Essential Quick Lil Gems on Dealing with Women


follower of Jesus
May 2, 2012
its funny to say now but the only reason I stayed with my ex and was pinned on her for so long was because she was beautiful and had a phat azz. That's it, I can't even list one good quality, I can't even say she made me laugh, that she even loved me at one point, that I thought about a future with her. I just got so caught up, and didn't want anyone else to be hitting that, just going out and having dudes stare, walking the street and dudes winding down the window saying damn and blowing their horn, knowing that was "mine" or so I thought made me feel like more of a man. In reality I was just a pathetic sap, constantly under stress,.

ALl i can say is NEVER AGAIN

As much as we get on women for the thugs and losers that a lot of them date, we do the same thing. Our version of the thug and loser is the fine woman. She may have no redeeming qualities, but we stick around and try to make things work because she is 'bad'. Just look at all of these rappers dating strippers and look at the circus acts going on due to men choosing the wrong women.

Most of us here have overlooked that woman that really wanted us to succeed in lieu of a 'fine broad'. That fine broad didn't do anything but give us problems when it was said and done. I've said this numerous times, but most of the players I know, they ended up with women who weren't nearly as fine as their finest. Once you've peeled back the shallow layer that is looks, then you realize there is much more to women than having a big butt and a pretty face. You can't win in a relationship if you aren't with a woman that wants to see the team win. Most of these 'super fine' broads only want to see themselves win, and hence we end up in terrible relationships.

One of the biggest mistakes we as men try to make is try to mold some fine broad into something workable. We go for looks first and then think we're going to use 'game' to mold her into a woman that actually cares for us. Doesn't work.


follower of Jesus
May 2, 2012
Just look at the black community, in the 40s, 50s,60s blacks had one of the highest marriage rates and a strong family structure, look at what was accomplished by black folks during those times.

Now look, our community is in shambles. The thing that is :mindblown: the majority of the men and women that made such a strong impact on our community, were young.

Malcolm X, martin luther king never saw the age of 40, and they are probably the most impactful black men who have lived the past 100 years.

Now look what we have, 40 plus year old rappers still spitting poison in the community.

Just look at the effect of the 70% fatherlessness, promiscuity and sexual abuse rampant, poverty rampant, men acting like females wearing skirts, feminized, young children in gangs, acting ignorant future already non existent, jails and drugs and violence have wiped out a whole generation

The statistics are self-evident, and yet people want to act like it doesn't exist. The problem nowadays is that people refuse to accept criticism, and hence, they can never correct errors. The Bible says something along the lines of God disciplines those he loves and how the wise love correction.

We live in a time where people are so sensitive that you can't correct them on their self-destructive waves, hence you being labeled a 'shamer' or some other epithet... and these people engage in the same destructive behaviors over and over again wondering why they get the same losing result. Most of these feminists are going to end up alone in their older age, and all you can do is shake your head and keep it pushing, especially after you've tried to tell them over and over what the end result of their actions will be.


Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
Top 4
As much as we get on women for the thugs and losers that a lot of them date, we do the same thing. Our version of the thug and loser is the fine woman. She may have no redeeming qualities, but we stick around and try to make things work because she is 'bad'. Just look at all of these rappers dating strippers and look at the circus acts going on due to men choosing the wrong women.

Most of us here have overlooked that woman that really wanted us to succeed in lieu of a 'fine broad'. That fine broad didn't do anything but give us problems when it was said and done. I've said this numerous times, but most of the players I know, they ended up with women who weren't nearly as fine as their finest. Once you've peeled back the shallow layer that is looks, then you realize there is much more to women than having a big butt and a pretty face. You can't win in a relationship if you aren't with a woman that wants to see the team win. Most of these 'super fine' broads only want to see themselves win, and hence we end up in terrible relationships.

One of the biggest mistakes we as men try to make is try to mold some fine broad into something workable. We go for looks first and then think we're going to use 'game' to mold her into a woman that actually cares for us. Doesn't work.

:salute:, that's why I laugh when dudes create threads like why is meylssa ford or insert some other broad is still single. Usually dudes who are like this have never ever dealt with a beautiful woman in their life, once you have seen it with your own eyes, that many times than not its just a beautiful car but has 300,000 miles and was written off due to flood damage your like :kony:

Not saying all bt if you notice many of these ultra fine women are single, or even if they get married itslike some zsa zsa gabor (married nine times.), elizabeth taylor (married 7), or just hopping from relationship to relationship


follower of Jesus
May 2, 2012
One of the biggest problems we have in this day and age are men and women who reward dysfunction. We, as men do it, when we overlook the women with high character for fast, loose women who have a big butt. That's what I find hypocritical about a lot of the PUA stuff. These guys claim they want a quality woman, but they're the same ones trying to convince women to engage in whoredom and saying to shuck women aside who aren't putting out quickly. How does that make any sense?

On the other side of the coin, we have women who claim they want some decent guy, but they keep getting banged out by thugs and losers over and over. The bottom line is if you don't reward and make your attention exclusive to the type of person you claim you want to attract, then you are playing a losing game.


follower of Jesus
May 2, 2012
:salute:, that's why I laugh when dudes create threads like why is meylssa ford or insert some other broad is still single. Usually dudes who are like this have never ever dealt with a beautiful woman in their life, once you have seen it with your own eyes, that many times than not its just a beautiful car but has 300,000 miles and was written off due to flood damage your like :kony:

Not saying all bt if you notice many of these ultra fine women are single, or even if they get married itslike some zsa zsa gabor (married nine times.), elizabeth taylor (married 7), or just hopping from relationship to relationship

Exactly. Just because she's fine on the outside doesn't mean she's pretty on the inside, and when you're face to face dealing with this fine woman every day, once the novelty of fine looks wear off, you're left dealing with how she actually treats you, which, in the case of a lot of dimepieces, they treat men like they are disposable... and once these dimepieces lose their looks, they still retain their pattern of behavior since it is so ingrained, but they can no longer get away with it since men won't put up with bad treatment from a mediocre looking woman... and ultimately they are left single or jumping in and out of marriages.


Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
Top 4
Exactly. Just because she's fine on the outside doesn't mean she's pretty on the inside, and when you're face to face dealing with this fine woman every day, once the novelty of fine looks wear off, you're left dealing with how she actually treats you, which, in the case of a lot of dimepieces, they treat men like they are disposable... and once these dimepieces lose their looks, they still retain their pattern of behavior since it is so ingrained, but they can no longer get away with it since men won't put up with bad treatment from a mediocre looking woman... and ultimately they are left single or jumping in and out of marriages.

:blessed: all true, you even see it out here when a dude cheats on a fine woman for some plain jane, folks can't believe it, or if a dude dumps a fine woman but your pretty, and all that.

I remember with my ex, fine as hell. Dudes would say your lucky and all that, but it was straight hell, always stressing.


May 1, 2012
Exactly. Just because she's fine on the outside doesn't mean she's pretty on the inside, and when you're face to face dealing with this fine woman every day, once the novelty of fine looks wear off, you're left dealing with how she actually treats you, which, in the case of a lot of dimepieces, they treat men like they are disposable... and once these dimepieces lose their looks, they still retain their pattern of behavior since it is so ingrained, but they can no longer get away with it since men won't put up with bad treatment from a mediocre looking woman... and ultimately they are left single or jumping in and out of marriages.

exactly what got me out of the shallow phase quickly when i kept messing with them dime beautiful sexy as women
sure i had dudes gov me props and them breaking their necks like how he pull that which i wont front made me feel good

once u out the public eye and one on one broads were fukking annoying, cheating, no good, trying make u somebody u not, insecure, thought they were above everybody, felt their shyt dont stink, made my damn head hurt, high maintenance thinking imma pay for there luxury life etc..........

realizing that i was like :camby: give me a damn average broad hell i didnt even care bout her size either cuz when i tried different type of females and my first time dating a female who was chubby turned out to be a awesome experience for me cuz how engaging she was and fun she was i was like fukk what everybody else thought

reason why looks are not that important too me and i truly mean that from the bottom of my heart
it be me and her against the world then

just want a quality female who treats me right and makes me happy not much too ask for but so fukking complicated and hard to get and its freaking sad

when these young dudes and some of the older dudes realize these dime piece women aint shyt they will realize inner beauty over outer beauty cuz that can last a lifetime

now there are beautiful women who are quality women just that the men they with were smart and snatched their asses up or dudes are too damn scared to approach them cuz of fear of rejection

bottom line is that regardless of how she may look treasure her and hold on too her cuz u will regret that unless u just aint ready for that type of commitment which then i understand why u gotta let her go


Apr 30, 2012
Atlanta, Georgia
yep, another thing this dude mentioned today, how there is a lady he knows whose 47, yet still has these 6'4 dark skinned, fit bla bla requirements, even at 47. And for both enders sometimes we have these ridiculous ass standards and many quality people have passed us by.

Even at 28 I can rememebr the best chick I ever had in my life, who treated me like a king and we weren't sexual or even in a relationship. When I was sick she would travel on the bus, she'd always text me, always ask how I was doing, she just deeply cared about me, and I was a unemployed bum back then. She wasn't a knockout or anything but she was cute, she went to church, came from a broken home but her characteristics were out of this world.

But then I met my ex fiance, slim, big boobies, russian accent, smart (she has her masters in mathematics) and she got jealous and I had to choose, a chick who was down for me for years that I knew liked me, that I knew would treat me well, or the knockout russian.

Even to this day I know I messed up, if there was only one thing I could change in my life that would be it.
:wow: the main one I'm dealing with now has all those great qualities. She's not a knock out beauty, but she's pretty, she likes me a lot, and is going out of her way to show it, cooking ya boy dinner tomorrow night. Goes to church, goes to work, and goes home, own place, no kids, She's not in these streets doing whatever. I'm making sure I keep things right with this one. I will not let a good one slip by this time :blessed:


Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
Top 4
There are some quality attractive women out there but yeah most are gone of the market fast.

The thing with many attractive women who are not quality is that many have never heard the word no. They can flake, even cheat and talk to numerous men, but guys give leeway thinking they can never get a woman that looks that good again.

Like those women who stay with cheaters or abusers just because they are rich or whatever.

If there is anything I'm thankful for is that I was gutted by a beautiful woman. What I mean is I got my immunization shot, I recovered. I know regardless of how a woman looks I've walked away before and I can do it again.

When I messed with the model she got upset yes upset that my ex was more attractive than her, because she told me shes used to men being intimidated by her looks ala being a friggin simp and handing her the power. This is the mind of many beautiful woman, they know they are beautiful and use it to their advantage, and they hate it when a man can't be trapped by their beauty.

Many beautiful women are wearing the pants because men are so scared.

Beauty fades I'm telling you. I work with majority women and majority are in their 40s and 50s. Absolutely none entice me, thing is most of them are married they are legit nice women not a bad word to say about any of them. At one point they may have been attractive, but now in their older age all they have is communication and characteristics.


Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
Top 4
:wow: the main one I'm dealing with now has all those great qualities. She's not a knock out beauty, but she's pretty, she likes me a lot, and is going out of her way to show it, cooking ya boy dinner tomorrow night. Goes to church, goes to work, and goes home, own place, no kids, She's not in these streets doing whatever. I'm making sure I keep things right with this one. I will not let a good one slip by this time :blessed:

you won breh you won :blessed:

I equate it to like boxing, some boxers are just boring as hell to watch, not flashy, no knockouts etc. but they win, and at the end of the day winning is what counts doesn't matter how you get there!!

same with women, may not have the biggest ass, biggest t*ts, beautiful face, but at the end of the day she's still 47-0.

The bolded is the key. For both genders if someone does not like you for you and are not showing it, you are wasting your time.

Why? because when they finally meet someone who they like you will be discarded. Never be a placeholder in someone's life.

I've learned the hard way never again, I wish you success breh :salute:


Apr 30, 2012
Atlanta, Georgia
you won breh you won :blessed:

I equate it to like boxing, some boxers are just boring as hell to watch, not flashy, no knockouts etc. but they win, and at the end of the day winning is what counts doesn't matter how you get there!!

same with women, may not have the biggest ass, biggest t*ts, beautiful face, but at the end of the day she's still 47-0.

The bolded is the key. For both genders if someone does not like you for you and are not showing it, you are wasting your time.

Why? because when they finally meet someone who they like you will be discarded. Never be a placeholder in someone's life.

I've learned the hard way never again, I wish you success breh :salute:
Thank you breh :wow: , I'm still taking it slow as I know this is the honeymoon phase that we talk about on here a lot, but I'm watching her moves and she's moving just how I need her to be. She likes me way more than I like her, which is good because I'm not overdoing it on my part. I can be comfortable with the pace and still be levelheaded at the same time.


Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
Top 4
Thank you breh :wow: , I'm still taking it slow as I know this is the honeymoon phase that we talk about on here a lot, but I'm watching her moves and she's moving just how I need her to be. She likes me way more than I like her, which is good because I'm not overdoing it on my part. I can be comfortable with the pace and still be levelheaded at the same time.

if there is one thing I'm learning is just to enjoy the now, and the now is good. No one can predict the future.

and ah the bold, those are the best relationships

it's always great to meet a woman who is totally into you and has the right characteristics.

The rare breed, the type of broad that if you ever get married you start your speech on some I never thought I'd ever get married and then I met

on some malcolm x
As a young minister I wouldn’t have considered it possible for me to love any woman. I had too much experience that women were only tricky, deceitful, untrustworthy flesh. I had seen too many men ruined or tied down, or in some other way messed up by women and then I met sister betty

"I love Sister Betty, she’s the only woman that I ever thought about loving. She’s one of the very few women that I have ever trusted.


We Wavy
May 1, 2012
50East/Sacramento, CA
I have two friends who are in Hawaii right now with their significant others.

One of them is a girl I've known since high school. Has a good job and goes to the islands there a few times a year. She's been with her man several years now.

The other is a homie of mines. Cool dude but one of those guys that's a attention whore on social media because he tends to get over 100 likes on whatever he does. He's there with his girlfriend that's he's
been with for only about nine months . Unlike my homegirl, his posts from his trip look more like a honeymoon . Sunset dinners on a boat? Five star arrangements ? :wtf:

Its bad enough you're taking trips with someone you barely know in a relationship but if you set the bar so high in the beginning, what do you have left down the road?


All Star
Jul 11, 2012
I'm not defending women, but there are just as many guys messing up the relationship game. Lets start with the ones that don't state their intention when they first meet a chick. If you're too scared to tell her off rip that you want to smash or potentially date her then what is she supposed to do? Too many guys sit around being friends with chicks never making a move so in turn the guy gets friend zoned.

Friend zoned guys are some of the most destructive people to other men. They're usually bitter when any other guy talks to their imaginary girlfriends and often end up being cockblockers. I have dealt with my fair share of these beta males. In addition to their bitterness to other males, beta friend zone guys will gas up a chick by doing anything they tell them to do. This creates the spoiled girl syndrome that many of you have mentioned when dealing with dimes. A female will only do to a male what he lets her.

I don't know about your guys experience growing up, but I specifically remember girls being much more aggressive at an earlier age. The issue is the guys that generally recognize this first are the "bad boys". Once the bad boy gets used to have multiple women, it's nothing for him to approach a new female without any kind of fear. He will often get comfortable lying to females pretending he wants to be in a long term relationship. This leads to women calling all men liars, when in reality many of them are just talking about the bad boy archetype they're attracted to.

Don't get me wrong, women play an equal part in the BS of current relationships but its important to recognize the male side. If anything else, in this day in age I think it's just as important to stay away from these destructive males as friends as it is to stay away from destructive females. A destructive male friend can sabotage your path on personal growth just as much if not more than a destructive female you're dating.


All Star
Apr 11, 2015
If you have a good woman, snatch her up. There aren't too many left. I had a good woman once but, I didn't appreciate her or that universal fact, so another dude snatched her away. Now that was years ago and I've long since moved on but, I guess I had to eat that monumental loss to recognize "her" again if number #2 ever came walking by :mjcry: Met her in September. Started dating in January. Hasn't been long but, so far :wow: She approached me initially. I put her on friend status because I wasn't trying to mess with a coworker. A white coworker at that. So for months, we floated somewhere between work buddies-friends-more than friends. The mind games got too much for me, so I cut her off cold. Started keeping it strictly professional. I wasn't playing games, I was really ready to throw her in the bushes but, that just made her become more aggressive, lines were crossed and well :francis: She's a cute slim auburn haired chick. Not insanely hot but enough that I got hate from the white dudes at my job (most of them gay though smh), and especially from the older white folk whenever she'd come to my desk. She's too nice, sweet to the point that I feel like I'm too jaded and cynical for her. She's a keeper. Hopefully this shyt don't go left :wow: