Gf broke up with me because i don't hold my mouth for anybody unless they white and paying my salary

But for real my Girl said i sounded like her father..... She hate how i talk to her i make her self esteem go down. So she broke up with me, i tried to tell her she being stupid for breaking up over that bs. But she say she want me to miss her because i don't show her attention. Like holding hands and kissing in public and giving foot rubs.(I used to give her foot rubs all the time)
She not wrong about that stuff I don't like doing that shyt so i won't unless i really feel like being nice.
Well not two days later after the break up she get in a car crash

. New car gone until insurance give her a check and she was roughed up int he hospital.
Sister txt me late night rush to the hospital her fams there she doing fine. Take her home stay the night then i leave.
Took her to school today but now im feeling like after the semester over there won't be reason for her to come back down to where i live so im just break it off for good. Her mom sat down with me and low key beg for me to work it out with her daughter. Her fam loves me her mom super cool cooks for me, her dad helps me out with my car plus we can talk about black issues and bond. They make over 200k and are a black family. I always say blacks need to build family wealth. To be real My ex girl is smart and will most likely have a good job once she done school. But I can't live my life with a women who won't listen to what im saying and be able to take my hurtful truths without crying.
She young brah super young(18). She just not ready to be in a relationship with me.
At first i thought it was another cat she was eyeing that why she broke it off. But i looked into the matter that not the case. So now im at a cross roads do I stay or do I go?
Really my minds made up just want to here what you goons got to say........