One thing I learned pretty early as a 21 year old is women are fickle. There's too many broads to list that showed me that but I'll talk about one. This chick I met on Tinder said she wanted something serious and someone to give her heart to. She opened up to me way too fast in a matter of days when I got her snap. Fast forward 3 days later she comes over and we do what we do. A week later she took me to meet her little brothers and her mom

but I didn't think anything of it. They seemed to take a liking to me. Fast forward another week, she started to get distant and I told her if she wasnt tryna be serious then she should tell me instead of doing shyt that people do when they're already in a relationship. She hit me with the "oh I've just been busy with work" tomfoolery
Fast forward two more weeks she says she isn't ready for a relationship. Mind you this chick added me on Facebook without me even giving her my name when I matched with her on Tinder. So another two weeks go by I came across on my timeline that this bytch is in a whole ass new relationship on FB. I blocked her because I didnt want to be tempted to warn the unlucky breh about how nuts she is

I didn't have feelings for her but I think about if some girl I was really digging pulled that shyt, I'd feel like committing that

Moral of the story: don't take the majority of these bytches seriously brehs. Women act on pure emotion and are fickle as hell when it comes to relationships