You always try to act like you don't know what I'm talking aboutgot me

You always try to act like you don't know what I'm talking aboutgot me
You always try to act like you don't know what I'm talking about.
Would you have an issue with a man u are dating not having a headboard for his bed
absolutely not! Each woman has her own itch to scratch! Got me! Finding out what constitutes masculinity from the source!! There is a whole wavelength of masculinity and femininity in the world if we are honest and every person does not need the same!. That's what's so confusing! Be honest with yourself and others!Is this what constitutes masculinity from a woman's perspective?
This one might be a challenging one of the brehs. So I love my dude to death, but I want him to have his space. I don't want to be a pestering girlfriend who is constantly in his space. One time I told him that he didn't have to always be with me if he doesn't want to but I do enjoy it when he is. This breh like to had LOST IT. He thought I was trying to break up with him, or didn't want to see him anymore, etc. I'm like NO NO NO I just don't want him to feel obligated to be with his girl all the time. How do I communicate this without him going
Brehs? I always heard my brothers talk about women nagging them, or calling too much and I try to avoid all of this especially preparing to be Mrs. Breh in the future. What is a brehette to do![]()
if he doesn't say anything, then don't worry about it. not all guys are the same. some guys like being with their gf all the time.
Fellas, you and your girl discuss getting married. What makes you decide when to actually propose![]()
This one might be a challenging one of the brehs. So I love my dude to death, but I want him to have his space. I don't want to be a pestering girlfriend who is constantly in his space. One time I told him that he didn't have to always be with me if he doesn't want to but I do enjoy it when he is. This breh like to had LOST IT. He thought I was trying to break up with him, or didn't want to see him anymore, etc. I'm like NO NO NO I just don't want him to feel obligated to be with his girl all the time. How do I communicate this without him going
Brehs? I always heard my brothers talk about women nagging them, or calling too much and I try to avoid all of this especially preparing to be Mrs. Breh in the future. What is a brehette to do![]()
Gentlemen of The Coli please give your opinion. If a man is into a woman but he is truly busy like working 2 jobs and going to school, is it wrong to not kick it with him because he doesn't have time? Not trying to drop anyone but if you know it's not going to go well now but will in the future what shall a brehette do? On the other hand they say that if you truly like someone you will make time. Now I personally am a busy person with lots of tasks so it's days I don't even talk to my family so I kind of understand. What say you?![]()
I say give him your take on the situation, such as you you are really into him and you understand he is busy - but can he squeek out some time for you? there has to be a mutual effort or it ain't going anywhere
My avi is an accurate representation for how I'm looking at your avi right nah.I didn't I completely forgot that was there.