Essential Quick Lil Gems on Dealing with Women


Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
Top 4
With her also, I think it came down to daddy issues. She has 3 other siblings...3 which came from 2 other fathers. She was the youngest and her dad wasn't really in the picture neither. So her mom was 0-3 and it left a mark on them. She got 2 sisters- One is married and extra dedicated to her husband and barely speaks to the family (from what she tells me). I think that sister really appreciates that male figure. The other is single and pushing 40 with no serious or even boyfriend at all. Then there's the brother who's 40 single, with no kids. Then there's the girl I originally mentioned..30, wants to challenge very guy she meets...and then there's the mom- never been married, with 4 kids by 3 different dudes.

ah i will never date let anyone get serious with a chick who grew up without a father in her life. Again dodges bullet, but these women for the most part struggle in stable relationships, they need the drama, the emotional see saw. Yes wth therapy or maybe on their own they can function but the risk is rarely worth the reward. Been there once and it allmost destroyed my life and many other women i've messed with had daddy issues, and it was the same script, promiscuous, sex was their bargaining chip, needed that emotional high. To this day cant even hold a stable relationship.


Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
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exactly. Why does shorty even want to go to that class if its outta her way? :stopitslime:

instructor was like, don't worry i got you :myman:when shorty asked what she could do.

you was like :usure:bytch come again? i don't even kno this chick :dahell:women and their entitlement:aicmon:man, i got better shyt to do with my gas and time:camby:

Now that I got my new gig, and just got a home evaluation that my crib is worth over a million dollars and I get half whenever it decides to be sold :wow:, I'm feeling some type of way, not arrogant just that it's remarkable the entitlement of thsee chicks when many of them are just bartenders, baristsas, servers, working retail.

Screw what these chicks or any thing want, if you are a man that is loyal, honest and can look in the mirror and be happy with what you see and the life you are living, you are worthy enough for any brehette out there

Rocket Scientist

May 5, 2012
High IQ

@kevm3 @Emperor_ReinScarf @Turbulent @C.Holla

this dude is just the goat when it comes to talking about the physiological and behavioral aspect of these women and and patrice oneal just ....:wow::ohlawd:

"As I mentioned, the expectation is for her husband to accept “who she is today”, yet who she was ten years ago had a more genuine desire for less established, but sexually arousing, lovers".:francis::whew:
Got some gems in there :leon:


Jul 15, 2013
6 Side.
Now that I got my new gig, and just got a home evaluation that my crib is worth over a million dollars and I get half whenever it decides to be sold :wow:, I'm feeling some type of way, not arrogant just that it's remarkable the entitlement of thsee chicks when many of them are just bartenders, baristsas, servers, working retail.

Screw what these chicks or any thing want, if you are a man that is loyal, honest and can look in the mirror and be happy with what you see and the life you are living, you are worthy enough for any brehette out there

my god rein :wow:

hoodbridge :mjcry:


I think very deeply
May 4, 2012
Funny you mention this....about 3 yrs ago before me and my current chik got together, I was dealing with this other chik. It was only for like 3 months and she was a straight headache. Was trying to play too many head games and I just wasn't with it. I ended up just telling her everything I didn't like about her and that I lost interest and I was dating another chik (who's now my girl). Fast forward till the present- this chik now works near me and from time to time we go to lunch, she pays for it most of the time or we'd go dutch. All I do is talk about how good my relationship is now and told her us never becoming something serious was probably the best move of my life. She's already told me she's dropped the ball with me and she regrets it. I told her I have no regrets about moving on. Though she feels insulted, I think in a strange way she's kinda addicted to it. Once i realized this it all made sense with her. She claims her ex was "mentally abusive" but she didn't know why he was like that towards her. This chik has a slick and loud mouth on her. She's def not my type cause I'm not with the constant battle for power in a relationship. But nowadays when we'd have lunch, it's just been about dudes smashing and dashing and not taking her seriously. I just laugh to myself about when i was being the nice guy to her and how she was acting towards me. As soon as I told her how much I had no interest in her, all of a sudden she wants to hangout whenever possible. She been single for like 4yrs now.

It always goes that way. No longer caring about them suddenly turns you into a magnet they can't stay away from. It's like that chick I mentioned in this thread last year who called me "boring", then when I gave her the :camby: she started whatsapping me like there was no tomorrow.

At this point in my life I just can't be dealing with a chick who's always addicted to drama and just wants to argue about nothing. The worse thing about it is, they're never wrong and you just can't tell them a damn thing, so I just leave them to it. If they can't get their heads right, they shouldn't be thinking of relationships. God forbid you end up getting a broad like that pregnant...SMH. Nah, I'd rather have blue balls and peace of mind then get a nut and regret it for the rest of my life.

exactly. Why does shorty even want to go to that class if its outta her way? :stopitslime:

instructor was like, don't worry i got you :myman:when shorty asked what she could do.

you was like :usure:bytch come again? i don't even kno this chick :dahell:women and their entitlement:aicmon:man, i got better shyt to do with my gas and time:camby:

Yeah, if it's too far for you, then you ain't meant to come. It's as simple as that. Plus, how does she know I'm not a sex offender or something? She doesn't even know me and neither does the instructor for that matter. Just because someone signs up for yoga classes doesn't mean they're "safe" lol. FOH. Female entitlement has gotten way out of hand. You know how it goes with these broads, next she'd want me to lend her money or babysit her dusty ass kids if she has any.

I'd be interested to hear what this instructor says in response, I notice she didn't reply to my email. The classes don't start until second week in April, but if I get any shyt over this I'm gonna ask for my money back and look elsewhere. I REFUSE to put up with a second of bullshyt over some chick I haven't even met. I didn't sign up for this nonsense.


Jul 15, 2013
6 Side.
Yeah, if it's too far for you, then you ain't meant to come. It's as simple as that. Plus, how does she know I'm not a sex offender or something? She doesn't even know me and neither does the instructor for that matter. Just because someone signs up for yoga classes doesn't mean they're "safe" lol. FOH. Female entitlement has gotten way out of hand. You know how it goes with these broads, next she'd want me to lend her money or babysit her dusty ass kids if she has any.

I'd be interested to hear what this instructor says in response, I notice she didn't reply to my email. The classes don't start until second week in April, but if I get any shyt over this I'm gonna ask for my money back and look elsewhere. I REFUSE to put up with a second of bullshyt over some chick I haven't even met. I didn't sign up for this nonsense.

if it comes down to that, show the manager the e-mail that was sent and explain to them that the instructor put you in a situation that you never agreed to or was even aware of. :ufdup:


Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
Top 4
My advice to my sons...

Concerning himself:

To always be himself, to pursue his own interests, and be willing to invite dating prospects to share in his interests as he himself is wanting or desiring.

To pursue his own education and career goals with clarity, to avoid sacrificing his future happiness and success for instant gratification today.

To decide and have the vision how marriage and relationship and children fit into such desires and goals. Do not be blindsided by love and then caught off guard, always prepare for the prospect and have a plan, even if just the outline of a plan at this young age.

Concerning dating:

Never to pursue dating in and of itself, but only as a means to get to know a special woman better, and for her to get to know him better.

Never as a means to merely score for sex. A good man addicted to sex with many women, is not better than a man addicted to drugs alcohol or gambling. Also this is the way for a man to lose respect for all women, to see all women as those he would find to merely be seeking quick gratification themselves. For it is a fact that we as humans will find what we are looking for, and we will see what we want to see, as we are all masters of self-justification for what we want to justify.

Whether he decides he is wanting a traditional marriage, or marriage to a career woman, he must be honest with himself and his future woman prospective bride on what he is desiring, and to find in such a woman also the honesty to express what she is desiring.

As well I tell my sons to avoid deliberately seeking out a career woman if they are wanting at all to raise children, as relentless are the demands of raising children and how the selfishness men see often in women is in fact the perfect trait for being such an excellent mother. For instead of resentment as often in a man to give up his "toys" when the children come along, it is the strength and delight of a woman to be selfish for her children. This way is what I have experienced to be the best prospect for success.

Concerning his woman:

She must be his good match, not beneath him and needy and clingy, and not so above him beyond contentment with the choice of his lifestyle and social and economic goals and achievements.

She must be intelligent to the point of matching intellectually. Sexual attraction may ebb and flow, but nothing builds contempt as intelligence sharing the same roof with ignorance, and likewise nothing as fulfilling as having a woman to be a life partner to challenge and discuss and grow with intellectually.

She must be willing to speak for herself with dignity and respect. Tantrums, passive aggresive behavior, yelling, or speaking without thinking, or using many words without substance, these are red flags to avoid.

She must not be sexually promiscuous. I am speaking bluntly, but I tell my sons to avoid a young women with already children out of wedlock, or even to discover they are knowing many men sexually, this is also a red flag to avoid. Understand this is not for any religious reasons, but merely social and emotional and scientific and health reasons. I have raised my sons and daughter to be respecting themselves and their bodies, and they should expect to find companionship possessing such respect as well.

Concerning marriage:

This itself is also deserving it's own thread, but open for discussion here.

In this day and age, it is entirely possible for the good man to lose half or more of everything worked for at the whim of his woman wanting a divorce, such as the result of modern "no fault" divorce.

So much is this, to protect himself, it is my inclination to advice my sons to study prenuptial agreements and laws, and whether he advises himself to pursue such course or not, he needs to not be ignorant of the very real and very cold possiblities of divorce and the devastating financial hit.

But contrast this with my own very nostalgic views, if after many years of marriage, and that if a woman is giving to her man the very best years of her life, which in itself is not just some whimsical belief, but the reality, then absolutely should my sons be committed to protecting and taking care of his woman, and never to merely divorce her or leave her unless provoked beyond reconciliation by some behavior or action on her own part and her bearing the responsibility for, only in this case should divorce be the consideration.

On this subject of marriage and prenuptuals, I am admittidly hesitant and would welcome all good men's opinions and advice on this matter.

Concerning children:

Always they are to be regarded and taken care of, no matter what the financial hit or mental or emotional or social stress.

Always be responsible and seeing children are not mere accidents or liabilities, but the very real results of deliberate actions and behaviors and decision made by my son and his woman.

In short, I am advising my sons to own any and all responsibility for their own offspring, and to seek out only women who will respect and appreciate this responsibility as well.



I think very deeply
May 4, 2012
if it comes down to that, show the manager the e-mail that was sent and explain to them that the instructor put you in a situation that you never agreed to or was even aware of. :ufdup:

I noticed she still hasn't replied to my email which is just really childish and immature. If I don't get response by the end of today, I'm probably just gonna ask for my money back. She only has herself to blame. She should have thought about this before she went and opened her mouth.


follower of Jesus
May 2, 2012
The biggest problem with women if you are lookign for something long-term is that they are just unstable.

You never know when she'll suddenly up and disappear without warning.
You never really know how many options she's running in the background.
you could have made countless sacrifices for her, but all of a sudden she gets 'bored' and looks for excitement outside the relationship and everything is thrown down the drain.

A lot of women stay complaining about getting treated like garbage and treated like whores but they stay rewarding guys that treat them like that with attention.


Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
Top 4
Shell complain about the cheater and a$$hole but ask her long she stayed and you'll hear sometimes years

But you Mr treat her good and be respectable will be lucky to get a few months

The biggest problem with women if you are lookign for something long-term is that they are just unstable.

You never know when she'll suddenly up and disappear without warning.
You never really know how many options she's running in the background.
you could have made countless sacrifices for her, but all of a sudden she gets 'bored' and looks for excitement outside the relationship and everything is thrown down the drain.

A lot of women stay complaining about getting treated like garbage and treated like whores but they stay rewarding guys that treat them like that with attention.


follower of Jesus
May 2, 2012
Shell complain about the cheater and a$$hole but ask her long she stayed and you'll hear sometimes years

But you Mr treat her good and be respectable will be lucky to get a few months

That's what's so backwards about it all. Women constantly complain about guys only looking at them for sex and yet they actively reward guys who only look for sex from them. They'd rather have a player that they are trying to actively change but are unable to than a decent, loyal dude. In other words, they are simply attracted to dudes who leave them in a perpetual cycle of dysfunction. Dude beats her up, cheats on her, etc., and she always goes back. On the other hand, you try to keep things smooth and drama free and then she gets bored and starts looking for options on the side.

That's why if you find that rare woman that can operate in a drama-free zone, keep her. Otherwise, simply don't step into the drama zone with these women. Let them get used by their players until they eventually turn into cat ladies, because you get tangled up with them and they'll use you for a little while before disappearing into their zone of dysfunction.