I see this pic being thrown around In anime circles now
acting like naruto happened 30 years ago
than the middle having their own section. they're great animes but no one ever put them beside each other
Black Clover is nonsexist and demon slayers are just recently new to non-anime heads
if you were in high school girls instantly knew what bleach and naruto were one piece was a stretch but when you said stretchy pirate they would remember
all in all Ichigo deserves to be on the mount Rushmore pick
he picked up where yu yu Hakusho left and added to the spirit shonen genre
you're not getting demon slayer without bleach.
in fact the premise of demon slayer could've been a bleach arc if kubo thought of it
How is hunter hunter a mid generation big 3 when its older than all of them by a long run? Why is fullmetal a big 3 when its not a jump series? Same to sailor moon for that matter?