The pic was gears of war 3, friend.

I posted the wrong link and took it down but at least you see the faults in the 360. Now.
You're demonic trolling needs to end. Ive got to get out of these discussions. I can feel demons circling me when im in here. Chilling like burrrrrr, friend.
Bruh, you waited an hour just to post up a different pic

You original pic looked more like this
When I seen the actual pic, "meet me at the alter with your white dress" came to mind.
And besides, Killzone 3 was a horrible game. So why are you even talking about it like it wasn't? Seems like your just hyping up ps3 games again
Why yall nikkaz do that? You never see a xbox fan be like "Yo, Too Human was the best game ever made"
I know one thing, it was a better game than Killzone
And Halo 3 (Xbox Flagship title) didn't even run in native HD.
Halo 3 came out a billion years ago when 720p wasn't even standard... on either system

Your favorite shooter TODAY is battlefield 3. That game doesn't run native 720p either. PS3 gamers are SOHH uninformed, but what else is new???
And did you forget how the ps3, the only system with Tru HD graphics was supposed to be all 1080p, all the time? Yeah, you probably forgot all that...
they're incredibly important when it comes to shooters and racers
Don't forget fighters
I dont know what bad frame rate is friend. The last time i played a game with a noticeably bad framerate was when i played destroy all humans and saints row. You're doing too much. I dont see what you see and i have both systems. I dont see framerate issues on either system with my eyes. I do see Sub HD graphics in a systems flagship exclusive though. A billion dollar company cant even get their own games in HD. Microsoft has a lot of work to do if they want to catch up to the quality of ps3.
Funny, cuz I vividly remember YOU crying over how inferior Bayonetta was on PS3
Yup, I remember everything doggy
Ps3 will be that system. You will have more games available to you on the 4
Except for the fact the ps4 won't be out til 2014, but feel free to cry about it...
It sounds like you're just being idiotic for the sake of being so then. THere's way too many quality titles that drop throughout the year to be able to keep up with absolutely all of them, so to be able to get some free a few months down the line is hardly a worthless endeavor. Only someone that doesn't really play games would even think something that stupid would be fashionable to say. And the fact that you said that stupid ass comment above whilst also saying that some games are timeless classicks and have people willing to buy them whenever shows the ridiculous fallacy of that i".diotic "logic".
Bruh, you a grown ass man. Why is it the majority of ps3 gamers come off like they some 15yr old kids starving for anything "free"

Why you hate xbox? "Uh, well the online isn't free"
But then you wanna pay $60 a year to get a very limited amount of games that been out for YEARS?
be a much better solution if you doggin it that hard?
Yes it would be, so you guys are truly on some uber-fakkit-fragileistic-expialaHOEshyt
Anyone in their right fukking mind that truly thinks that Live > PSN+ right now is either full of shyt and/or trolling. A few loose leaf gimmicks simply does not compare to free and discounted games & cloud saving, across two systems at that for the price of one.
1. There is NOTHING free on PSN, you paid $60 to play a game I'd give you for free. No lie, no fanboy fodder. I'd hand you Res.5 Bioshock 2 and not ever think about when you gonna return them.
2.) Troll or Fanboy if you think XBL is better?
I guess the majority of gamers disagree with you and are trolls. XBL has over 50million paying members. How many ppl have PSN+?
Jack Buser, senior director of PlayStation Digital Platforms, declined to give that number during a brief phone chat with me yesterday, but waved me off from thinking it's a sign that the rather excellent Plus isn't drawing paying $50-a-year users.
"We are extremely proud of the number," he said, before saying that, no, he wouldn't answer my question of whether the Plus subscriber count has seven figures or not. "We don't share that number."
If you can't read between the lines of bullshyt, its cuz you are a troll my man...