My opinion:
consoles should aim to run multiplayer games 1440p 60 fps (halo, gears, call of duty etc)
and single player games 4k with locked 30 fps (uncharted, last of us, etc) instead of checkerboard 4k with inconsistent 60 fps (my understanding is some games dip down to 45-50 fps when more particles on screen)
having a locked, smooth 30 fps is better than having a choppy 60 fps, if that makes sense. On single player games like tomb raider and uncharted I doubt anyone would care its 30 fps as long as it was beautiful looking and not choppy.
aiming for 4k 60 fps on almost all games is basically like hopping in your car and trying to push your engine to max speed just driving to the grocery store. Can your car do it? Sure. Would put a lot of stress on your car though. Its ok to drive the speed limit.
Would make the games beautiful and smooth. Amd 3700x comparable processor and nvidia 2070 gtx comparable gpu in these systems should accomplish both feats easily and then devs could focus on game play little more instead of allocating so much resources for a slight fps or resolution boost.