when you were say 23,24,25 could you describe the man you wanted
to now in your older age?
what has changed
I'm just curious
When I was in my early to mid 20s, I was shallow. So I really only wanted someone who looked good and was semi decent on the inside since I wasn't looking to settle down. However, the relationships were always dysfunctional and the only focus was mainly sexual. Character or maturity wasn't even a thought.
I turn 28 in November and I'm more interested in the character of a man than anything else. Not saying I don't wanna like what I see, but looks change, even money changes, but character doesn't. I want someone who is like minded, accepting of himself so he can he accepting of others. Someone who values and loves himself enough to never sacrifice who he is for a female or anyone else. A man who values loyalty, communication, and honesty. Someone who truly understands the importance of maturity.
Not saying I don't want someone who is at a certain point in life at a certain age, but I am more than willing to work with a man who is actually TRYING To do his best.