Essential Quick Lil Gems on Dealing with Women

Doin2Much Williams

Grace Under Fiyah
May 18, 2012
Insignificant posting from an insignificant poster
Why do women tell you so much in the first date or so?

In the past year, a couple gals i went on dates with... were so quick to disclose so much info.

I'm talking about,

1. One chick (very late 30's) told me that she was the wedding gift to a couple she knew. Aka, they had a minaj a toi and they both fukked her (husband and wife, for clarity puposes) --- while she was married too, btw. Husband never found out.

2. Another chick i hung out with, this was that mixed dime milf from last summer (early 40's)... she told me how she was abandoned by her maternal parents (how her mom had her as a rape victim) and how her, herself was molested at an orphanage (which led to a life of domestic violence and shytt).

I'm sure i have many more stories, but a lot of these chicks with mileage have been through some shiit breiagh.

I don't trust none of these broads nowadays. Except my girl (but even then i get skeptical about her cuz she found out about my "extracurricular outings", so she's liable to do something --- even though she's never. But you never know).

At 33, i don't have any interesting stories about fukked up situations of abuse, aborting, chronic infidelity, superfluous polygamy, scandal of the vagina, etc.

I had a one night stand with ratchet broad from STL in vegas in 2012 was as interesting as it gets (or my ex, a sista, texting me while i went away to visit my grandparents that she was preggers. WTF?!?!).



Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
Top 4
Why do women tell you so much in the first date or so?

In the past year, a couple gals i went on dates with... were so quick to disclose so much info.

I'm talking about,

1. One chick (very late 30's) told me that she was the wedding gift to a couple she knew. Aka, they had a minaj a toi and they both fukked her (husband and wife, for clarity puposes) --- while she was married too, btw. Husband never found out.

2. Another chick i hung out with, this was that mixed dime milf from last summer (early 40's)... she told me how she was abandoned by her maternal parents (how her mom had her as a rape victim) and how her, herself was molested at an orphanage (which led to a life of domestic violence and shytt).

I'm sure i have many more stories, but a lot of these chicks with mileage have been through some shiit breiagh.

I don't trust none of these broads nowadays. Except my girl (but even then i get skeptical about her cuz she found out about my "extracurricular outings", so she's liable to do something --- even though she's never. But you never know).

At 33, i don't have any interesting stories about fukked up situations of abuse, aborting, chronic infidelity, superfluous polygamy, scandal of the vagina, etc.

I had a one night stand with ratchet broad from STL in vegas in 2012 was as interesting as it gets (or my ex, a sista, texting me while i went away to visit my grandparents that she was preggers. WTF?!?!).


sell a sob story and man
Why do women tell you so much in the first date or so?

In the past year, a couple gals i went on dates with... were so quick to disclose so much info.

I'm talking about,

1. One chick (very late 30's) told me that she was the wedding gift to a couple she knew. Aka, they had a minaj a toi and they both fukked her (husband and wife, for clarity puposes) --- while she was married too, btw. Husband never found out.

2. Another chick i hung out with, this was that mixed dime milf from last summer (early 40's)... she told me how she was abandoned by her maternal parents (how her mom had her as a rape victim) and how her, herself was molested at an orphanage (which led to a life of domestic violence and shytt).

I'm sure i have many more stories, but a lot of these chicks with mileage have been through some shiit breiagh.

I don't trust none of these broads nowadays. Except my girl (but even then i get skeptical about her cuz she found out about my "extracurricular outings", so she's liable to do something --- even though she's never. But you never know).

At 33, i don't have any interesting stories about fukked up situations of abuse, aborting, chronic infidelity, superfluous polygamy, scandal of the vagina, etc.

I had a one night stand with ratchet broad from STL in vegas in 2012 was as interesting as it gets (or my ex, a sista, texting me while i went away to visit my grandparents that she was preggers. WTF?!?!).

y men with the :scape: or rescurer syndrome feel sorry, "i'll never hurt" "i won't treat you that bad"

thing is unless these chicks had therapy, dodges bullets they are damaged and unsuitable for a relationship of substance. I'd thank them for telling me this info and cut your losses before you get an emotional bond


Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
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I really need some help on dealing with a situation...

I been dating my girl for about 5 months...

Problem is it seems like at least once or twice a week my girl catches an attitude for the whooole day...

Now I work with her so I kinda gotta interact with her..

What's the best way to deal with a crabby azz gf lol

honeymoon period is over and now you see the real her. If a relationship isn't enriching you why entertain it?


May 1, 2012
honeymoon period is over and now you see the real her. If a relationship isn't enriching you why entertain it?

basically that shyt can kick in even quicker or later :snoop:

its when its over is she worthwhile is the ultimate question i tell peeps thats the real her


May 1, 2012
u gotta know yourself and if u wanna change things about yourself do it cuz u want too not for a female.
once u do know yourself accept yourself for who u are
be stable have a good job
doing all those things u wont mind be alone having fun begin single
you will be perfectly happy

the way u should look at it is a female partner is a bonus or an extension to your life she will just add more too ur happiness
if she doesnt :camby: her


Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
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u gotta know yourself and if u wanna change things about yourself do it cuz u want too not for a female.
once u do know yourself accept yourself for who u are
be stable have a good job
doing all those things u wont mind be alone having fun begin single
you will be perfectly happy

the way u should look at it is a female partner is a bonus or an extension to your life she will just add more too ur happiness
if she doesnt :camby: her

I think one of the key to life is to always remind yourself that you only have control of yourself. I can control the women I want in my life, and I can also control to :camby: if she is not bringing me happiness. Life and relationships is so simple when you think of it in that regard, if she is not adding to your life and if it's not seamless your wasting your time. When a woman is into you nothing matters, not your "status", money, height, sex like many coli chumps spew. I know because I've been there, and I didn't have to do anything, when I was making 8.50 a hour and just a awkward skinny loser while dudes left and right were simping throwing money. when dudes left and right made more than me after her none of that matters she just had tunnel vision for me. I had no car, no experience, no status, all I had was MYSELF but that connection. If you can't find that connection that attraction if you have never experienced it once you do, you'll never chase after a broad like a lapdog ever again.

And if your a simp you'll deal with that "connection" when your wasting money, your time etc. doing everything while some dude is doing nothing and she can't get him out of her mind.


Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
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I think the issue that many battle with in the whole realm of relationships is dealing with breakups, disappointments, hurt and frustrations is the toll it takes after awhile and you start to weigh the risk v. reward. The price you pay for hits of emotion, blissful feelings and love is like a see saw of is it worth it hmmmm? And after awhile with the same scenario playing out you reach a point where you are now unwilling to take that risk. I know speaking for myself that reason at one point was because in the past I paid such a large price and the return was not worth it.

In my case, I decided after years yes years to finally start taking risks again, and after many mehs, sighs and ughhhhhhhhhs, I located and unearthed my reward. In retrospect, I've come to reflect on all the suffering I have encountered and everything I have learned from it to be remittances I made in order to process what I have in there here and now. And my reward is finding myself again, unearthing my passions, living the life I never thought was possible at one time. Finding peace in whatever situation I'm in and counting my blessings and most of all knowing that I will be fully prepared for whatever twists and turns that come my way and meet them head on with a positive mindset. Right now, I know myself as an individual more that I have ever did at any other period in my life. I know my thoughts, I know my heart and most of all I know what I desire.

So yes at one point we may have sold ourselves short, wasted some time on someone who did not deserve us. We may have been used, discarded, slandered, hurt but like a $100 dollar bill even ripped, dirtied, faded and forgotten somewhere in a crevice we still hold our value. We are still backed by our integrity, our morals and most important our genuine hearts. The beauty of life is that it can change in a instant, and the great thing you can start making changes today to start that process. I'm thankful that I reached this plateau and cleansed myself of all the past sludge that was weighing me down. So what's stopping you?


Oct 9, 2012
A woman that works near my job out of the blue gave me her number. Keep in mind I didn't ask for the number, so the other day I shot her a message, no response. Oh ok must be busy. I shot her another message a couple of days later, no response. :mindblown:I'm thinking why give me your number if you're not interested or busy. Women are weird lol:umad:


Mar 2, 2015
When a woman is into you nothing matters, not your "status", money, height, sex like many coli chumps spew. I know because I've been there, and I didn't have to do anything, when I was making 8.50 a hour and just a awkward skinny loser while dudes left and right were simping throwing money. when dudes left and right made more than me after her none of that matters she just had tunnel vision for me. I had no car, no experience, no status, all I had was MYSELF but that connection. If you can't find that connection that attraction if you have never experienced it once you do, you'll never chase after a broad like a lapdog ever again.

Well you're fortunate to have experienced that, most men NEVER know what it's like to have a woman by their side regardless of what they have(status, money) or who they are(Tall, muscular, handsome). Most of us have to put in major work to get to a point that an attractive woman will give us a chance, and then women wonder why men dog them out. You can bet your ass when I get to a place of having "options" i'm going to do that shyt. fukk love it don't exist, and fukk them, they are only a means to an end as far as I'm concerned.


Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
Top 4
Well you're fortunate to have experienced that, most men NEVER know what it's like to have a woman by their side regardless of what they have(status, money) or who they are(Tall, muscular, handsome). Most of us have to put in major work to get to a point that an attractive woman will give us a chance, and then women wonder why men dog them out. You can bet your ass when I get to a place of having "options" i'm going to do that shyt. fukk love it don't exist, and fukk them, they are only a means to an end as far as I'm concerned.

:heh:, I ain't bragging or nothing my life would have been ten times better if I stayed away frm the women I've messed with in the past. All I'm saying I've never done anything, while dudes chasing them would do this and that write letters spend money etc., when a woman is into you on such a level your awkwardness is cute, etc. etc.

example ill talk to achick and she'll go through she wants a assertive confident guy who makes the first move etc. that's funny and all that.

I'm just me I'm quiet not because I'm shy it's just my demeanour I don't make the first move, my whole vibe is prob awkward but that same chick listing this and that has always viewed me as a mystery or my demanour as cute and different.

Getting attractive women is easy, getting quality women now that's the hard part.
The easy steps to getting an attractive woman, hop on a dating site or tinder post your picture write a decent profile and poof. Now will they be quality, will they bey loyal nah but if all you care about looks and getting laid its simple