this is why YYH is so ovverated
none of yall can even excuse the BS that was present in the seriesbut yall hold it high to this "masterpiece" tier
yes I get it "vibbbbesss" and the main cast was cool. Thats what I like about it to.
BUT, you cannot ignore the Cons in the series has and what it suffers with
espescially as people stay trashing and complaining about stuff that Naruto, Bleach, dragonball etc have but seem to ignore when YYH did it.
So you admit the vibes are an impregnable defense to the greatness of yuyu

Its far from perfect but i genuinely had fun tuning into it, more so than some other series. Bleach has better art tho Ill give you that and Kurosaki is dope i just feel like hating on him for the lols. Better protagonist than Narutos dumb ass by leaps and bounds. Urameshi and Ichigo are both better written characters than Goku and Naruto. Beach villains are better than YYH Id be lying if I said they werent but...
You know you wanna sing along breh