Brehs who've gotten with someone at work (team member or even someone in another department).
What were the signs that you noticed that signified your coworker was interested in you or even curious about you and was not just being friendly? I usually assume any type of "interest" in the workplace is born out of being civil and getting along.
Where there any tell tale signs that are unique to the workplace that you wouldn't see elsewhere? I'm genuinely very curious, and would appreciate some feedback.
Not to much of a difference, and signs mean nothing cause you'll never know until you ask, but as a man who has had women on work crush on him a few times I've learned a few signs she likes you and wants you to like her.
They be around you/ your work area for no reason. She'll play with her hair/a chain the entire time you're talking. They find reasons to start conversations with you for no reason, maybe asking your advice on something they can fix themselves. If they assertive with everyone else but submissive with you or if they are submissive they talk to you constantly. They offer you food, even if just a candy bar. they come to talk to you and other people come by they barely acknowledge them and might just go away. She will go out of her way to let you know they don't got a man, nor will they talk about other men in front of you. Also you won't see them giving side eye to other men. If you mention you like something they will bring it up themselves at a later date to talk to you about it. In group pictures they always standing next to you. The last big sign is they initiate reasons to be near you out of work and will change their plans to meet you if you invite them to something. If they can't meet she'll set up a later time to meet.
None of these signs alone mean much but most of them in my experience happen together.
Biggest thing is make sure she isn't a user looking for a work husband to make her work time interesting. Women like admirers for their vanity. You should ask her to do favors that require her to put in effort of some kind and she shouldn't complain and just do you the favor. That is her trying to look good in front of you cause she wants you to like her. Like if she gives you a ride somewhere as a favor, or will take on one of your tasks.
Basically she is doing things to make you like her whereas most women don't care on the job.
With that said #metoo is real so take your time, and feel the woman out. Don't overthink it. Also never date an employee!
Now if you you think she is a breeze......In that case be direct and ask her what's up, cause she might be down for coworker's with benefits.....