PS4 became everything you criticized about XB1...


52 Years Young
May 28, 2012


PS4: still hasn't learned from their past abandoned projects. They release PSVR and almost immediately turned their backs on it despite the strong potential it has
XB1: has discontinued Kinect and has decided to focus on bringing more games to their platform
The only thing you said that is questionable.

Kinect did get discontinued but there hasn't been a focus on bringing more games to the platform. The parity policy still seems to be somewhat in effect and major internal exclusives have been getting canceled. Microsoft seems to feel like they'll just let third parties carry most of the load.

Kamikaze Revy

Bwana ni mwokozi wangu
Sep 4, 2012
Outer Heaven
The only thing you said that is questionable.

Kinect did get discontinued but there hasn't been a focus on bringing more games to the platform. The parity policy still seems to be somewhat in effect and major internal exclusives have been getting canceled. Microsoft seems to feel like they'll just let third parties carry most of the load.
It is the only thing questionable, because it's subject to individual opinions of the games.
Everything else in the OP is pretty obvious.
I keep things lighthearted so they take it as trolling since PS4 is my favorite console, but PS4 being my favorite console doesn't blind me completely from reality like some of these other guys.

Kamikaze Revy

Bwana ni mwokozi wangu
Sep 4, 2012
Outer Heaven
Hey man, games and graphics don't matter anymore. We're only about listing games now ? Where's your list of games ? Mine has games coming out in 2020 @Kamikaze Revy
The point of the OP was to point out the revisionist history and hypocrisy of stans in general. It's just a lot more obvious at this point in this console gen. PS4 Stans have been moving goal posts like crazy and pretending they never cared about features they spent years bragging about.
Im on the side of gaming. Like the consoles you like. Makes no difference to me.
I warned these boys over and over about bragging about FPS' and how many games hit native 1080p. They didn't listen.
Now their only tactic is to rewrite history and move the goal posts.
It's all good though. Come PS5, graphics and FPS' will matter again. I just hope Sony throws in a 4K player in it so movies can matter again too.
I'm just leaving bread crumbs. :sas2:

Kamikaze Revy

Bwana ni mwokozi wangu
Sep 4, 2012
Outer Heaven
When you put out great exclusive games people tend to not notice these things. Xbox Live could be free and I still wouldnt buy an Xbox or Xbox X. Even PC has more current gen AAA games then Xbox this gen:dead:

@Thoughtspeak PS4 has a far bigger and better exclusive line up thats why its winning. You reading too much of that Neogaf cac talk type bullshyt if you think the botched Xbox launch is why they still loosing. Nobody cares because they reversed policy on that at the very begining. If they waited several months or a year to change sure, but thats not the case here. Nobody I know even thought the Xbox could not play used games, even at launch. Xbox fanboys point to this as an excuse. Its such bullshyt. It needs more better AAA exclusives. PlayStation the only publisher putting out constant single player AAA games that are actually good. None of the publishers except maybe Rockstar can fukk with them. This is why I see PlayStation dominating for the forseable future. Microsoft will never beat the Japanese at this console shyt. Sony and Nintendo laughing all the way to the bank posting they biggest profits ever right now.
This is possible, but it's debatable. I've argued that the key deciding factor to PS4 being ahead in sales is do to a stronger release which capitalized on MS' missteps ($100 more than PS4, Kinect being forced, Always online PR debacle, etc.) Coming out the gate stronger solidified there place ahead of XB1 this gen. All of the features are cool, but what this is really about is gamers playing games, and gamers want to play with their friends. It was easy to pick PS4 over XB1 day one; PS4 was cheaper, easier to understand, and had just enough more horsepower spec wise to use as a bragging point (even if in reality, the differences were negligible.)

Since PS4 stans love revisionist history, lets play revisionist history assuming the OG PS4 and XB1 never existed:
PS4 Pro launches today:
Backwards compatibility = Paying for an additional streaming service or in some cases, buy the same game all over again via PSN
Hardware = Significantly less horsepower than XB1X
4K Blu Ray = No 4K drive included
Price $400

XB1X Launches today:
Backwards Compatibility = Putting the disc in (regardless of console gen), waiting for a download, and playing (with significantly up-scaled resolution and fps.)
Hardware = The most powerful console ever created
4K Blu Ray = Included
Price $500

I would argue that gamers would be perfectly fine paying $100 more for the obvious benefits.


Joke ting blood
Jun 4, 2012
London under protest
This is possible, but it's debatable. I've argued that the key deciding factor to PS4 being ahead in sales is do to a stronger release which capitalized on MS' missteps ($100 more than PS4, Kinect being forced, Always online PR debacle, etc.) Coming out the gate stronger solidified there place ahead of XB1 this gen. All of the features are cool, but what this is really about is gamers playing games, and gamers want to play with their friends. It was easy to pick PS4 over XB1 day one; PS4 was cheaper, easier to understand, and had just enough more horsepower spec wise to use as a bragging point (even if in reality, the differences were negligible.)

Since PS4 stans love revisionist history, lets play revisionist history assuming the OG PS4 and XB1 never existed:
PS4 Pro launches today:
Backwards compatibility = Paying for an additional streaming service or in some cases, buy the same game all over again via PSN
Hardware = Significantly less horsepower than XB1X
4K Blu Ray = No 4K drive included
Price $400

XB1X Launches today:
Backwards Compatibility = Putting the disc in (regardless of console gen), waiting for a download, and playing (with significantly up-scaled resolution and fps.)
Hardware = The most powerful console ever created
4K Blu Ray = Included
Price $500

I would argue that gamers would be perfectly fine paying $100 more for the obvious benefits.

There is no debate. The PS4 has a far bigger library catering to far more niches.

Even with BC and EA the Xbox doesn't come close.

Now you can argue there are less difference in the games YOU want to play but numbers are numbers.

You can argue for the Xbox on features, community outreach, online services and now with the xb1x, power but library is a nonstarter


May 6, 2012
This is possible, but it's debatable. I've argued that the key deciding factor to PS4 being ahead in sales is do to a stronger release which capitalized on MS' missteps ($100 more than PS4, Kinect being forced, Always online PR debacle, etc.) Coming out the gate stronger solidified there place ahead of XB1 this gen. All of the features are cool, but what this is really about is gamers playing games, and gamers want to play with their friends. It was easy to pick PS4 over XB1 day one; PS4 was cheaper, easier to understand, and had just enough more horsepower spec wise to use as a bragging point (even if in reality, the differences were negligible.)

Since PS4 stans love revisionist history, lets play revisionist history assuming the OG PS4 and XB1 never existed:
PS4 Pro launches today:
Backwards compatibility = Paying for an additional streaming service or in some cases, buy the same game all over again via PSN
Hardware = Significantly less horsepower than XB1X
4K Blu Ray = No 4K drive included
Price $400

XB1X Launches today:
Backwards Compatibility = Putting the disc in (regardless of console gen), waiting for a download, and playing (with significantly up-scaled resolution and fps.)
Hardware = The most powerful console ever created
4K Blu Ray = Included
Price $500

I would argue that gamers would be perfectly fine paying $100 more for the obvious benefits.
There is no revisionist history. A XB1X doesn't change the fact that the larrybox is still a larrybox. The comparison wasn't about no PS4 Pro vs Xbox 1. Xbox 1 X obviously was going to be more powerful launching a year later and people already conceded that. It's YOU stans that keep trying to pretend that Sauny stans were pretending to ignore this fact.

and what's with cats acting like PS4 isn't a viable online console? The "gamers want to play with their friends" doesn't exclude PS4. PS4 works perfectly fine online. It's like this point only matters to Xbox as if thats' the best place to play online objectively.

The ONLY point I'd give you is on the BC tip and that's really a matter of well ain't shyt else coming out so work with what you got. The PS4 isn't in the same position as Xbox 1 so BC is probably not worth the dev costs for the small returns they'll get. PS2 BC on PS4 is more of a enhanced port with trophies and system level support. Sony seems to try and monetize classic games on a case by case basis via remakes/remasters and special ports(SOTC remake, Crash Trilogy remake, PS2 classics etc.).

The PS Now=BC is blatantly false. The PS Now literally was a cloud gaming service for PS3, Vita, Bravia TVs and later PS4. It literally came out FIRST on PS3 :dead:

Also there's PS4 games on PS Now... How could PS Now be a BC solution allowing you to.. play PS4 games? :snoop: I know it's discontinued on those platforms but the point still stands it's not a solution for BC.

:ufdup: Do the research breh :ufdup:

I'm still in the no one cares about 4K bluray as much as y'all talk about it. No one even mentions that anymore and sales of PS4 Pro didn't seem to be affected by it's omission. PS4 still was outselling Xbox 1 S even after all the fake outrage about it :skip:
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May 24, 2012
Tha Land
There is no debate. The PS4 has a far bigger library catering to far more niches.

Even with BC and EA the Xbox doesn't come close.

Now you can argue there are less difference in the games YOU want to play but numbers are numbers.

You can argue for the Xbox on features, community outreach, online services and now with the xb1x, power but library is a nonstarter
Only "niche" PS4 got is weirdo Japanese games. If you aren't into them, then Xbox has you covered.


Bulls On Parade...
Aug 23, 2012
Its sad that yall still have such big debates about this shyt IMO.
Humans are hypocritical. End thread.


Joke ting blood
Jun 4, 2012
London under protest
Only "niche" PS4 got is weirdo Japanese games. If you aren't into them, then Xbox has you covered.
Not only is this patently false, who cares? The question is whether the PS4 library is bigger than the Xbox ones. It is. No ifs or buts.

I don't understand why this is such a point of contention. There are plenty reasons to buy a Xbox one over a PS4. The amount of exclusives is not one of them. Simple.