That's unfortunate to here.
Did you ever consider talking to a male about it? It can be any male that has an open mind, willing to listen and can try to help you understand some things.
Naw I can't open up to guys, I would probably end up sounding dumb and emotional.
Interesting, you come across very much aware of how to deal with men and how we think. Crazy because men feel like that about women lol.
If you need a platonic male to talk to you can hit me up ( I'm not trying to holla lol) I was raised around and with a bunch of women I tend to vibe better with women in convo's than with most dudes.
Sucks to hear that you have that fear, choose wisely when you do decide to date. I'd hate to see you open up to trust someone and they do you dirty and send you down that long dark path.
Honestly the only platonic relationships I've had with guys have been my battle buddies. It's really easy for soldiers to look past gender and relate over military stuff. Almost every crush I had was a soldier but I would never progress a relationship out of fear.
It's bad when you reject people you like