Red Shield
Global Domination
I'm 50/50 on this actually being his last film. I wouldn't be surprised because his talked about directors directing past their prime. Buuutt dude is bound to get an idea and then want to direct again
I'm 50/50 on this actually being his last film. I wouldn't be surprised because his talked about directors directing past their prime. Buuutt dude is bound to get an idea and then want to direct again
Very seldomly does an artist say he or she is retiring and sticks to it
Quentin likes to hear himself talk too much through his writing for movie roles to ever retire and call it quits
And studios will also come calling as I'm sure the "First movie out of retirement" will see a good box office return
Idk, Quentin has been pretty dead-set on 10 films for some time now. Probably continue writing novels like he did for Once Upon a Time in Hollywood afterwards and/or continue dipping his feet (or her feetVery seldomly does an artist say he or she is retiring and sticks to it
Quentin likes to hear himself talk too much through his writing for movie roles to ever retire and call it quits
Idk, Quentin has been pretty dead-set on 10 films for some time now. Probably continue writing novels like he did for Once Upon a Time in Hollywood afterwards and/or continue dipping his feet on the TV side.
If I was HBO or Apple:True
He has seemed adamant about retiring for a good minute
If I was HBO or Apple: