Essential Quick Lil Gems on Dealing with Women


Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
Top 4
Remember don't get your hopes up to far, chicks change like the wind esp when there far

Nothing too serious.. I just felt :mjcry: talking to the Japanese chick because of logistics.... She felt conflicted about what she wanted to do. It had me feeling like :mjcry:.
She trying to work something together so she can get her study abroad done in the US near me instead of AUS. Her reason for not choosing US yet was she thought it was too dangerous. I told her it ain't all bad everywhere and shyt.


May 1, 2012
Remember don't get your hopes up to far, chicks change like the wind esp when there far
Nothing too serious.. I just felt :mjcry: talking to the Japanese chick because of logistics.... She felt conflicted about what she wanted to do. It had me feeling like :mjcry:.
She trying to work something together so she can get her study abroad done in the US near me instead of AUS. Her reason for not choosing US yet was she thought it was too dangerous. I told her it ain't all bad everywhere and shyt.

fukk ya remember my first love was in japan and i was engaged and u know that story went a life changer for me :mjcry:


May 6, 2012
thats cuz the news and damn hearsay most japs i knew went to canada or australia tho for school
most i think went to usa for work if memory served me correct since americans dont take work as serious as japanese do which is true

Remember don't get your hopes up to far, chicks change like the wind esp when there far

fukk ya remember my first love was in japan and i was engaged and u know that story went a life changer for me :mjcry:
Idk.. I'll see. She still thinking. I told her to come to the US since she already wants to see the US and the US is an option for her study abroad thing. The distance is literally the only thing fukking with us atm. :yeshrug:

Mr.Plan B

All Star
May 26, 2013
Gf broke up with me because i don't hold my mouth for anybody unless they white and paying my salary:feedme: I KID I KID

But for real my Girl said i sounded like her father..... She hate how i talk to her i make her self esteem go down. So she broke up with me, i tried to tell her she being stupid for breaking up over that bs. But she say she want me to miss her because i don't show her attention. Like holding hands and kissing in public and giving foot rubs.(I used to give her foot rubs all the time)

She not wrong about that stuff I don't like doing that shyt so i won't unless i really feel like being nice.

Well not two days later after the break up she get in a car crash:mjcry:. New car gone until insurance give her a check and she was roughed up int he hospital.

Sister txt me late night rush to the hospital her fams there she doing fine. Take her home stay the night then i leave.

Took her to school today but now im feeling like after the semester over there won't be reason for her to come back down to where i live so im just break it off for good. Her mom sat down with me and low key beg for me to work it out with her daughter. Her fam loves me her mom super cool cooks for me, her dad helps me out with my car plus we can talk about black issues and bond. They make over 200k and are a black family. I always say blacks need to build family wealth. To be real My ex girl is smart and will most likely have a good job once she done school. But I can't live my life with a women who won't listen to what im saying and be able to take my hurtful truths without crying.

She young brah super young(18). She just not ready to be in a relationship with me.

At first i thought it was another cat she was eyeing that why she broke it off. But i looked into the matter that not the case. So now im at a cross roads do I stay or do I go?:yeshrug:

Really my minds made up just want to here what you goons got to say........:ehh:


May 1, 2012
Idk.. I'll see. She still thinking. I told her to come to the US since she already wants to see the US and the US is an option for her study abroad thing. The distance is literally the only thing fukking with us atm. :yeshrug:

well with technology nowadays its a lot easier just use Skype often and emails
if u can get unlimited worldwide calls use that or get a calling card
just needs to be tons of communication between y'all so it wont feel so bad or lonely for ya
the faithful part just it is what it is
she not gonna know what u doing or ur not gonna know what she doing unless the signs start to show so it is what it is
if u really feeling her it can work just gonna be hard simple as that it worked for me for bout 2 months cuz we did tons of communication it made it so much easier that way always had something to look forward too when i got home or a phone call from her
Gf broke up with me because i don't hold my mouth for anybody unless they white and paying my salary:feedme: I KID I KID

But for real my Girl said i sounded like her father..... She hate how i talk to her i make her self esteem go down. So she broke up with me, i tried to tell her she being stupid for breaking up over that bs. But she say she want me to miss her because i don't show her attention. Like holding hands and kissing in public and giving foot rubs.(I used to give her foot rubs all the time)

She not wrong about that stuff I don't like doing that shyt so i won't unless i really feel like being nice.

Well not two days later after the break up she get in a car crash:mjcry:. New car gone until insurance give her a check and she was roughed up int he hospital.

Sister txt me late night rush to the hospital her fams there she doing fine. Take her home stay the night then i leave.

Took her to school today but now im feeling like after the semester over there won't be reason for her to come back down to where i live so im just break it off for good. Her mom sat down with me and low key beg for me to work it out with her daughter. Her fam loves me her mom super cool cooks for me, her dad helps me out with my car plus we can talk about black issues and bond. They make over 200k and are a black family. I always say blacks need to build family wealth. To be real My ex girl is smart and will most likely have a good job once she done school. But I can't live my life with a women who won't listen to what im saying and be able to take my hurtful truths without crying.

She young brah super young(18). She just not ready to be in a relationship with me.

At first i thought it was another cat she was eyeing that why she broke it off. But i looked into the matter that not the case. So now im at a cross roads do I stay or do I go?:yeshrug:

Really my minds made up just want to here what you goons got to say........:ehh:

ya her being young can be a real big issue sure u can have a real mature 18 yr old but u rarely run across that cuz they barely getting their feet wet
now as far as the way u talk to her i wouldnt change how u talk too her ui would say change the words around at best
overall she should accept u for who u are
I'm similar like u fukk ur feelings gonna be brutal honest i dont like sugar coating shyt
i dont do tons of affection unless I'm up for it but that depends on my mood
u knew this being with me and u complaining shouldn't got with me who fault is that is the way i look at it
sure u can put a little more effort in it and meet her half ways and u can say something too her and have her meet u half ways in areas u feel she struggles with that way its even and it can work that way

now if u made up ur mind what we say wont matter unless ur looking for something said to convince u to change ur mind which u shouldn't look for

u know who u are, u know what u like in a female and if she can meet those needs or meet u half ways :camby:

relationship are work and majority dont wanna put in that work by leaving too soon or the opposite and put too much damn work and take too long to leave
know ur limits set urself some guidelines know ur deal breakers make them clear
doing some of those things makes relationships easier cuz u can walk away knowing hey u did ur part she didnt not ur problem i'll be better off by my damn self without the stress and headaches


May 6, 2012
well with technology nowadays its a lot easier just use Skype often and emails
if u can get unlimited worldwide calls use that or get a calling card
just needs to be tons of communication between y'all so it wont feel so bad or lonely for ya
the faithful part just it is what it is
she not gonna know what u doing or ur not gonna know what she doing unless the signs start to show so it is what it is
if u really feeling her it can work just gonna be hard simple as that it worked for me for bout 2 months cuz we did tons of communication it made it so much easier that way always had something to look forward too when i got home or a phone call from her
Communication with her is very good. She texts me pretty much every day; when she wakes up before going to work, sometimes during lunch(I'm usually asleep at times) and then we usually text back and forth a bit during the morning(night over there) while I'm at work. On weekends we tend to Skype. We communicate a lot.


May 1, 2012
Communication with her is very good. She texts me pretty much every day; when she wakes up before going to work, sometimes during lunch(I'm usually asleep at times) and then we usually text back and forth a bit during the morning(night over there) while I'm at work. On weekends we tend to Skype. We communicate a lot.

then just maintain that consistency i know that time zone difference be a bytch tho my mother hated that shyt she be calling while I'm barely getting back from club all tired wouldnt even answer the phone :russ:


Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
Top 4
That's good, just remember, to just enjoy the moment.

Communication with her is very good. She texts me pretty much every day; when she wakes up before going to work, sometimes during lunch(I'm usually asleep at times) and then we usually text back and forth a bit during the morning(night over there) while I'm at work. On weekends we tend to Skype. We communicate a lot.


May 6, 2012
then just maintain that consistency i know that time zone difference be a bytch tho my mother hated that shyt she be calling while I'm barely getting back from club all tired wouldnt even answer the phone :russ:
That's good, just remember, to just enjoy the moment.

We've texted back and forth with each other every day since December till the present. :wow:


All Star
Jan 12, 2014
girl I messed around with in high school, was really like a relationship (1.5 years+) out of the blue hit me up on FB and sent a fr

mind you this girl put me through some major games towards the end and keeps randomly comes out of no where to keep tabs on me

so on FB shes asking me all these question, triple sending messages and shyt

I barely replied to the messages or even with real info of substance, and was taking days to reply because I felt this shyt was going to be a waste of time if I put any effort into the convo

to see how serious she was about actually having a convo, I just left my number and said text me

of course its been like forever and haven't got a text

at the end of the day its cool cause I saw that shyt coming from a mile away, I saved a lot of time and energy. Old me would have been stressing hard af. Its a little annoying tho cause a nikka got no current bytches and I need something to poke on in the mean time:shaq: :lolbron:

edit: eh she just texted me right after I posted this, think imma ignore it
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All Star
May 5, 2012
So I've found another lil shorty that has SORT OF caught my eye. Problem is....she trains at my MMA center. If things went sour, I'd still have to constantly see her and be in the same classes and shyt would get super awkward. Thinking maybe I should sort of ease in to see exactly what I can do....

shyt. Don't you wish people were like the Sims, where you can pretty much see a person's "status" float above there heads?:skip: