Question For Black Men With Daughters...

Dec 18, 2012
The jheri curl's activation
This is an honest question for black men with daughters.

When you read black male dominated forums like this one and others (sorry I don't know the names of anymore...I'm a black woman and this is the only black male dominated forum I take time to read) in which black women are constantly bashed or criticized for everything from hair to skin tone do you fear for your daughters?

Do you fear they will grow up to hate black men?

Do you fear they will grow up to find black men undesirable? Is this something you see growing amongst young (and old) black women (i.e., finding black men unattractive and undesirable)?

Be completely honest: When you look around at black men, whether they are your friends or family, would you want your daughters to end up with men like them? Why or why not?

Black women...feel free to throw your two cents into the mix.

My sista....if you internalize the infatuation of the words that permeate throughout, and travel within, and bend perpendicular to the bone marrow of my quote, unquote vernacular, you fall in danger of succumbing to the cognitive dissonance that proves the ramifications of said words which cause the emotional devastation within the realms of free discussion.


I have no strings on me.
May 6, 2012
The BLACK woman MUST submit to her BLACK husband. And Caucgress MUST pass a law ALLOWING BLACK polygamy. WHITE devils should BE sterilized. I have 17 SEEDS by 14 beautiful BLACK women and THEY should RAISE my children WHILE I am busy FIGHTING the revolution on forums AND JEWtube. Mickey Mouse was BLACK. Knowledge is POWER.

lol@fighting the revolution on forums. haa
May 2, 2012
The BLACK woman MUST submit to her BLACK husband. And Caucgress MUST pass a law ALLOWING BLACK polygamy. WHITE devils should BE sterilized. I have 17 SEEDS by 14 beautiful BLACK women and THEY should RAISE my children WHILE I am busy FIGHTING the revolution on forums AND JEWtube. Mickey Mouse was BLACK. Knowledge is POWER.

This is literally the most repetitive, non-creative troll on the board...:aicmon:


Simp City
Jun 8, 2012
but I thought n!ggas weren't raising their kids so why does it matter anyway what any of us think of black women when black women self admittedly are doing a disproportion of the childrearing responsibilities anyway? :yeshrug: Why does the opinion of the parent who's not there and who's contribution is accessorial at most take presedence over the one who is? The question doesn't seem to be of what black men are instilling in their offspring but of what the values the primary caregiver -- so it defaults to what the womenfolk are instructing their own children because they're the only voice or should I say the dominant voice in the discourse of a lot of black households. Black men aren't giving their daughters weaves or telling them to avoid ain't shyt black bytches. I have a hard time picturing this patriarchal danny glover type black man who has a black daughter conceived by a black woman, whom he hates. Black men who talk shyt about black women don't deal with black women.
Apr 11, 2013
but I thought n!ggas weren't raising their kids so what does it matter anyway what any of us think of black women when black women self admittedly are doing a disproportion of the childrearing responsibilities anyway? :yeshrug: Why does the opinion of the parent who's not there and who's contribution is paltry at most take priority over the one who is? The question doesn't seem to be of what black men are instilling in their offspring but of what the values the primary caregiver --often the womenfolk are teaching their own children. Black men aren't giving their daughters weaves or telling them to avoid ain't shyt black bytches.

I wish you bitter undesirables would opt out of serious discussions. This thread ain't about your hurt feelings concerning black women. It is about the feelings of black men concerning THEIR DAUGHTERS. It is for the men who ARE ACTIVE in their daughters' lives.


May 2, 2012
I wish you bitter undesirables would opt out of serious discussions. This thread ain't about your hurt feelings concerning black women. It is about the feelings of black men concerning THEIR DAUGHTERS. It is for the men who ARE ACTIVE in their daughters' lives.

bitter undesirables, or just responsible men? most of us dont have kids, lady. you should go to your local jail if you want a dialogue with the men who spread their seed around the city.


Fade Doe
May 3, 2012
if my daughter married a white boy, id be kind of disappointed that she doesnt see blacks as suitable. but i think its a deeper issue to it, and a lot of women who do the interracial thing have underlying self hatred issues.

You see your daughter as dating someone outside of her own race as automatically being self-hatred and not loving black men? That would probably be more likely a deeper issue with you rather than your daughter. If you've taught her to love someone who loves and respects her, regardless of their race to the point where she feels comfortable and fears no reproach of bring a white man home then you pretty much won in the end.

I seriously envision the bashers being physically, verbally, and emotionally abusive to their daughters if they are black. The only values the bashers on this site are going to instill in their daughters are (1) they are are inferior to non-black women because they were born black and a woman and (2) not to associate with black women.

They will probably instill so much self-hate in their black daughters that they will run to white men so their daughters won't have to go through the same thing.

I've honestly seen men who are misogynistic as all get-out but love their daughters to death and would do nothing to try to harm them, psychologically or however else. I noticed you said unintentionally and that might be the one most people should watch out for, black men and women. There are single mothers who bash black men for not being shyt and not doing this and that just as much as there are black men going in on women.

I didn't read the whole thread either, but from what I saw they looked happy to me. I'm sure some people even said the girls were overreacting and that the whopping wasn't even that bad (that the girls were screaming to make it sound worse). Anyone who would justify the extent to which he whopped them would definitely perpetuate the same behavior.

Had to quote you twicee. You should really read the whole thread. Actually, there were two and it spawned a discussion into the discipline of children. Different takes on how the situation could've been handled, etc.

This is an honest question for black men with daughters.

When you read black male dominated forums like this one and others (sorry I don't know the names of anymore...I'm a black woman and this is the only black male dominated forum I take time to read) in which black women are constantly bashed or criticized for everything from hair to skin tone do you fear for your daughters?

Do you fear they will grow up to hate black men?

Do you fear they will grow up to find black men undesirable? Is this something you see growing amongst young (and old) black women (i.e., finding black men unattractive and undesirable)?

Be completely honest: When you look around at black men, whether they are your friends or family, would you want your daughters to end up with men like them? Why or why not?

Black women...feel free to throw your two cents into the mix.

And finallyyyy, I don't have daughters but I have a niece and personally, I wouldn't want her to grow up to find any of the men that have been in the lives of the women in my family. Most of the women in my family have made terrible choices for the people they chose to love and try to carry on a life with.

I definitely don't fear her finding black men undesirable. She's 2 and it's not even something that's entered my head. Boys are the furthest thing from her mind. The only thing that everyone seems to be focused on now is reassuring her that she's beautiful and intelligent. Again, not my daughter but I love her just the same. But yeah, reading this forum, I don't take most of the people seriously because I know what is usually said on the internet does not equal how people are in actuality.

:to: I need to get in on the first page of these things.


Simp City
Jun 8, 2012
I wish you bitter undesirables would opt out of serious discussions. This thread ain't about your hurt feelings concerning black women. It is about the feelings of black men concerning THEIR DAUGHTERS. It is for the men who ARE ACTIVE in their daughters' lives.

I don't see how you can have an actual discussion about black women bashing without the actual black woman bashers weighing in, it just seems like you want a consensus party.
Apr 11, 2013
bitter undesirables, or just responsible men? most of us dont have kids, lady. you should go to your local jail if you want a dialogue with the men who spread their seed around the city.

I hate to break it to you, but the two are NOT mutually exclusive :heh:

Also, there is no need to visit a jail when folks like Dwight Howard are walking around and getting pats on the back from other men.


May 2, 2012
I hate to break it to you, but the two are NOT mutually exclusive :heh:

Also, there is no need to visit a jail when folks like Dwight Howard are walking around and getting pats on the back from other men.

black women could only hope to get pregnant by a dwight howard. beats getting knocked up by the cd/dvd bootlegger at the gas station. :unsure:


All Star
Feb 27, 2013
The Souf
This is an honest question for black men with daughters.

When you read black male dominated forums like this one and others (sorry I don't know the names of anymore...I'm a black woman and this is the only black male dominated forum I take time to read) in which black women are constantly bashed or criticized for everything from hair to skin tone do you fear for your daughters?

Do you fear they will grow up to hate black men?

Do you fear they will grow up to find black men undesirable? Is this something you see growing amongst young (and old) black women (i.e., finding black men unattractive and undesirable)?

Be completely honest: When you look around at black men, whether they are your friends or family, would you want your daughters to end up with men like them? Why or why not?

Black women...feel free to throw your two cents into the mix.

I was raised by my single father and he had no other children (he said because he wasnt married he didnt want anymore :myman:)so it always just me and him. I'm in college now so I can kinda speak on this a little.

I think a benefit of having a father at home is to instill self esteem into their little girls, HOWEVER once the little girl reaches a certain age and begins to notice that traits she doesn't possess are the ones that's catching men's attention (light skin, light eyes, long "good hair" etc.) then of course her self esteem is gonna take a toll. Yeah her father is gonna remind her she's beautiful but she'll always believe he's just telling her that because he's her father and he has to. That's why I believe that because we come in all different shades and whatnot that all should be celebrated and not the ones that look the most exotic, and this is coming from a caramel skinned with light eyes person myself.

I believe that if a man is a strong man who did right by their daughters then he would want her to end up with a man like himself, including race wise. We can say all day "we'll since I raised my daughters right then as long as she picks a good man that's all I care about." This may be true but don't act like you wouldn't at least feel a certain way if she brought home an Ashton kutcher.


May 24, 2012
Tha Land
I think about it a lot. But I've come to realize that society will always be there to influence her one way or another, and it's my job to keep her grounded and connected to reality and the love she should have for herself, and expect from others.

The Coli is pretty bad with the black women bashing. I wouldn't call this a good example of black men/women relations, (Obviously its not since the majority of black people date within their race) but the truth of the matter is a lot of these feelings are real coming from both sides. We need to learn how to build each other up instead of tearing each other down, offline and online.

As for who my daughter dates. I can honestly say I'd rather it be a black guy. Only because I know myself and how I run my family, and any dude that gets with my daughter would have "made it" so I'd rather he be a young man that came from a similar place as me.

With that said I will embrace whomever she loves and that treats her with love and respect. My daughter is enjoying a very different upbringing from myself, so I'd understand if she has a different outlook on things than myself. I grew up around ALL black and Latino people. My daughters school is called Campus International I'd say there is no majority/minority there. It's very diverse and my daughter really doesn't see race as I did. She understands her roots and where she comes from, but she doesn't hold any of the emotional or social baggage that comes from being black in America. I honestly hope it stays that way, and in that case she'll probably end up with an Asian dude or something :snoop:


dat dere chocolate
Feb 12, 2013
Black Gay Capital
Are the Men a Problem? only if he was married to his ex and he fail as a father.

If a woman has a baby with a loser that's her fault. should have had that dude filled out a application with his background check, work history, references, etc, etc, before thrwoing him the azzHow can a woman for example have 2 or 3 kids and not be married? is that the man fault? women rather white, black or latino has total control over there body unless they have a gun or knife to there head or throat. women have the right to tell that man to put on a condom or we not having sex till i'm married.

alot of our sisters are so smart when it comes to getting degrees and jobs, but when it comes to men they have no fuking clue.

So the man has NO part in the responsibility? He doesnt have enough common sense to use a condom when he's fukking her? You're an idiot. GTFO your rationalization doesnt make sense.


May 2, 2012
So the man has NO part in the responsibility? He doesnt have enough common sense to use a condom when he's fukking her? You're an idiot. GTFO your rationalization doesnt make sense.

black women, you treat your vagina like an airport without security, knowing full well terrorist are lurkin about. yes, a guy could use a condom -- but unless the chick is being raped, isnt it her job to make sure he's wearing one? even after the fact, we pretending like you dont have several post-sex options? why dont more black women get on birth control :confused: