Essential Quick Lil Gems on Dealing with Women


FKA LilNukka
Apr 30, 2012
New Haven
hope for your sake she doesn't turn around a couple of years later and asks for a divorce. people are fickle like that. but yeah , if u feel she's down for u like that, and she's making more than u, and u feel secure in ur career, this doesn't sound as big of a deal in that case.

If she decides she wants to divorce me in a couple year, that would suck. But I'd probably get alimony and be free from her debt.

One reason I married her is because I knew she'd never need to depend on me. She WANTS to be with me, she doesn't need to.


May 17, 2012
If she decides she wants to divorce me in a couple year, that would suck. But I'd probably get alimony and be free from her debt.

One reason I married her is because I knew she'd never need to depend on me. She WANTS to be with me, she doesn't need to.

i see ur point. there's one thing i just want to point out so u keep it in the back of ur head. from the stories i've heard, women who work in hospitals scare me. like really. they spend long hours at the hospital and with other males. and the stories i hear of how nurses, female doctors get down is really frightening. i have friends who work in hospitals and the stories they tell. whew. but hey, if ur not having any reservations and u feel shes down for u, again, do u.


FKA LilNukka
Apr 30, 2012
New Haven
Sidenote: I once approached a girl with her mother and grandmother. Grandma was staring a hole through me, but i didn't give a fukk. I was in a zone :russ:

LMAO. How did that turn out?

i see ur point. there's one thing i just want to point out so u keep it in the back of ur head. from the stories i've heard, women who work in hospitals scare me. like really. they spend long hours at the hospital and with other males. and the stories i hear of how nurses, female doctors get down is really frightening. i have friends who work in hospitals and the stories they tell. whew. but hey, if ur not having any reservations and u feel shes down for u, again, do u.

Not worried about it. I'm sure that happens at regular hospitals, but wifey will be at an Ivy League hospital system in an academic capacity. Essentially she'll be a professor in a med school, teaching med students and residents to be clinicians and surgeons. Small world network wise, everyone knows everyone and your rep follows you everywhere. Very little chance of fukkery going on.

Plus, have you met most doctors? They are socially awkward MFers for the most part. No worries there.
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Mar 2, 2015
LMAO. How did that turn out?

Lol well i approached all three, and I was scanning all three and was like "do I wanna talk to mom's" or " do I wanna talk to the daughter" Better make a decision because they just staring at you waiting :stopitslime:. Let's go with the daughter :lolbron: but then I realize she might be too young for me :lupe:. Oh shyt fukk it

can't back out now. So I was like on my bold cocky shyt "So can we hook up in the near future?"(paraphrasing)

and she was like "why"? Now I was going to say some bold sexual shyt but then reminded myself you're 23, she could legitimately be 17-18, maybe younger :whoa:. You never know with these females

because physically they be looking older than their age. So i'm standing here and grandma staring at me

like:wtb::stopitslime: :usure:so I switch up the plan and say "so we can get to know each other better"

. Mom was like no she's not going to be able too, and i was like "ok" and walked off . Didn't get the number

but at that time i was just trying to grow my balls to approach women, but looking back that was some crazy
shyt i did. Told my older cousin and friends what I did and they was like :ohhh:"you got balls" because not

many guys do shyt like that. You have to really not give a fukk about the outcome or how you're perceived,

and at that time in my life(2 years ago) i didn't.


May 1, 2012
Moving makes sense for a wife if there's mutual benefit imo, ie she has a great opportunity for a job in the new area as do you. I would NOT do it for a girlfriend though. You end up following her and she'll most likely end up little boying you, aka holding it over your head that she's making more than you. A lot of times I see these scenarios ending up with the woman cheating on the dude and the dude ending up messed up because he's in an area where he accepted significantly less. If your gf decides to move on, then you are really screwed because all her benefits leave when she dumps you.

thank god for these veterans benefits pay check wouldnt never effect me if we ever moved :russ:
or get divorce might lose a lil paper cuz of divorce but nothing big :blessed:

i always play my cards right for that scenario whether its me leaving or her leaving if I'm financial straight wont matter too me cuz ill be alright supporting my kids :win:
Jun 21, 2013
Crenshaw P's Coat Hangers

the one thing I always say here is to TRAVEL. It's amazng when you travel and women act totally different to you, smiling at you, being "aggressive' not afraid, that hot women are walking up and down teh street and there aint thirsty dudes left and right. It's just amazing.

and romania is great man, ive been to constanta. Romania has the hottest white women to me in the world.

Was in Bucharest and this tiny town of about 10,000 for most of my time out there; stayed in Brasov, Tigre-Müres and Ias for a week each city.

Met a 6'2 volleyball player that loved the shows NCIS and Burn Notice. Also loved J Dilla and MF Doom. Had me like :ohhh:

You are right about the women, though. Not even attracted to white girls like that, but some of em had me :noah:

man the way y'all talking about japan i need to go there next

whats the bst spot to go

id be alone

I wasn't in Tokyo for long (just for my flights). But I heard it's fun, but real Americanized, though.

I was in Osaka for most of my trip there. They're a bit :leostare: with white folks,folk a lot cooler with black people.
Surprisingly big Hip Hop following in Osaka. Went to a club and everyone in that bytch was doing the Shmoney Dance lol... Had me like :patrice::ohhh::krs::yeshrug::mj:

And since you said you'd be alone, I'd suggest making some Japanese friends and learning some key phrases. The majority of people under 50 know some English; most in their 20s and teens take English classes, so they can understand you well if you talk a cadence or two slower.

The crazy thing is, a decent amount can speak English, but they are terrified of actually speaking it. As long as you let them know it's fine (and keep reminding them), theyll ease up a bit.

At the very least, have a translator app on your phone. When you break that out on em, they'll probably do the same on theirs.

i wanna go to japan too breh :mjcry:
the anime, the food, the scenery, the women :mjcry:

The anime thing over there is not as prevalent as you'd think. It's like a stereotype that Americans barbeque all the time, every chance they get.
You know that the majority of people here don't, some do it constantly, and so on. It varies from person to person.

Except One Piece. They LOVE that shyt.

They scenery is amazing. When I get a chance to (translation: when I figure out how to post pictures:francis:), I'll post pictures.

The women are respectful and polite, japanese dudes are the same. Some have :mjpls: policies when it comes to sex with black men, but are still curious about us. And you'll be in heaven if you prefer em petite. Outside of one girl who was 5'9" (played ball in America), didn't see a girl over 5'4".


May 1, 2012
Was in Bucharest and this tiny town of about 10,000 for most of my time out there; stayed in Brasov, Tigre-Müres and Ias for a week each city.

Met a 6'2 volleyball player that loved the shows NCIS and Burn Notice. Also loved J Dilla and MF Doom. Had me like :ohhh:

You are right about the women, though. Not even attracted to white girls like that, but some of em had me :noah:

I wasn't in Tokyo for long (just for my flights). But I heard it's fun, but real Americanized, though.

I was in Osaka for most of my trip there. They're a bit :leostare: with white folks,folk a lot cooler with black people.
Surprisingly big Hip Hop following in Osaka. Went to a club and everyone in that bytch was doing the Shmoney Dance lol... Had me like :patrice::ohhh::krs::yeshrug::mj:

And since you said you'd be alone, I'd suggest making some Japanese friends and learning some key phrases. The majority of people under 50 know some English; most in their 20s and teens take English classes, so they can understand you well if you talk a cadence or two slower.

The crazy thing is, a decent amount can speak English, but they are terrified of actually speaking it. As long as you let them know it's fine (and keep reminding them), theyll ease up a bit.

At the very least, have a translator app on your phone. When you break that out on em, they'll probably do the same on theirs.

The anime thing over there is not as prevalent as you'd think. It's like a stereotype that Americans barbeque all the time, every chance they get.
You know that the majority of people here don't, some do it constantly, and so on. It varies from person to person.

Except One Piece. They LOVE that shyt.

They scenery is amazing. When I get a chance to (translation: when I figure out how to post pictures:francis:), I'll post pictures.

The women are respectful and polite, japanese dudes are the same. Some have :mjpls: policies when it comes to sex with black men, but are still curious about us. And you'll be in heaven if you prefer em petite. Outside of one girl who was 5'9" (played ball in America), didn't see a girl over 5'4".

was when i went i mean easy access to get a lot of them joints and saw lots of signs of em
a lot are petite but i seen some thick and curvy ones more than i thought i would of tho :whew:
true not a lot are tall that i ran into
:mjpls: for black men and sex i only ran into 1 female for that otherwise it was rare i seen it or heard of it
the ones that said it just wasnt feelin that dude and gravitated toward me tho :win:
them cherry blossoms are gorgeous mount fuji u see when u wake up :noah:


Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
Top 4
Was in Bucharest and this tiny town of about 10,000 for most of my time out there; stayed in Brasov, Tigre-Müres and Ias for a week each city.

Met a 6'2 volleyball player that loved the shows NCIS and Burn Notice. Also loved J Dilla and MF Doom. Had me like :ohhh:

You are right about the women, though. Not even attracted to white girls like that, but some of em had me :noah:

I wasn't in Tokyo for long (just for my flights). But I heard it's fun, but real Americanized, though.

I was in Osaka for most of my trip there. They're a bit :leostare: with white folks,folk a lot cooler with black people.
Surprisingly big Hip Hop following in Osaka. Went to a club and everyone in that bytch was doing the Shmoney Dance lol... Had me like :patrice::ohhh::krs::yeshrug::mj:

And since you said you'd be alone, I'd suggest making some Japanese friends and learning some key phrases. The majority of people under 50 know some English; most in their 20s and teens take English classes, so they can understand you well if you talk a cadence or two slower.

The crazy thing is, a decent amount can speak English, but they are terrified of actually speaking it. As long as you let them know it's fine (and keep reminding them), theyll ease up a bit.

At the very least, have a translator app on your phone. When you break that out on em, they'll probably do the same on theirs.

The anime thing over there is not as prevalent as you'd think. It's like a stereotype that Americans barbeque all the time, every chance they get.
You know that the majority of people here don't, some do it constantly, and so on. It varies from person to person.

Except One Piece. They LOVE that shyt.

They scenery is amazing. When I get a chance to (translation: when I figure out how to post pictures:francis:), I'll post pictures.

The women are respectful and polite, japanese dudes are the same. Some have :mjpls: policies when it comes to sex with black men, but are still curious about us. And you'll be in heaven if you prefer em petite. Outside of one girl who was 5'9" (played ball in America), didn't see a girl over 5'4".


i don tknow why many blacks dont travel its always an amazin gexperience.


Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
Top 4
Brother Kevm3 with the gospel again :sadbron:.

A lot of my thoughts concur with the things Kevm3 said such as happiness shouldn't be contingent on a specific person or thing.

I can honestly say the past 2 years I literally had my happiness in the hands of this women I was dealing with.

The story is I live in a 3 story house with most of my familiy. I got my own spot in the third floor to me and my older brother so I got a crib so to speak.

First floor is Mom/Dad and my grandma and little cousin. Second floor is my aunts and other cousins close in age.

This chick from down in florida came up to Jersey to live with us(She was good friends with my aunts since way back and whatnot.) She was going through a potential divorce with her husband so she came up here to escape that household she claimed which was terrible. She left a kid down there also with him.

Immediately after she arrives I hear that she's feeling me. Now she's much older than me I was 21 and she was 27. First error I did was mess with a chick who lived in the same house as me. I ended up smashing her and having easy access to the p*ssy which at the time seemed like a no brainer.

That convenience soon became inconvenience. After a few months or so she started to "befriend" these male guys who were obviously trying to hit it. She'd be on some :childplease: "I knew him from back in Haiti(We're haitian BTW). Now the stress from seeing her chat with these dudes on the phone and her openly comparing them to me whenever I did something she "didn't like" was overwhelming. I just ignored all the signs that this isn't going to work out because in fear of losing the easy p*ssy and then having to endure the jealousy and envy of seeing other guys in her presence. I used to have days where I'd be in my room all day because she'd be mad at me and I'd avoid her because If I went around her she'd try to purposely get me jealous by flirting with my cousin in front of me. She'd try to sit on his lap and act like it's nothing.

One time I kept pestering her because she was ignoring me and I tried to get rough by grabbing her ass and she got :mad: then I tried to grab her to talk and she just started to tassel with me and ending up biting me in the chest leaving a scar.

I had a fight with her twice in a span of months and now have two scars on my chest from that and a couple of locs that had to be sewed back in to my root. Needless to say I finally got away from all that mess and don't mess with her anymore since then. We had several times where she got straight up disrespectful with me and I forgave her because she'd just throw the ass at me and shyt would be gravy. Now I know not to reward bullshyt behavior because in her head she's like :childplease: "nikka you soft" She even TOLD me that one time like ":childplease:w/e i know you just talking shyt if I give you some p*ssy you gonna shut up."


you've come along way breh


follower of Jesus
May 2, 2012
Something you always have to keep in mind... A woman's vagina is never yours. You don't own it and never will, therefore don't let a woman hold it over your head. In other words, stop thinking stupid things like, if I don't do this, she's going to give it to someone else. The reality of the matter is if she wants to give it away, she will, and it won't matter what you do. Some of the richest, most athletic, most entertaining men have been cheated on. What could they have done to have prevented that? Nothing other than got with a female that doesn't cheat.

That's the key more than anything. Find a woman who has strong moral values, because otherwise, that women you're with is going to do what she does. You're just going to completely stress yourself out dealing with some woman who is low in character, wondering what you can do to keep her loyal. That's the mistake a lot of us make. We look for the finest broad and then AFTERWARDS, we think we can bring out her loyalty via our actions. Doesn't work like that. A woman's loyalty is attached to her character. As long as you aren't neglecting her or something along those lines, then any woman you are with, you shouldn't be worried about if I don't do this or that, then she'll cheat.


Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
Top 4
I had a dream brehs.... my ex and i were back together and it was amazing.

Im tempted to send her a text message brehs.... :mjcry:

I must resist

trust me breh don't do it. Those dreams suck and many times feel like reality, but it wont work out like that in real life, more than likely you'll just end up in a whole heap of pain and wishing you never did that.


May 1, 2012
trust me breh don't do it. Those dreams suck and many times feel like reality, but it wont work out like that in real life, more than likely you'll just end up in a whole heap of pain and wishing you never did that.

i know breh :to:

right now is not the right time. :mjcry:


Mansur Brown - "Heiwa"
May 1, 2012
Something you always have to keep in mind... A woman's vagina is never yours. You don't own it and never will, therefore don't let a woman hold it over your head. In other words, stop thinking stupid things like, if I don't do this, she's going to give it to someone else. The reality of the matter is if she wants to give it away, she will, and it won't matter what you do. Some of the richest, most athletic, most entertaining men have been cheated on. What could they have done to have prevented that? Nothing other than got with a female that doesn't cheat.


Yep, its understanding that idea of control/attachment is just an illusion and 99.9% of the time its just your ego trying to convince you feel some type of way about her actions. Always consider that people do things to benefit themselves and not with the general intent to harm you (though this can vary case to case) and you'll never take things personally. She didn't call back :yeshrug: , she playing games :yeshrug:, didn't work out they way you wanted :yeshrug:, use that energy for something else more worthwhile. This has been something that i am actively improving and incorporating in my day to day dealings with females. Old me would've tried to act unaffected by a woman's actions maybe tried to give her the cold shoulder and assemble some scheme to show her how she messed up etc but nowadays i genuinely laugh it off, see it for what it is and move on.


Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
Top 4
Yep, its understanding that idea of control/attachment is just an illusion and 99.9% of the time its just your ego trying to convince you feel some type of way about her actions. Always consider that people do things to benefit themselves and not with the general intent to harm you (though this can vary case to case) and you'll never take things personally. She didn't call back :yeshrug: , she playing games :yeshrug:, didn't work out they way you wanted :yeshrug:, use that energy for something else more worthwhile. This has been something that i am actively improving and incorporating in my day to day dealings with females. Old me would've tried to act unaffected by a woman's actions maybe tried to give her the cold shoulder and assemble some scheme to show her how she messed up etc but nowadays i genuinely laugh it off, see it for what it is and move on.

Great outlook!

I just look at it like this, if someone wants to be with you THEY WILL, if someone wants to be in your life THEY WILL

if they don't why stress out or try and fit them in.

When I handed in my resignation my manager/company didn't beg for me to stay, regardless of how great employee I was they posted up my position and hired someone new because I was replaceable. I made my decision, what would begging or moping doing? Of course I was a valuable member of the team but it was over time to move on.

@kevm3 mentioned a while back that one thing he realizes is that most women are replaceable and it's the same mindset, their is really nothing SPECIAL about the majority of them, trust me I've been engaged, I've been in LOVE, i've pinned for a woman for years, stalked social media for months and months every day, I've been there thought I could never get over someone :heh:, trust me there is nothing special about anyone who walks out of your life or who does not want to be a part it.