This is what I've been thinking too. She got upset when we broke up because I cut her off when in her words, she was hoping that I would fight for her. Apparently, the fact that I was solely focused on graduating and getting a good job made her think that I just saw her as an accessory and she was hoping that the prospect of losing her would make me "step up" but she says she's never stopped loving me and she's ben depressed these past 2 years without me (she is the super clingy type so this doesn't even surprise me).
I dunno man, my mind is still winning the battle and I've created my distance but I feel myself hard exterior wanting to fall off and it's draining me.
ah there it is, if you fought for her and poured out your heart she would prob lose respect for you. Isn't it amazing

I wouldn't even entertain talking to her, that part of your life is over, you hae a new job in your career, why waste any time on a woman from your past who discarded you? Who cares about her situation now this is what she waned always remind yourself.
When my sister told me my ex was in the hospital, or a car crash, or depressed, or always getting cheated on I said nothing, its not my concern anymore. That's the life she wanted, to run with the wolves.