PS4 and 720 to be revealed in MARCH!! PS4 out the door first!


Drinks Blood from a Boot
May 1, 2012
I live in the United States
XBL creates the patches for games now?? How stupid are you dude?? Gears 2 don't get patched by "Microsoft".
The glitching is still rampant in Gears 2.

Shut up. You basically said nada.
Why is this clown STILL talking about Gears 2 for :wtf:
How would you know if glitching is still going on in Gears 2 if you hated it and haven't touched it in 4/5yrs :stopitslime:
This lying is very unbecoming bruh bruh.

As for patches, and how they work?
Update Xbox 360 Games | Update Xbox 360 Apps | Update Required Message -

You see smart guy, patches are needed because gamers can use exploits
And while these exploits can affect a game, they may also affect the network (aka XBL or PSN)
So via an exploit somebody could maybe do a bunch of damage

Sony know of this and is like "Man, we too broke to do anything about it"
They'd love to charge you for it to fix it, but you guys have already made a stand. Sony knows this, knows they'd lose even more business if they did that NOW
I'm sure your thinking PSN will be free next gen too.. probably heard sony say as much already too, huh man?
Cuz sony don't lie... and neither does you :ooh:
I'm truly enjoying watching this dude try anything that comes to mind at this point. TIME-OUT!!!

RUN!!! :ufdup:


May 24, 2012
Tha Land
You making it seem like as if every game ever given out on PSN Plus was a older title from a game that has a newer one out. Infamous 2, Uncharted Golden Abyss, and LittleBigplanet 2 are better than their predecessor according to mass reception. (UC:GA to UC1) so what are you saying? SSFIV:AE still is the most recent Street Fighter too. Also RE5 imo is better than RE6. It scored higher and had much better fan reception. RE4 is better than 6 so what is you saying?? San Andreas is considered better than GTA IV sooo.....What is you saying?
I'm saying old games aren't worth as much as new games. And games that people aren't buying anymore are worth even less. Sony gives you old games that people are not buying anymore for free with your ps plus subscription. Some of the games are good but if you wanted them you would have them already.

Why would you buy PSN plus if you didn't want the games offered by it?? Also PSN plus is optional where as you HAD to have XBL GOLD to get the Walking Dead a while ago on XBL. Going by your logic, you'd rather get a free redbox rental from time to time rather than having a Netflix subscription where you may run into movies you don't like. Only problem with that example is Redbox rentals are free but XBL Gold isn't. :ufdup:
:snoop: I wouldn't buy it. The first thing i said was IN MY OPINION PS PLUS ISN'T WORTH IT. If you find value in it great, I don't. Just like some people think it is worth it to pay for XBL. Depends on what you find value in.
Infamous 2 is $19.99 at Gamestop while LBP 2 is $26.99 at Gamestop used or $39.99 new.

Buying just those two games alone will cost you about $50 including tax-The price of a year's worth of PSN Plus where you get not only those same games, but a bunch of other free games, free themes and PSN avatars, free 1 hour game trials, exclusive early dlc and beta access(BF3 premium for example) and much more.
All of that is offered with XBL AND you get better online service. I guess it depends on if you'd rather extra games or better online service:manny:

What's an AAA title??

Don't give me your "opinion" on an AAA title though give me a factual game that's been called AAA by plenty of people in the game industry.
Uncharted is, infamous isn't. :manny:

According to you though it's better to just cop at Gamestop right? I mean it's better to rush the game in seven days and then try to return it right?? Most likely your not getting your money back for the used game though AND that to me is the hustle of a struggling gamer which is not what's hot in the streets. But yea tell yourself that.[/B]
It's better to chose which old games I do want to play and go buy them used. If I don't like them I can take them back. If I do like them I can play for a while then take them back when I'm done and get some of my money back, then I can put that money back into buying more games. With a lot of the promotions going on at GameStop $50 goes a long way.

except that PS3 sold 77 million and 360 sold 76 million which trumps your sales point. Reviews?? Of what???
The metacritic scores are roughly the same across most games that are on both systems. 360 has less exclusives so what are you even saying?? UC2 , LBP 1, MGS4, God of War 3 etc have high metacritic scores. There's about 11 exclusive PS3 games in the 90's percentile on Metacritic. Don't bother showing me a 1 or 2 point difference among the same game because real world players won't notice that Shepards elbow is less jaggy on Xbox or some other minor shyt.
Sony hasn't SOLD 77 million units. One report of a projection that hasn't even been proven or even confirmed by Sony claims that 77 milion units have been SHIPPED. Other publications including sony's and microsofts own numbers still have xbox360 outselling ps3. Even still At 77 million and 76 million shipped I think it's safe to say that they are about even when it comes to consoles sold. A better more quantifiable way to look at the success of the consoles is games sold. More games are being sold and played on Xbox than on ps3. Multiplatform games always sell more and perform better on Xbox. And xbox exclusives always sell more than ps3 exclusives. The rest of it is just opinion, like you said all of the games are rated pretty high by critics, so the only objective way to look at it is sales.

Yea each trial requires basically $60 and if you forget you stuck with a game you don't want and that's a trip to the store each time. :stopitslime:
:what: don't know what your talking about here. But i was just talking about buying a used game and taking it back if I don't like it. I bought little big planet 2 for $17 bucks. I didn't like it so I took it back.

Yea it's just you, someone who'd rather take periodic trips to gamestop in 7 day intervals to return games that he rush to beat so he can keep reusing the same $60 over and over. :laff:

Paying for coupons and free games/trials that I may or may not want is not appealing to me. I'd rather choose the games I purchase and play.


May 24, 2012
Tha Land
Anyone in their right fukking mind that truly thinks that Live > PSN+ right now is either full of shyt and/or trolling. A few loose leaf gimmicks simply does not compare to free and discounted games & cloud saving, across two systems at that for the price of one.:yeshrug:

More people are playing games on XBL than PSN. More people have purchased XBL gold than ps+ I guess there are a lot of full of shyt/trolling people out there.


May 6, 2012
I'm saying old games aren't worth as much as new games. And games that people aren't buying anymore are worth even less. Sony gives you old games that people are not buying anymore for free with your ps plus subscription. Some of the games are good but if you wanted them you would have them already.

:snoop: I wouldn't buy it. The first thing i said was IN MY OPINION PS PLUS ISN'T WORTH IT. If you find value in it great, I don't. Just like some people think it is worth it to pay for XBL. Depends on what you find value in.

All of that is offered with XBL AND you get better online service. I guess it depends on if you'd rather extra games or better online service:manny:

Uncharted is, infamous isn't. :manny:

It's better to chose which old games I do want to play and go buy them used. If I don't like them I can take them back. If I do like them I can play for a while then take them back when I'm done and get some of my money back, then I can put that money back into buying more games. With a lot of the promotions going on at GameStop $50 goes a long way.

Sony hasn't SOLD 77 million units. One report of a projection that hasn't even been proven or even confirmed by Sony claims that 77 milion units have been SHIPPED. Other publications including sony's and microsofts own numbers still have xbox360 outselling ps3. Even still At 77 million and 76 million shipped I think it's safe to say that they are about even when it comes to consoles sold. A better more quantifiable way to look at the success of the consoles is games sold. More games are being sold and played on Xbox than on ps3. Multiplatform games always sell more and perform better on Xbox. And xbox exclusives always sell more than ps3 exclusives. The rest of it is just opinion, like you said all of the games are rated pretty high by critics, so the only objective way to look at it is sales.

:what: don't know what your talking about here. But i was just talking about buying a used game and taking it back if I don't like it. I bought little big planet 2 for $17 bucks. I didn't like it so I took it back.

Paying for coupons and free games/trials that I may or may not want is not appealing to me. I'd rather choose the games I purchase and play.

I feel as though your just being stupid for no reason. First off you don't "pay" for PSN plus in monthly increments. It's either a year or 3 months minimum so once you get it you end up having it for a long time. Right now I've had it for almost a year and the stuff I get for it outweighs the initial price. I've had access to lots of old games like Sonic the hedgehog 4, Sonic 1, PS1 games to play on my Vita, PSN games, full PS3 titles and not to mention I get early access to most beta's before PSN users and XBL users.

When I put it that way, you can clearly see that your not getting it for SOLELY ONE game. Your whole outlook is "Yo NBA Jam is free on PSN Plus that's worth $50!!"

No that's not it. I'm looking at the whole deal. Plus fukk what the hell you talking about XBL for offering all of this plus online?? Go ahead I'll wait. Post the games like LBP2, Infamous 2, SSFIV:AE and other full titles that you get for XBL GOLD membership. Show me since you said you can get all of the above. Your just replying just to seem like you saying something when it seems like your purposely being dumb.


May 24, 2012
Tha Land
I feel as though your just being stupid for no reason. First off you don't "pay" for PSN plus in monthly increments. It's either a year or 3 months minimum so once you get it you end up having it for a long time. Right now I've had it for almost a year and the stuff I get for it outweighs the initial price. I've had access to lots of old games like Sonic the hedgehog 4, Sonic 1, PS1 games to play on my Vita, PSN games, full PS3 titles and not to mention I get early access to most beta's before PSN users and XBL users.

When I put it that way, you can clearly see that your not getting it for SOLELY ONE game. Your whole outlook is "Yo NBA Jam is free on PSN Plus that's worth $50!!"

No that's not it. I'm looking at the whole deal. Plus fukk what the hell you talking about XBL for offering all of this plus online?? Go ahead I'll wait. Post the games like LBP2, Infamous 2, SSFIV:AE and other full titles that you get for XBL GOLD membership. Show me since you said you can get all of the above. Your just replying just to seem like you saying something when it seems like your purposely being dumb.
Not one of those games you mentioned is worth any amount of money to me. If I had a ps+ subscription I would be totaly disappointed. You won't admit it but you don't really play all those games, you may play them once or twice cause they are free but I'm sure that's about it.


May 6, 2012
Not one of those games you mentioned is worth any amount of money to me. If I had a ps+ subscription I would be totaly disappointed. You won't admit it but you don't really play all those games, you may play them once or twice cause they are free but I'm sure that's about it.

Exactly. You just have bad taste.

Also me playing a game once or a hundred times is irrelevant. Do you still play Gears of War 3? Halo 4?? That's it for Xbox though so what is you playing that PSN doesn't have??

I paid one time for something that lasts me a year. It's not a recurring fee where I evaluate the shyt each month.

I feel as though XBL is a waste of money to me. I pay for it once and sometimes I don't get on for weeks. I'll agree to disagree because this isn't going anywhere as I feel as though your just being disingenuous and close minded.

King Sun

Big Boss
May 11, 2012
Exactly. You just have bad taste.

Also me playing a game once or a hundred times is irrelevant. Do you still play Gears of War 3? Halo 4?? That's it for Xbox though so what is you playing that PSN doesn't have??

I paid one time for something that lasts me a year. It's not a recurring fee where I evaluate the shyt each month.

I feel as though XBL is a waste of money to me. I pay for it once and sometimes I don't get on for weeks. I'll agree to disagree because this isn't going anywhere as I feel as though your just being disingenuous and close minded.
hes actually telling you that "you" are not playing those games because he said so :troll:


Drinks Blood from a Boot
May 1, 2012
I live in the United States
But you the king of bringing up old shyt....
When its relevant :rudy:
This nikka bringing up Gears 2 to try to make a point about Lag TODAY :mindblown:
He didn't mention Gears 3, a game I've played with him plenty of times
A series he has openly said he likes MORE THAN THE UNCHARTED SERIES
Come on now, I know he rides for ps3, but do you guys have to play dumb because of it?
Thats what it takes to ride for the ps3? Seems kinda bytchmade :manny:
Exactly. You just have bad taste.

Also me playing a game once or a hundred times is irrelevant. Do you still play Gears of War 3? Halo 4?? That's it for Xbox though so what is you playing that PSN doesn't have??

I paid one time for something that lasts me a year. It's not a recurring fee where I evaluate the shyt each month.

I feel as though XBL is a waste of money to me. I pay for it once and sometimes I don't get on for weeks. I'll agree to disagree because this isn't going anywhere as I feel as though your just being disingenuous and close minded.
I just wanted to point it its hilarious how butthurt ps3 fanboys always scream "You only have Gears and Halo" like if every other game in existence isn't also on xbox and is extremely more popular and even runs/looks better.
Nope, lets focus on a ps3 game none of you even played since probably a year ago
Cuz in these talks, all you guys talk about is Killzone :ahh: Uh... MGS4 :noah:
Why these fools not talking about Socom 4 :russ: or MAG :deadmanny:
Mod Nation Racers... How bout that Playstation Battle Smash Bros clone they kept trying to hype up, yet nobody gives a half a fukk about.
PS3 supposedly has all the games, and you guys forget that the majority of them were straight up FLOPS.
How was Twisted Metal? Then the games worth mentioning, they all broken
Uncharted 3 has nikkaz under the levels all day. What kind of shyt is that :weirdo:
Show me where nikkaz are under the levels in Gears 3 or Halo 4 :popcorn:
hes actually telling you that "you" are not playing those games because he said so
Thats cuz we are not children over here like you guys seem to be.
I'm not sure how old you are, but you can't pass bullshyt off on adults, kid
Now whats your gamertag again :ufdup:
May 1, 2012
Damn can we get back to next gen talk....y'all are making this thread hard to read now....posts with like 10 different quotes and my Tapatalk looking like a ancient scroll n shyt smh

Sent from my Nexus 4 using Tapatalk 2


May 24, 2012
Tha Land
Exactly. You just have bad taste.

Also me playing a game once or a hundred times is irrelevant. Do you still play Gears of War 3? Halo 4?? That's it for Xbox though so what is you playing that PSN doesn't have??

I paid one time for something that lasts me a year. It's not a recurring fee where I evaluate the shyt each month.

I feel as though XBL is a waste of money to me. I pay for it once and sometimes I don't get on for weeks. I'll agree to disagree because this isn't going anywhere as I feel as though your just being disingenuous and close minded.

I have bad taste and I'm closed minded because I don't find old games that nobody bought when they were new appealing?

Cool story bro:rudy: