Essential Quick Lil Gems on Dealing with Women


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Apr 30, 2012
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This is what I've been thinking too. She got upset when we broke up because I cut her off when in her words, she was hoping that I would fight for her. Apparently, the fact that I was solely focused on graduating and getting a good job made her think that I just saw her as an accessory and she was hoping that the prospect of losing her would make me "step up" but she says she's never stopped loving me and she's ben depressed these past 2 years without me (she is the super clingy type so this doesn't even surprise me).

I dunno man, my mind is still winning the battle and I've created my distance but I feel myself hard exterior wanting to fall off and it's draining me.

ah there it is, if you fought for her and poured out your heart she would prob lose respect for you. Isn't it amazing :heh:, I've been there a girl got angry at me because she stopped talking to me and I made no effort to contact her :heh:. I'll never chase a woman or pin for a woman that isn't my family. Why should you fight for anyone? if soemone doesn't want to be with me then allright I accept your decision.SEe woman ant you to be friends after, so they can have their cake, be on tinder, talk to new guys, dating, suck new dikk, but still have their good ol buddy who they lost emotions for. :pacspit:

I wouldn't even entertain talking to her, that part of your life is over, you hae a new job in your career, why waste any time on a woman from your past who discarded you? Who cares about her situation now this is what she waned always remind yourself.

When my sister told me my ex was in the hospital, or a car crash, or depressed, or always getting cheated on I said nothing, its not my concern anymore. That's the life she wanted, to run with the wolves.


A Pound & A Prayer
Jun 22, 2013
London, UK
ah there it is, if you fought for her and poured out your heart she would prob lose respect for you. Isn't it amazing :heh:, I've been there a girl got angry at me because she stopped talking to me and I made no effort to contact her :heh:. I'll never chase a woman or pin for a woman that isn't my family. Why should you fight for anyone? if soemone doesn't want to be with me then allright I accept your decision.SEe woman ant you to be friends after, so they can have their cake, be on tinder, talk to new guys, dating, suck new dikk, but still have their good ol buddy who they lost emotions for. :pacspit:

I wouldn't even entertain talking to her, that part of your life is over, you hae a new job in your career, why waste any time on a woman from your past who discarded you? Who cares about her situation now this is what she waned always remind yourself.

When my sister told me my ex was in the hospital, or a car crash, or depressed, or always getting cheated on I said nothing, its not my concern anymore. That's the life she wanted, to run with the wolves.

I completely agree with you. I just need to get into my own zone with this job so I'm not reachable. She already knows that once I'm in full swing that I won't have the time for her so I just have to stay focused through this.


Apr 30, 2012
Atlanta, Georgia
We have these mandatory trainings for my job every 3-6 months or so. We see people we know from different offices in our classes sometimes. So I'm in class with a woman that I met a couple of trainings ago. She has a boyfriend but I can feel she has some sort of attraction to me. I'm not gonna lie, I want to fukk her. She is very sexy, the way she talks, moves, her body etc.. I never tried anything because she had a BF. So, lunchtime rolls around and she walks over to my desk and sits on it and ask me where I'm going for lunch. I tell her and she says "Let's go". I say "let's go then" we proceed to my car.

So we're having lunch, talking about our lives since we last seen each other. then she mentions she broke up with her BF. Then she says "well not really broken up yet" I ask her what she means. She says she knows she's going to leave him in six months, but she has to save her money up to get her own spot. Breh doesn't have the slightest idea. She's about to make this dude take her to a concert knowing she doesn't love him.

Her reason for leaving was she woke up one day and realized that he didn't deserve her and she didn't see a future with him. They had been dating for about 4 years. She says he's a good dude though.. needless to say I don't want to fukk anymore.

fukk these hoes..
:smh: :dahell: this is another level of evil. I believe this story because I know women who have planned in advance when they are going to break up with a dude. "Let me let him take me on this vacation and I'll break up with him right after".

I forget the breh in this thread who said this but he said "never like a girl more than she likes you" is the truest shyt ever. It will save you from a lot!
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May 6, 2012
:ehh: for me its good enough.

I've told this story numerous times i went out with this chick a few times, everything was going great, im talking about dates starting at like 7pm and ending at 2am. Then she never contacted me again, of course I was somewhat frustrated did I say anything did I do anything bla bla bla, i googled her e-mail address and it led to her blog and she was battling depression and was on pills and ish.

I didn't need that ish in my life, but imagine if I never knew and continued hanging out and that bond grew more and more I would have been in far more than I wanted to.

Even with my last demon ex, a month in I had a major out she wasn't sure of us, but i was so enchanted by her beauty that I "simped" and we got back together and it took me almost 5 years to get rid of her stain as she destroyed everything good in my life.

So now when a chick rejects me , i just look at it like God like reinscarf you've been through enough to last a lifetime with women, and I know this one would not be good for you so im severing the ties.

I take every rejection as blessings,
swear to God i bumped into this chick today that i tried to holla at back in the day. she was cute and had an ass on her but she rejected me. anyway, i see her today and she looked like she wasn't doing too good. and i didn't even feel smug about it either she didn't reject me in a dramatic way or make or show about it. i felt embarrassed for her cause i could tell she felt ashamed. but i would be lying if i said i ddin't feel like i dodged a bullet. and it's not the first time i bump into her either.

also, it's like you said, you never know what people are going through on a day to day. so sometimes trying to switch your game to get a chick might be futile cause her nothing wanting you might be about something completely outside of you. so it's not worth changing your being over. matter of fact nothing is worth it...


Thinking of a Master Plan...
Apr 2, 2013
This bytch asked me to pick her up from her girls and i have multiple times to take her to her place and smash.

Shes decently drunk and its ok, so were driving and she starts talking all sorta left field shyt, like u remember when we first met, ur as ass, why didnt u tell me u do this, etc etc...

Im like:what:. Mind u all ive ever done was pick this chick up or meet her somewhere and fukk no hiccups or bs for 1 yr, till 2nite. Also, i rarely talk about nething wit her, no personal deep convos, nothing about my business, strictly a pump & dump.

So as were driving im like u should b quiet. And then she stops...and 10 seconds pass, shes back at it. So were pulling in and im like yo youre making my dikk go limp, youre talking about nonsense, getting mad over nothing, u want sum dikk b quiet. She kept goin on and i told her, im good. She like r u srs, we aint fukkin nemore. I gave her plenty of chances to do something as simple as stfu.

So funny how shyt like that happens.

My peace is everything. And its ez for me not to want to fukk if a chick ain't actin rite. 1 yr of decent behavior, down the drain in 5 mins...

Women...this was a late 40yo broad too

Spades Of Aces

The Infinity Watcher
Feb 3, 2013
I think I've said this before, but I must say it again. Never make women the center of your universe or you'll end up like this guy:

Just a sad case all around as he's putting too much time and energy into trying to get women that his self-esteem steadily declines. His worth is dependent upon how women see him which thus has destroyed his reality. It's always important to focus on other things besides trying to get women. Always strive to better yourself. Don't expend so much energy on something that won't give you good returns.


Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
Top 4
I think I've said this before, but I must say it again. Never make women the center of your universe or you'll end up like this guy:

Just a sad case all around as he's putting too much time and energy into trying to get women that his self-esteem steadily declines. His worth is dependent upon how women see him which thus has destroyed his reality. It's always important to focus on other things besides trying to get women. Always strive to better yourself. Don't expend so much energy on something that won't give you good returns.

@kevm3 "women should be like your fourth priority"

if you depend on women to validate you or bring you happiness you will always lose.

I always say the funny thing is some people don't know how good they have it.

My life would have been 100 times better at this moment if women didn't give me any play. I would still have my innocence, I wouldn' have dropped out of law school, i'd have more money, I wouldn't have been bitter and frustrated for so many years, I wouldn't have gotten any stds, lost my faith in relationships.


Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
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Let me touch on this more, its going to be long......

I was cheated on in the past. It broke me down for a very very long time. If you have never been cheated on by a woman you loved dearly faults and all and saw a future with, someone who knew your family, who was in family photos, went on family vacations, who you trusted more than anyone you ever met but they screwed you over in ways unimaginable it's not a easy thing to get over. I've always been strong emotionally but this sliced me like a hot knife through butter. However I learned a lot about control and total forgiveness. I could not control her, and it was better to see her true nature at that moment before I gasped walked down the aisle or had another failed engagement on my record. So it took a while a very long while years but I finally moved forward knowing what I could and could not control. I somehow was able to have an arising in my mind and decided that I would not give my ex any more of my life, time, and worry.

It's probably not a coincidence but for many years I lived a stagnant lifestyle, I knew I was destined for more but shackles of fear and constant disappointments created a covering of bitterness and insecurities over me and had me coasting in a sea of mediocrity. I was also very stubborn and set in my ways, however as I always state the beauty of life is that you never know when it can change and it took a random glitch that led to meeting someone who in time gave me that raw uncut constructive criticism of me that allowed me to see my blind spots and change my mindset which allowed me to change the course of my life forever. Words of encouragement that constantly motivated me and ignited my passion to keep my goals alive and accomplish them and most importantly the inconvenient truth that allowed me to unpack the baggage I was carrying around for so long and finally began to deal with the detrimental impact of past unfortunate experiences that I thought I eradicated but remnants remained that was weighing down my heart, hindering my progress and troubling my soul. I would never be able to reach this plateau of peace and understanding and finally after all these years emotional stability and retrieving my compassion for others without their help.

And for the first time in my life I have it all together in all facets. Still I know no matter what path you choose in life that it will not always be a 24/7 365 high. There will always be ups and downs, curves twists and turns however if you keep a positive mindset there is always beauty in life. I can look at my own life and I am so much wiser now and enjoy the little things in life that I know if it was not for experiences I've been through I would probably still be naive as hell or unappreciative.

Many individuals are left so jaded and hurt by past experiences that they are incapable of ever moving forward and engaging in healthy relationship ever again and at one point that was I but not any more (Hallelujah!). Now this doesn't mean I dive right into to the dung of modern relationships looking for that tootsie roll. If the presence of a woman enriches my life, then she is more than welcome. But if she makes my life miserable, out she goes. And this is the true power as individuals we have, controlling who gets to share our life with us and who does not. I don't pin or focus on people who are not focusing on me, and I'm perfectly happy living the life I was blessed with.

With age and experience comes maturity, because for one of the first times in my existence, thinking of such a future is giving me a feeling of freedom. I used to think at one point it would be such a dismal fate not to find lasting romantic love or a wife and kids to come home to. Now I'm realizing that if that's what it comes to, I might as well make the best of it, and I am blessed with the power to do so. I also feel like letting go of my connection to a certain future and simply focusing on enjoying life gives me peace. And I'm in a great state of mind about it.

The great thing of having this mindset and truly loving the life you are living is that you don't have to settle for lower than you are worth. I know first-hand of how emotionally bonding with the wrong person can have such a dramatic effect on your life and I am very very careful now. It's truly sad the state of dating and relationships in this generation. Finding a meaningful loving relationship of substance is like finding a needle in a haystack. (Because of the increase of wickedness, the love of most will grow cold). Finding an individual whom you are attracted to is hard enough and that's not even adding in chemistry, compatibility and sharing the same values, morals and having the same vision towards the direction the relationship is heading. Especially in these times where many people state they desire a relationship but lack the basic qualifications and aren't willing to be monogamous, trustworthy, honest, or communicative. So I look out there and just shake my head shrug my shoulders and continue living my life and oh it's a great great life.


Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
Top 4
btw all these brehettes your stressing over what are they offering besides looks that will expire 5-10 years from now?

I'm almost 30 years old, women my age are already decaying and if not at best have another 5-7 years left, maybe the salma hayek types will make it to their mid 40's but thats rare

and yet y'all stressing over this?

Stop BREHS!!