

Anyway, I'm actually pretty good at Karaoke. Not that I'm a phenomenal singer, because that's not what being good at Karaoke is. Being good at karaoke means singing a silly song like "What a Wonderful World" or "Brick House" and having tons of obvious fun doing it. It sets the mood for the room and loosens everyone up.

Anyway, I ended up doing "American Boy" (Kanye's part) and the girl I hooked up with did Estelle's part. We then went out to the car to "grab some Mollys" but with the help of liquid courage, I put my arm around the small of her back and she started grabbing my ass.

"It's on." I thought to myself.

We got to my car, we started making out, I opened the back door, and we had a meaningful but very brief relationship with one another. Afterword she had told me how long it had been since she last fukked someone, that she wan't normally like that, that she was raised to be a total good girl, blah blah.

I like to let girls get that out. It makes them feel better about the experience and if you patronize them, they'll like you more for it.

So there you have it. A week in Vegas, little pickup tricks all over town in San Diego, and of all places, my first "same night" close happens on the last day of the month at a Karaoke bar.

I'll take it!

PS: I'll fill out what I've learned over the month in a new post later today.
dope series of posts man. props

if you have time also, could you give an update on the girl you consoled at school? i found that one particularly intriguing.


Aug 12, 2012
Ultimately women want a man they can look up to, and how can they do that if they are standing on a pedestal looking down at you?

We have all come across women like this but it seems i can never just take it easy and let it go because they really irk me. These "type" of women i am referring to is those immature young girls who are shallow as hell and who spend time basically ripping into a guy who maybe could not get the picture and spoke to them when they did not want to speak to them .

We all know the type of women and the conversations they are referring to. :shaq2:

I am talking about this because when i was on campus today waiting for class i came across some girls in another class across the hall sitting down going into this high school nonsense. Like seriously grow up. This one girl was talking about how this guy from a previous class is so annoying because he has called her before and she blocked him. And how some time ago she ran into him on the bus and he made some small talk about something to do with applebees and hiring. And how she said okay.

Her shallow ass friend started laughing and talking about how "when i am around people like that i think you should just say "Oh......." just like that....just say oh and they should get the hint lol" ....Those were her exact words.

9/10 the guy is not even asking them out. You can be open to your mentally challenged girlfriend about the problem, but you cannot speak the fukk up to the guy who is supposedly "bothering you" or "creepy".

I notice alot of young girls are immature like this. One thing I cannot stand is two faced people. I would guarantee any amount of money that this guy who had her number in the first place at some points(or possibly multiple times) he helped her alot with classwork and after the semester was done, when she got what she wanted from him, she wanted to throw him aside like a used tissue and then basically rip into him to her friends and be two faced.

And these are probably the type of broads if something were to happen to the guy and he died or something, we would get the cliche ass "Awww he was so nice" .

Broads like this deserve to get smacked in the face because seriously I have always been bothered by those who talk like that about guys. I mean if the guy did something mentally or physically to you when you did NOTHING to him at al, then i could understand.

But because someone is talking too much, he is being creepy to you or annoying and you block him. I guess maybe whoever that guy was was not shallow enough for girls like that and the topics he spoke about were too deep for them.

And as expected right after, their next conversation went into talking about fake boobs, silicone, if fake breasts can be broken, how your boobs better be on point if your paying $10,000,etc.

This whole condescending shyt that alot of them do really needs to stop.

Zapp Brannigan

Captain of the Nimbus
Sep 11, 2012
dope series of posts man. props

if you have time also, could you give an update on the girl you consoled at school? i found that one particularly intriguing.

Seeing her on Thursday! I'll keep you guys filled in on what happens with her.

May 6, 2012


:what::snoop: That vid was pretty fukkin disgusting

From Wiki:

He came to prominence in the 1970s as one of the most vocal men championing the cause of second wave feminism, and serving in the New York City leadership of the National Organization of Women (NOW). However, when NOW took policy positions that Farrell regarded as anti-male and anti-father, the emphasis of his career and scholarship shifted drastically and he is now recognized as one of the most important figures in the modern men's movement.