Damnunless she's the "one"
random women should never be brought around your family imo

I feel bad for my homie den

Any reason for your opinion, tho?
Damnunless she's the "one"
random women should never be brought around your family imo
I feel bad for my homie den
Any reason for your opinion, tho?
Now that I got my new gig, and just got a home evaluation that my crib is worth over a million dollars and I get half whenever it decides to be sold, I'm feeling some type of way, not arrogant just that it's remarkable the entitlement of thsee chicks when many of them are just bartenders, baristsas, servers, working retail.
Screw what these chicks or any thing want, if you are a man that is loyal, honest and can look in the mirror and be happy with what you see and the life you are living, you are worthy enough for any brehette out there
These chicks are something else. I recently signed up to do a block session of classes once a week. It's in another part of town and for me to get there wouldn't be too bad as it starts at 7pm. I get an email from the instructor this morning stating that some broad who lives in the same area wants to attend these classes too but she feels it may be "too far" for her. The instructor took it upon herself to mention me to this woman that I live in the same borough and that this woman wants to speak with me.
Bear in mind I don't even know what the fukk this broad even looks like. I ain't her man number one, number two I don't appreciate my name being brought up like that by the instructor. Even if she was to offer to pay for fuel, the fukk I look starting to do favours for some chick who don't even know me from a can of paint?? Ain't she got family, friends etc? If she feels it's too far, then she just shouldn't do it.
the bolded is very important. and it puts u in a separate class. knowing u have money in the bank, enough to cover any (or at least) most common emergencies life throws at people, brings about a level of confidence that becomes evident in your character. in how u talk, and ur overall mannerisms, the way u shrug ur shoulders when women tell stories that they expect will illicit strong responses from u. little things like these are the makings of a man women often find simply irresistible. u aint goto have exceptional looks. mannerisms goes a long long long way.
but genuine chick magnetic mannerisms are hard to fake. u cant walk around with false confidence because women are good at peeling away the facade with sh1t they do and put u through. and i've said this before and i'll say it again, enjoy life. date. spend time with people of the opposite sex. go out on dates and the minute a chick ur dating does something disrespectful, move on. control ur emotions. most of all, enjoy life and chill with that celibate talk man.
dont be close minded my friend. have an excuse ready in case u meet her and u dont like her. but dont be close-minded man. she may end up being wifey.
One of the keys to life is just focusing and finding joy in those things that are in your control and learning to do without those things that aren't. I can choose what I study in my freetime. I can fill my day with activities I enjoy. I can choose the thoughts I allow in my head. The culmination of these activities will largely determine my mental state.
On the other hand, I CAN'T control what a woman is going to do or whether she is going to be loyal. So it would be foolish to build the foundation of your happiness on something that is so completely out of your control. At most, you can screen women and hope they turn out well, but it's always best to look at women as something on the side to whatever you are doing. It's very easy to get out of your zone and start 'chasing chicks', when you should really be chasing your mission or passions and letting the women who are attracted to that make themselves available to you. That's not to say to not approach or to talk to women. It's more to say to lower your priority and expectations of them and never wake up and have the pursuit of women as the sole expression in your mind. Why? You can't control their comings and goings, and as soon as they leave, they take all the benefits they brought with them.
That's why PUA is an utterly disastrous lifestyle. Those dudes are sitting around spending all of this time and effort, but as soon as that woman decides to leave, they have NOTHING to show for it.
Pretty much if a woman likes you she will, if she doesn't she won't.
If she wants to be with you she will if she doesn't she won't.
If she wants to talk to you she will, if she doesn't she won't.
When you realize that life becomes so much mpte simple
"If they want Sam Bowie over Jordan then let them"
A man can't let bum broads in his immediate area affect his happiness. He has to establish himself to have fluidity. In other words, get in a position to be financially secure to where you can actually explore the world and don't be afraid to talk to women from across the world to find a fit. Guys don't realize how much these western women have been poisoned by feminism until they've dealt with women without such a virulent mentality.
Guys don't realize how much these western women have been poisoned by feminism until they've dealt with women without such a virulent mentality.
Can't wait to see what's out there outside of North America. Got the feeling once i get a chance to see what else is out there, it's going be like leaving the Matrix behind. It will be like taking the 'red pill".
even after she screwed me over, my folks couldnt let her go and it made her stay in my life longer than possible
I really need some help on dealing with a situation...
I been dating my girl for about 5 months...
Problem is it seems like at least once or twice a week my girl catches an attitude for the whooole day...
Now I work with her so I kinda gotta interact with her..
What's the best way to deal with a crabby azz gf lol